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a question of this war.


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this war is dumb and the people who started it are dumb.

any leadership telling its coalition that this war is "almost over just as soon as _____ backs out" is lying to you.


I think the promises are the exact opposite.  Long war ahead so you will get chance to get some action before its over.    

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The purpose of the war is the destruction of the current hegemony.


The purpose is the overthrow of the current benign, tolerant order and its replacement with a brutal imperialism of the kind witnessed in the days of the old Hegemony, before it was overthrown in the Karma war.

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doesnt anyone else see the pointlessness in this pathetic war?        or am i the only one?



give some feed back?



it's pretty much a war to change the overall political landscape of CN as a whole as we know it. on top of that it's attempting to bring the high tech/money nations down to reasonable size with the rest of us meaning more equal wars (for a limited time atleast). we'll see if any of these actually happen but it's going to be fun seeing how power grabs during the war and after will turn out.

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The purpose is the overthrow of the current benign, tolerant order and its replacement with a brutal imperialism of the kind witnessed in the days of the old Hegemony, before it was overthrown in the Karma war.


While the current hegemony is better than the previous, your assertions that the current one will be replaced with the previous one is ridiculous. While I understand your point from a propaganda perspective, it is nothing but empty rhetoric as many on this side were the ones who helped topple the old hegemony.


Thus your logic is fallacious as it rests on the premise that those of us who fought against the old hegemony wish to return to it. But please continue with the empty and pointless rhetoric as it is quite amusing to see. It only shows that the situation on your side of the fence is not as peachy and rosey as y'all make it out to be. Otherwise, you would not fall to using such propaganda.


If this hegemony was as benign and tolerant as you make it out to be, can you please answer how the hell y'all managed to piss off much of the world?

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Envy  :smug:


hahahahahaha. (Thanks, I am now getting yelled at by my wife for waking up the 3 year old she is babysitting...) And know, I don't mean that laughter in a bad way, just in that I genuinely found it funny. While, I will admit to being envious of Umbrella, TOP, and MK; I actually don't like much of the antics done by MK and the rest, nor the fact that those antics are supported by you and the rest.


For your post though, you definitely deserve the following:



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Thanks for the cake :D I was going to suggest that the real reason is sense of humour failure, but you and others show that it is not so. I think rather it is more the inevitable turn of the wheel, as your odd coalition suggests with its chosen title. But I also do think that people should be aware of what their efforts will bring about. If there is a period of multipolarity, or rather a more evenly distributed multipolarity than at present, after this, that will not be the end of it. A new hegemony will more than likely assert itself. And since the current situation is the most benign so far, the odds are that it will be less benign than at present. Unless one subscribes to a naive progressivism, of course. But if one did, this wouldn't be about equilibrium.

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Thanks for the cake :D I was going to suggest that the real reason is sense of humour failure, but you and others show that it is not so. I think rather it is more the inevitable turn of the wheel, as your odd coalition suggests with its chosen title. But I also do think that people should be aware of what their efforts will bring about. If there is a period of multipolarity, or rather a more evenly distributed multipolarity than at present, after this, that will not be the end of it. A new hegemony will more than likely assert itself. And since the current situation is the most benign so far, the odds are that it will be less benign than at present. Unless one subscribes to a naive progressivism, of course. But if one did, this wouldn't be about equilibrium.


Personally, should the world become more multi-polar and evenly distributed, I foresee more "Karma" style wars to displace whatever new hegemony manages to reach the top. (well that is what I am hoping for, more wars that are far more equal than in the previous years). Simply put, I feel that whatever alliance/bloc/group manages to replace y'all, they will be at least as "benign" as you not less. Otherwise, people would be far quicker to attempt to bring them down and in a more multi-polar world, it may prove easier to build a coalition to do so.

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Pretty sure he's referencing AI and Umb. As far as I'm aware those are the two that started it. 


The war is bigger than those two alliances. So really, it was a silly point to attempt. Neither Ai or Umb make up the entire leadership of their respective Coalitions.

Edited by President S O
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The purpose is the overthrow of the current benign, tolerant order and its replacement with a brutal imperialism of the kind witnessed in the days of the old Hegemony, before it was overthrown in the Karma war.


Indeed, it's too bad we'll miss the benign genocidal persecution of DoomHouse, we just couldn't appreciate it when it was there.

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Were you under a rock for the last 2 years or is there something wrong with you


It's hard to tell with you RIA types whether you're being random or insane or attempting to be serious. Anyway, if you weren't here back when things were really bad, then you can be excused for perhaps mildly objecting to the past couple of years. If you were here before Karma, when jackboots marched over anyone who didn't suck up to the hegemonic power, then there can be no excuse for such bizarre exaggeration about the post-Karma order. So are you just new here or are you insane/random?

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It's hard to tell with you RIA types whether you're being random or insane or attempting to be serious. Anyway, if you weren't here back when things were really bad, then you can be excused for perhaps mildly objecting to the past couple of years. If you were here before Karma, when jackboots marched over anyone who didn't suck up to the hegemonic power, then there can be no excuse for such bizarre exaggeration about the post-Karma order. So are you just new here or are you insane/random?


Well, considering how many times DH/co rolled over SF/XX, one could easily imagine what they feel about who had the jackboots on.

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