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Upper End of the War

Vasily Blyukher

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You'll (CnG) lose allies one way or another. If you decide to stick with DH after the pre-war promises, expect cancellations from non-DH allies.


There are exactly one (NG) non-DH ally who came to bat for CnG so its not like it would change anything.

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You'll (CnG) lose allies one way or another. If you decide to stick with DH after the pre-war promises, expect cancellations from non-DH allies.


There are exactly one (NG) non-DH ally who came to bat for CnG so its not like it would change anything.

When push comes to shove you learn alot about how people view you.   Edited by Feanor Noldorin
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As far as 30mn aid drops go... that worked extremely well for GOONS during Doomhouse-NPO, didn't it? Did NPO secretly gloat that they destroyed GOONS that war?

We did gloat actually, someone, I think Baka worked out that the amount of aid sent to GOONs from umb was more than the reps NPO had to pay after karma ;) Edited by Charles Stuart
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You'll (CnG) lose allies one way or another. If you decide to stick with DH after the pre-war promises, expect cancellations from non-DH allies.

God this is amazing,  TPF at it's finest.


1. Ignore defense treaties with allies GATO and InT, to bandwaggon on TOP.

2. Threaten to drop treaties with said allies if they do not do drop treaties.

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You'll (CnG) lose allies one way or another. If you decide to stick with DH after the pre-war promises, expect cancellations from non-DH allies.


I really hope you're first in line to drop your CnG treaties.

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Never let it be said that MK didn't smile every time a TPF member posts.


Might as well throw Deinos in there too!


I'm sorry TPF, was that supposed to be threatening to anybody in CnG?  You straight-up ignored them despite them being in more need of aid.  Hell, I'd cancel on [i]you guys[/i] if I were in CnG.

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Since this war has been incubating for months prior to the DoW, we knew how our allies would land. GATO told all her allies that we wouldnt ask for support, that is the world wanted to beat DH we'd take our licks and move on. Of course at the same time we (CnG) were negotiating to keep it from happening, but you cant cover the sent of blood from sharks. waka waka waka.

To be clear, no bad blood between TPF and GATO.

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All I am getting from this thread is a that a few elite nations that the OP is apparently able to list by name as there are so few of them in the grand scheme of things, will be able to happily stand upon the ashes that were the vast majority of their alliances and declare victory.


The fact is, DH cannot hurt Equilibrium. Hell, several Equilibrium alliances (Sparta, Fark) have picked up Sanctioned alliance status due to this war, and the Sanctioned DR alliances are more or less standing steady now that DH is hard pressed to counter any them. Sorry, I have a very different definition of what victory looks like, and saving 60 nations from annihilation at the cost of 1,700 nations give or take, does not constitute victory. If playing keep away by burning through the vast majority of your members to save some ancient piles of tech constitutes victory, well then bravo. *golf claps*. You have "won".


Digging your signature, whomever made it created true propaganda.

Edited by Tick1
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Personally I expect the DH side to completely control 100k and up, but I would be really impressed if they can push that control down to the 80k and up range.  I dont think we have the numbers to control 50k and up.

that's my read too: BTW good fighting with ve :popcorn:

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Might as well throw Deinos in there too!


I'm sorry TPF, was that supposed to be threatening to anybody in CnG?  You straight-up ignored them despite them being in more need of aid.  Hell, I'd cancel on you guys if I were in CnG.

Ignorance is bliss apparently.

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I still don't understand why you are rocking that signature, maybe you didn't get the memo or maybe you just like to destroy Umbrella and your allies? Cause that's all I'm getting from it since you don't know who the turtle is.

I thought we agreed we weren't going to tell them who Ramen mew mew is?

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Might as well throw Deinos in there too!
I'm sorry TPF, was that supposed to be threatening to anybody in CnG?  You straight-up ignored them despite them being in more need of aid.  Hell, I'd cancel on you guys if I were in CnG.

Its not TPF's allies that started the war, it was CnG's ally that initiated hostilities and got a response for it. Edited by shahenshah
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I thought we agreed we weren't going to tell them who Ramen mew mew is?

Maybe you dont understand that others may not take your propaganda as intended by you, and are just having fun with it their way.

Especially if they aren't in your camp, so to say.


When trying to portray someone in a propaganda bid, one must use some basic recognizable symbols of the target easily seen as such to all on all sides, put in whatever context one wants. A turtle for NPO, aint cutting it really. Never did. That is why it was always very poor propaganda bid as it was basically just an inner circle joke. Yes, in some beat downs on them previously many of NPO nations turtled. So in the war when that propaganda was developed. But so are Umbrella nations I encountered in this war. So many others. Its a valid war tactic of the individual warring nations if they so calculate it. 


There is a rich pick of characters far more easily, intuitively and widely connectible to NPO with which one could have fun in a propaganda bid.

A turtle named meow moew? LOL, that really isnt one. I am sure it makes great sense to you, but not really to all.


Wow, a lot of pages. Even a specialized terminology used. Fun read. Of course, when you strictly deal with numbers you cant deal with other even more crucial factors. They are less tangible so impossible to quantify in neat analysis. Of course, those factors are political. This is a game of politics in an engine of admins design. The mechanics went as they were expected to. Can they go any other way? That one or the other party could have done better, sure. But ultimately, even that human factor went as expected really. How will it end and where shall it lead us, well that will be determined largely by the politics of the situation. Everybody will get their share of wanted destruction. This war is good that way.

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Its not TPF's allies that started the war, it was CnG's ally that initiated hostilities and got a response for it.


Actually no, the act of initiating hostilites means attacking, and it was not Umbrella who engaged AI first, but rather AI who engaged Umbrella. 


The reason given for attacking Umbrella was as good as any, but at least take responsibility and say you attacked Umbrella and own up to it.  Being the agressor is fine, which is what you are, just be honest with it.  


However the who started it doesn't really matter now that the war has kicked off.  To be honest both sides wanted it to come at some point, if it hadn't kicked off when it did instead of talking about the war people would be whining that it hadn't happened yet. 


We both know this spin on trying to say Umbrella started it is to maintain support for this war against us so you can reference Umbrella as the big bad evil that needed to get stomped out.  You need us to be the villian.  The truth is that nobody here is a hero standing up for the innocents, everyone is guilty in this war. 

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Maybe you dont understand that others may not take your propaganda as intended by you, and are just having fun with it their way.

Especially if they aren't in your camp, so to say.


When trying to portray someone in a propaganda bid, one must use some basic recognizable symbols of the target easily seen as such to all on all sides, put in whatever context one wants. A turtle for NPO, aint cutting it really. Never did. That is why it was always very poor propaganda bid as it was basically just an inner circle joke. Yes, in some beat downs on them previously many of NPO nations turtled. So in the war when that propaganda was developed. But so are Umbrella nations I encountered in this war. So many others. Its a valid war tactic of the individual warring nations if they so calculate it. 


There is a rich pick of characters far more easily, intuitively and widely connectible to NPO with which one could have fun in a propaganda bid.

A turtle named meow moew? LOL, that really isnt one. I am sure it makes great sense to you, but not really to all.


Wow, a lot of pages. Even a specialized terminology used. Fun read. Of course, when you strictly deal with numbers you cant deal with other even more crucial factors. They are less tangible so impossible to quantify in neat analysis. Of course, those factors are political. This is a game of politics in an engine of admins design. The mechanics went as they were expected to. Can they go any other way? That one or the other party could have done better, sure. But ultimately, even that human factor went as expected really. How will it end and where shall it lead us, well that will be determined largely by the politics of the situation. Everybody will get their share of wanted destruction. This war is good that way.


Still doesn't make it any less hilarious to see the Ramen mew mew "propoganda" from your side.


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Still doesn't make it any less hilarious to see the Ramen mew mew "propoganda" from your side.

To you, of course. What I replied to in your post, is the notion that the re spin of that propaganda bid is used without proper knowledge of it. So smirk, smirk dey dumb. Quite the contrary. The entire notion of how it was designed is known and disregarded.

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