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From the Kashmiri Consular Office of Bear Force One

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7 pages of Kashmir mostly talking to themselves. I love it.
Congrats Kashmir on your new gov! Kenny is a cool guy.

We're too irrelevant for anyone else to talk to us. We give ourselves attention.

Thanks braj.

If this game ever dies, look at yourself in the mirror and say thankyou.

ooc: Happily.
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I like that everyone who has posted itt with the "don't care" attitude so far has two qualities:

A very strong penchant for commenting things which aren't relevant to them

An IQ lower than the average ACT score


Ladies and Gentlemen: A succinct summary of every Goons and MK post ever.

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I anticipated some jimmies were going to get rustled, but I wouldn't have guessed from whom and why. Thanks for keeping me on my toes.


Now normally I'm the first to contend that announcing government changes is pointless and unnecessary (as pointless and unnecessary as when your very ally, Fark, does it, NPL, and fancy that, you hail it rather than pointing out the absurdity!); we do have something called Wiki after all.




You people?  :facepalm:   Your saber rattling is kinda funny bro.  "Pretty please, can you attack us, even though we already peaced out our war-fearing precious senator."


With certain people incapable of reading the left side of the screen, how can we expect them to go all the way to some kind of Wiki for relevant information?

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People have been throwing words around, like 'try hard' and 'irrelevant', and have generally been acting especially un-excellent to one another. I am a newer nation ruler and I don't know many other alliances besides what I see posted on the OWF, or through conversations had on irc and in embassies/consulates across Planet Bob. I harbor no ill will toward any alliance in existence at this time and am honestly confused regarding the amount of hate and trash talking being done in this thread. I read the OWF on and off and see announcements announcing far less than government changes (with not nearly as much effort given to the entertainment factor) every day. Normally there's someone from this side of the web, or that side of the web, either hailing this or that alliance of their side of the treaty web, with possibly someone like Rey or broncoskid8 attempting to rile a few people up for one reason or another.


While it's true that members of my alliance like to rile people up, and it's true again that people like that exist in every alliance, the amount of meaningless and inane banter is ridiculous. I've never heard of NPL until their nuclear week event that they held on their forums. I thought it was kind of silly but I didn't go to their thread and call them irrelevant. 


Kashmir was founded with the intention of remaining as unattached to the treaty web as possible. While at this point in time we can easily be viewed a part of one side versus another, we do not consider ourselves a member of this or that side of the treaty web. In all our announcements, and in embassy discussions held across Planet Bob we have always tried to make our emphasis on independence paramount. We didn't choose to align ourselves with NSO and LPH in a back channel in order to gain access to this or that sphere or coalition. They were simply the two alliances who became our friends after a period of membership interaction and forum conversations. 


I've never had the opportunity to speak with many of the posters in this thread who seem to have something against my alliance, and I am disappointed in that. I'd like, here and now, to extend an invitation from me personally for us to get to know each other. In this regard I do not speak for my alliance, I speak as an individual (something that Kashmir also attempts to preserve). 


That being said, thanks to friends and current strangers who have made this thread hilarious. 

Edited by YOLO SWAG
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Sorry, I'm a Tiger and everyone knows Tigers > Bears, even if they are the polar type.  

No, you're still the same awful Polar apologist you've always been. I can hardly blame anyone for making the mistake. If I ran around talking about how great MK was I wouldn't be surprised if people mistook me for one of their members.


There are times I think Polar may have sent you over there just to convince the world that there are people outside of their alliance that like them. It's not working. And don't you go on yakking about Polar's allies. Even they think that alliance is terrible. Trust me, I've spoken with them.


Yes, in the same way I am basically a tugboat

Yes, I always imagined you as the most pitiable of boats.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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No, you're still the same awful Polar apologist you've always been. I can hardly blame anyone for making the mistake.
There are times I think Polar may have sent you over there just to convince the world that there are people outside of their alliance that like them.

In all honesty, this is quite likely.

Kashmir was founded with the intention of remaining as unattached to the treaty web as possible. While at this point in time we can easily be viewed a part of one side versus another, we do not consider ourselves a member of this or that side of the treaty web. In all our announcements, and in embassy discussions held across Planet Bob we have always tried to make our emphasis on independence paramount. We didn't choose to align ourselves with NSO and LPH in a back channel in order to gain access to this or that sphere or coalition. They were simply the two alliances who became our friends after a period of membership interaction and forum conversations.

Aye. This was my main attraction to Kashmir. The words of hate from Polarsphere and befuddlement at the CPA indicate how poorly this independence is perceived/ understood. We'll continue to play the Kashmir way, hopefully with Polar & the apologists as confused as ever; it's not often there's a success story like ours.
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No, you're still the same awful Polar apologist you've always been. I can hardly blame anyone for making the mistake. If I ran around talking about how great MK was I wouldn't be surprised if people mistook me for one of their members.


There are times I think Polar may have sent you over there just to convince the world that there are people outside of their alliance that like them. It's not working. And don't you go on yakking about Polar's allies. Even they think that alliance is terrible. Trust me, I've spoken with them.


I was discovered. Aborting the mission, I repeat, aborting the mission.  :ph34r: 

RV, if everyone dislike Polaris as you say, NSO must be really incompetent because even wanting to roll an alliance disliked by everyone they still can't do it.  :facepalm:

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I don't see anyone from Polar government saying anything to anyone.  If I was to guess, I would suggest that BF1 declared war on us and have expressed a desire to see it through to its bloody end.  Polaris has accepted this at face value and will oblige by providing the aforementioned bloody end.  The peanut gallery, as usual, has other agenda and conspiracy theories that they like to speculate about, but, as usual, the peanut gallery has no actual idea of what Polar's response will be to to any situation.  So before you speculate as to what Polaris might say, you may well do better by actual asking Dajobo directly, he is full of answers.


As we sit right now, there is no issue, BF1 wanted a war, they have one and everyone involved is quite happy with the situation.  The people unhappy with the situation appear to be those who can not quite get it together to attack us directly, having counted once twice and thrice and come up short every time.  It is simple, if you want to declare war on Polaris, you simply type up your DOW, post if here for all to see and then have at it.  BF1 seemed to understand this, I am not sure why others are having such difficulties.


Now Repent and Worship me you filthy sinner.



I have seen the light! Forgive me oh great one :P

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