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The III Percent had one goal entering this war, “Remove Sun from the coalition equation” and do it by Thanksgiving.

We failed our objective, but did we?

We have dealt far more damage to them than they have to us, forced POW's from an alliance several times our size, and generally got them so damned focused on the III Percent that they aren't quite the same against GATO.

Which had Esoteric and myself questioning why Freelancer would want us to leave our AA and exit this war, then it occurred it us. For years he’s always thought of his alliance mates’ well-being before his own.

To quote a post made by Esoteric on our Forums

“My nation is “Contumacious” defined simply stubbornly disobedient & rebellious, that is the very essence of the III Percent.

Freelancer I’m sorry you are no longer capable of leading our destiny. Esoteric and I are taking over the Military apparatus of this alliance to ensure its rightful place in the annals of history.

I’d like to thank Hime Themis and The Order of The Black Rose who spent hours of their time negotiating a proper exit for some of us; unfortunately we can’t in good conscience accept any of these terms.

If you’re asking why, it’s quite simple.

To: Lightning Jack From: King James II Date: 11/26/2013 3:52:37 PM

Subject: LMFAO

Message: Funny you attack us then $%&*@ about us rolling you guys hahaha enjoy

Thank You for invigorating us, I have news for SUN, were not going anywhere YOU ARE!





However we wouldn’t want The OBR’s time being wasted, at 6:00pm CST Esoteric, Gibson and myself will be coming out of peace mode, and not only do we challenge SUN’s upper tier we dare them to come out of peace mode, though given your prior actions we suspect you will remain there throughout this war, we have a word for that at the III Percent COWARD!

For the next 48 hours The III Percent will offer the same refuge that Fen Dorbek offered to us.

The terms are as follows.

I will transmit the following message of acceptance of these terms to Esoteric, General of the Militia of the III Percent , and Dame Hemis Themis of the Rosular Kingdom.

I, [ruler name] of [nation name] hereby agree fully and completely to the “Terms of Release from III Percent War Targeting” in order to achieve peace with the III Percent.

Once asked, I will immediately leave the State of Unified Nations alliance and join the good people of the Rosular Kingdom. I will not re-enter the current conflict by declaring any wars, conducting any spy operations or transmitting any Foreign Aid to any nation or any alliance currently involved in the conflict, either directly or indirectly.

I abrogate my right to represent myself to the Rosular Kingdom, and furthermore abrogate all rights to negotiate, modify, or interpret these terms

The III Percent and the Rosular Kingdom shall retain the right to review and monitor my nation for compliance, and to prosecute, cooperatively, non-compliance in a just, fair and expedient manner.
I pledge to uphold my duty assumed under this agreement by remaining a member in good standing and under the graces of the Rosular Kingdom until such time as these terms become irrelevant.

This offer expires 12/3/13 at 6:00 pm cst, any crying afterword’s you can join your comrades at GATO POW. A wise nation leader would take this offer; it relives you of the burden of the word “surrender” and gives you a proper place to economically survive the horrors of war.

Now to another matter, to the terrorist known as Mogar, we know you like attention and you’ve got ours. For the attempted assignation of the Honorable Freelancer. The Illustrious Chairmen Xiao and the Lovely Lady Dakota. Your sentenced to ZI, were hoping our comrades at the NPO do the job for us, in the event they can’t you’ll notice Alley Kat (who now holds a record compliments of you) and Lightning Jack have dropped dramatically in NS. Once they get out of anarchy and start selling tech back to our upper tier, you’ll be meeting them who will have judicious vengeance on their mind, congratulations, we don’t care what it costs or how long it takes.

This has been an official III Percent Broadcast.

Edited by Crask Mann
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Dame Thermis was not the only one willing to allow you to exit this war, I will ensure that you and any others who refused our most gracious offer are knocked down a few hundred thousand NS.


Now to another matter, to the terrorist known as Mogar, we know you like attention and you’ve got ours. For the attempted assignation of the Honorable Freelancer. The Illustrious Chairmen Xiao and the Lovely Lady Dakota. Your sentenced to ZI, were hoping our comrades at the NPO do the job for us, in the event they can’t you’ll notice Alley Kat (who now holds a record compliments of you) and Lightning Jack have dropped dramatically in NS. Once they get out of anarchy and start selling tech back to our upper tier, you’ll be meeting them who will have judicious vengeance on their mind, congratulations, we don’t care what it costs or how long it takes.

You will not ever see me at ZI, do not ever threaten me unless you actually have the strength to back it up, I will ZI Freelancer Xiao and Lady Dakota before you see my nation sub 100 infra. Your alliance will fall, but I welcome you to send nations after me that will actually fight back, I have done 14115ns in damage to your alliance while only recieving 544 in return, make no mistake, I will bury you.

Edited by Mogar
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For the attempted assignation of the Honorable Freelancer. The Illustrious Chairmen Xiao and the Lovely Lady Dakota. Your sentenced to ZI, were hoping our comrades at the NPO do the job for us, in the event they can’t you’ll notice Alley Kat (who now holds a record compliments of you) and Lightning Jack have dropped dramatically in NS. 



How terrible the world has become when terrorists carry out horrific assignation attempts in broad daylight.

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The III Percent had one goal entering this war, “Remove Sun from the coalition equation” and do it by Thanksgiving.

We failed our objective, but did we?

We have dealt far more damage to them than they have to us, forced POW's from an alliance several times our size, and generally got them so damned focused on the III Percent that they aren't quite the same against GATO.

Which had Esoteric and myself questioning why Freelancer would want us to leave our AA and exit this war, then it occurred it us. For years he’s always thought of his alliance mates’ well-being before his own.

To quote a post made by Esoteric on our Forums

“My nation is “Contumacious” defined simply stubbornly disobedient & rebellious, that is the very essence of the III Percent.

Freelancer I’m sorry you are no longer capable of leading our destiny. Esoteric and I are taking over the Military apparatus of this alliance to ensure its rightful place in the annals of history.

I’d like to thank Hime Themis and The Order of The Black Rose who spent hours of their time negotiating a proper exit for some of us; unfortunately we can’t in good conscience accept any of these terms.

If you’re asking why, it’s quite simple.

To: Lightning Jack From: King James II Date: 11/26/2013 3:52:37 PM

Subject: LMFAO

Message: Funny you attack us then $%&*@ about us rolling you guys hahaha enjoy

Thank You for invigorating us, I have news for SUN, were not going anywhere YOU ARE!





However we wouldn’t want The OBR’s time being wasted, at 6:00pm CST Esoteric, Gibson and myself will be coming out of peace mode, and not only do we challenge SUN’s upper tier we dare them to come out of peace mode, though given your prior actions we suspect you will remain there throughout this war, we have a word for that at the III Percent COWARD!

For the next 48 hours The III Percent will offer the same refuge that Fen Dorbek offered to us.

The terms are as follows.

I will transmit the following message of acceptance of these terms to Esoteric, General of the Militia of the III Percent , and Dame Hemis Themis of the Rosular Kingdom.

I, [ruler name] of [nation name] hereby agree fully and completely to the “Terms of Release from III Percent War Targeting” in order to achieve peace with the III Percent.

Once asked, I will immediately leave the State of Unified Nations alliance and join the good people of the Rosular Kingdom. I will not re-enter the current conflict by declaring any wars, conducting any spy operations or transmitting any Foreign Aid to any nation or any alliance currently involved in the conflict, either directly or indirectly.

I abrogate my right to represent myself to the Rosular Kingdom, and furthermore abrogate all rights to negotiate, modify, or interpret these terms

The III Percent and the Rosular Kingdom shall retain the right to review and monitor my nation for compliance, and to prosecute, cooperatively, non-compliance in a just, fair and expedient manner.
I pledge to uphold my duty assumed under this agreement by remaining a member in good standing and under the graces of the Rosular Kingdom until such time as these terms become irrelevant.

This offer expires 12/3/13 at 6:00 pm cst, any crying afterword’s you can join your comrades at GATO POW. A wise nation leader would take this offer; it relives you of the burden of the word “surrender” and gives you a proper place to economically survive the horrors of war.

Now to another matter, to the terrorist known as Mogar, we know you like attention and you’ve got ours. For the attempted assignation of the Honorable Freelancer. The Illustrious Chairmen Xiao and the Lovely Lady Dakota. Your sentenced to ZI, were hoping our comrades at the NPO do the job for us, in the event they can’t you’ll notice Alley Kat (who now holds a record compliments of you) and Lightning Jack have dropped dramatically in NS. Once they get out of anarchy and start selling tech back to our upper tier, you’ll be meeting them who will have judicious vengeance on their mind, congratulations, we don’t care what it costs or how long it takes.

This has been an official III Percent Broadcast.


I lol'd. You sir, are a something truly "special".

Edited by commanderragnar
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and just for the record brobro, freelancer knows you guys are going to lose this war and was attempting to help you, now your nations will burn, SUN will still emerge victorious, and you will have sacrificed years of work for nothing, not to mention dear leader is not long for our world, your coup may succeed but you will still lose either way.


Edited by Mogar
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Wait. A coup, surrender terms, and something else??? I'm really not sure what to get out of this improperly-placed announcement, aside from the fact that you need to edit your posts before submitting them and that you have unreasonable delusions of grandeur.

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Wait. A coup, surrender terms, and something else??? I'm really not sure what to get out of this improperly-placed announcement, aside from the fact that you need to edit your posts before submitting them and that you have unreasonable delusions of grandeur.


The excessive use of bold doesn't help, either.

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For the record, Themis, SUN, and I agreed to let these nations out of the war, this post and the intention behind it to attack SUN nations is a slap in the face to that agreement we all made, if anyone actually was wondering what he was talking about with Themis/OBR.

Edited by Mogar
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Mogar is the friendliest terrorist ever. That said, I agree. He should be punished for his attempted assignation. How dare he try to have an affair. 


He'll bounce back from ZI and you'll regret those threats. Enjoy your limited time on this planet, 3Tards. 

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I have attempted to reach out to every member of 3%, I am hopeful the more level headed will heed my warning and accept a surrender, death appears to be their new leadership's goal, but I outright refuse to be threatened with ZI, I will continue my attacks against 3% nations until this war is over, or an apology is posted admitting there is no basis to ZI me.

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Attempted 'assignation'...sounds serious.   <_<


I'm also not sure that it means what you think it does, unless you are accusing Mogar of trying to meet Freelancer for a secret tryst.


Edit: Good luck sorting this one out, Hime Themis.

Edited by ChairmanHal
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Gentle Persons


 When I was approached to try to extricate a group of nations from a war I was told they did not approve of I was honoured. We had the opportunity to help an old friend from Brain. Freelancer worked for the best interest of this group against his own best interests. for their benefit. SUN and their leader Fen Dorbek acted in a manner above reproach and offered as all can read an exit for those nations that chose it that did not even require a surrender. I am truly honored to have dealt with the people of SUN who approached this with dignity and class. They could have simply said no or a far more flavorful response.They did not and to them an Freelancer I say thank you and sadly we could not bring value to your honest efforts.


 I do not have a comment on the internal dealing of III percent as it is by its definition internal. However I would have felt a more decent way for these nations to have gone was to first inform OBR so we could have with courtesy respond to the negative with SUN. Instead I had to send a message after 2 days asking what was taking place and this thread was the response. In future your nations might consider the idea of a simple polite no thank you and not attempt to use a very decent offer to you as a very discourteous and disrespectful propaganda venture.


 You have sadly made our gesture more difficult for others in future. I have zero problem with your declining the offer made to you and continuing in the fight but honour and valour dictate not using a peace negotiation to coup your leadership and flip the bird to those who offered their respectful peace to you.


Dame Hime Themis

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Apologies if my tone set the mood for your own Dame Themis, I just genuinely dislike when someone goes back on a deal in which someone else stuck their neck out for, I felt as though this was a slap in the face for attempting to help them achieve peace.

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CN politics would be so much nicer if people make at least a minimum of effort when it comes to diplomacy.


I can't say I support any of the parties involved herein, but I highly doubt this was necessary. In any case, the war will make for a good spectator sport.

It really hasn't been, Pacifica is the only one providing a challenge.


You will always be Amanda Buckman 3%.

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