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[quote name='Devilyn Caster' timestamp='1354512843' post='3059860']

i have to agree with him there; the one time I fought TPF was back in noCB, and they weren't slouches. and they've showed up in every other war, even when they were vastly outnumbered. Though the prosy "The phoenix hungers" lines do confuse me; what do you hunger for? You're saying that you don't desire a fight with MK yet you're insinuating the exact opposite. so which is it?
"The Phoenix Hungers" is an old school TPF motto.

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1354484812' post='3059648']
[b]Alliance Name:[/b]Kaskus

Maybe, just maybe, he was taking that at face value...

Maybe he should stop being lazy and actually put some effort into his retorts. But yea, I get ya, it's totally my fault he's lazy and stupid and never bothered to check my real AA before making that comment, my bad. I mean it's not like anyone else has different affiliations in their OWF account details :facepalm:

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1354516774' post='3059899']
every possible crusade ever

Dinner later? :3

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354518118' post='3059911']
Maybe he should stop being lazy and actually put some effort into his retorts.
Or maybe you should stop being the lazy one and change the Alliance Name you have listed. Do you check to make sure the person you reply to has the same AA as the one provided? Come on. Is Tora Tora Tora really your nation?

Edited by Gibsonator21
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354518118' post='3059911']
Maybe he should stop being lazy and actually put some effort into his retorts. But yea, I get ya, it's totally my fault he's lazy and stupid and never bothered to check my real AA before making that comment, my bad. I mean it's not like anyone else has different affiliations in their OWF account details :facepalm:
detlev level arguments itt

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The sad factor here is how someone's alliance determines whether their comment is retarded or not.

[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1354521511' post='3059931']
actually flak is a good poster unlike you

The only MK poster who isn't terrible is Ardus. You are probably one of the dumber ones.

Edited by Ogaden
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1354518118' post='3059911']
Maybe he should stop being lazy and actually put some effort into his retorts. But yea, I get ya, it's totally my fault he's lazy and stupid and never bothered to check my real AA before making that comment, my bad. I mean it's not like anyone else has different affiliations in their OWF account details :facepalm:
Yes we're all lazy and stupid for not verifying the AA in-game of every poster we respond to, and not the people who can't be bothered to change their OWF account details.

If you don't want people to think you're a member of Kaskus, don't have their AA here.

[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1354521567' post='3059932']
The sad factor here is how someone's alliance determines whether their comment is retarded or not.
There are a handful of people on your side who are decent posters, like Gibsonator. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, their voices tend to be drowned out by the dumb ones.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1354522714' post='3059938']
There are a handful of people on your side who are decent posters, like Gibsonator. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, their voices tend to be drowned out by the dumb ones.

That was my other mission.

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[quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1354465213' post='3059511']
Oh how little you know. It's cute. It really is.
you've already thrown in your lot this time around, the question is more of, will you actually learn something from this or are you content to be lapdogs forever, 3 out of 4 of you I expect to say yes, INT is the only one I have hope for eventually realizing they chose the wrong clique.

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The assumption underpinning the OP and many posts by DH-aligned members seems to be that there is some loosely aligned coalition that is slowly forming for the sole purpose of taking down DH. But this says as much about the projection bias of those posters as it does about any material changes that have occurred to the political status quo.

If [url= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113982&st=300#entry3055745]Ardus[/url] is to be believed, MK is determined not to initiate a conflict, to prevent any opportunity that this hypothetical coalition might have to attack it. But if many alliances consider their own security to be a key objective of their political strategy, and they no longer have to fear an aggressive protagonist in MK, then the hypothetical war does not need to be fought because the objective has already been achieved.

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[quote name='Sir Humphrey' timestamp='1354537999' post='3059966']
The assumption underpinning the OP and many posts by DH-aligned members seems to be that there is some loosely aligned coalition that is slowly forming for the sole purpose of taking down DH. But this says as much about the projection bias of those posters as it does about any material changes that have occurred to the political status quo.

If [url= http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113982&st=300#entry3055745]Ardus[/url] is to be believed, MK is determined not to initiate a conflict, to prevent any opportunity that this hypothetical coalition might have to attack it. But if many alliances consider their own security to be a key objective of their political strategy, and they no longer have to fear an aggressive protagonist in MK, then the hypothetical war does not need to be fought because the objective has already been achieved.

E-lawyering no more war..

That's it boys, lets all delete now.

Edited by Stewie
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Ahh. nothing like knowing you've gotten under peoples skin when all the post is, "your a $#!+ poster!". You might as well have just posted, "No U!!1!1!" and called it a day. What's happened to MK/DH/TOP? I thought you guys had "huevos" aplenty. This proves that it was always a numerical herculean strength that went along with your talk. I'm not insinuating that all of you are crap. By no means, but the very, very few are swallowed up in the sea of turds. Nothing is going to happen because, "WE. DID. NOT. DIE." and we never will.

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[quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1354518550' post='3059912']
Dinner later? :3

[b]Or maybe you should stop being the lazy one[/b] and change the Alliance Name you have listed. [b]Do you check to make sure the person you reply to has the same AA as the one provided? Come on. Is Tora Tora Tora really your nation?[/b]

Was I the one trying to use a crap retort without making sure i was correct? Nope. I never knew the onus was on me to make it easier for people to try and insult me. Great logic.

I do when I'm trying to insult that persons AA. :facepalm:

[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1354521511' post='3059931']
actually flak is a good poster unlike you

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What else do I need to say on that one. He's on par with you!

[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1354522714' post='3059938']
[b]Yes we're all lazy and stupid for not verifying the AA in-game of every poster we respond to, and not the people who can't be bothered to change their OWF account details.[/b]

If you don't want people to think you're a member of Kaskus, don't have their AA here.

There are a handful of people on your side who are decent posters, like Gibsonator. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your perspective, their voices tend to be drowned out by the dumb ones.

Again for the slow witted, when you're making a comment on someone to insult them, to save actually looking like a mong, put the leg work in and make sure the basics are there first, like AA.

If I'm going to rip into your AA, then I'll at least have the common sense to check you're a part of that alliance. Pretty simple stuff really, or maybe not for some ;)

I love the MK rush and lacky rush on my comments though, It's nice to know I can envoke such actions. Thanks.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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