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DoW (SDU v.s. the IAFG)


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[quote name='ericcarlson' timestamp='1353474648' post='3055423']
I find it funny that Winner claims we started a new alliance because the IAFG has been an alliance for some time. He use to be in it. Also him declaring war is a cry for attention. We are a two person alliance that shows no threat to the SDU. What is Winner truly trying to accomplish?

Shut up and take my money/soldiers. Down with Winner12345.

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1353472243' post='3055407']
Winner12345 --

Couple things:

1. Does the rest of your alliance know about this war? I ask only because [b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113802"]in this thread[/url][/b], you declared war on GOONS. A few threads later, [b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113812"]we found out that the other leader of your alliance was surprised to find himself at war with GOONS[/url][/b]. War is something you should check out with your government first. Does the rest of SDU and it's government know about this war? Because you may be dooming them all.

2. Did you tell your protector about the war? I have a protector as well, and I ALWAYS tell them before I declare war. When someone takes you on as a protectorate, they are in some way putting themselves on the hook for anything you do. If you do something stupid, it makes them look bad too, and can get them in serious trouble.

3. Did you actually secure a protector yet? Because if you didn't, they may back out of it now. As much as you shouldn't declare your existence without protection, you should also not enter into a controversial war in the middle of negotiating your protection agreement. GPF, if they were considering taking you on, were doing so at considerable risk to themselves -- this was really a good deed they were doing, above and beyond the call. You've likely made it impossible for them to carry through. I suggest you contact Lurunin from PPO and see if he will be your back up if the GPF deal falls through. Tell him I sent you.

4. Remember my advice to your alliance in a pm? It was: Protector, Flag, Charter, Wiki, Announcement, and don't post on the OWF again until you've got all those in order. You need to get some street cred. [b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114031&hl=winner12345"] In this thread, you were a bit of a laughingstock[/url][/b]. People were making fun of you, and then the thread ended. Why? [b][url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114031&#entry3054537"]Because you posted this[/url][/b], and it was reasonable and logical and there was nothing more to make fun of. Until now. So again, I say: Protector, Flag, Charter, Wiki, Announcement, and don't post on the OWF again until you've got all those in order.

5. Attacking people because they leave your alliance is bad for several reasons. First, it is perhaps the [b]worst[/b] recruitment tactic ever. Second, you spent a lot of time telling us you weren't communists -- SPOILER ALERT: that is what communist nations do. Third, even the most domineering, #$$hole-style alliances on Planet Bob don't engage in this activity, and won't support you in this. Justifications for war have really taken a downturn in the last few years, and yet you have managed to lower the bar. Some of these people telling you you are in the wrong should strike you like Keith Richards telling you you have a drug problem, You really ought to listen when that happens.


[b]"Hey mate -- you might be hittin' the drugs a bit much."[/b]

Thanks - these links have just filled my day with half an hour of laughter!!

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[quote name='Icewolf' timestamp='1353492930' post='3055502']
The greatest irony here has to be that whilst Winner brags of the awesome military under his command, it is left to the IAFG to actually fight the war. The only wars declared and being fought are those launched by the IAFG, presumably in response to the postings here.
[color=#0000ff]How can this be? Winner12345 commands a mighty military of seventeen nations.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1353509123' post='3055556']
[color=#0000ff]How can this be? Winner12345 commands a mighty military of seventeen nations.[/color]

Fifteen. Look's like SDU's president surrendered :v:


Edited by Jesusfreak
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[quote name='Jesusfreak' timestamp='1353512264' post='3055570']

Fifteen. Look's like SDU's president surrendered :v:


Aye, I'm done with him

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[quote name='Jesusfreak' timestamp='1353512264' post='3055570']
Fifteen. Look's like SDU's president surrendered :v:

[color=#0000ff]No. That's merely their (formerly) largest nation. Their president would be President Steven or Paradisa, the other nation Eumirbago is hitting. He's nearly as obnoxious as Winner12345, although Winner12345 still takes the cake. What a Winner12345![/color]

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[quote name='Caustic' timestamp='1353507337' post='3055546']
Looks like you pissed off a nuke capable nation... SDU WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???? :smug::smug::smug::smug:

Tickets are a dollar each!

[quote name='PARTYANIMAL123' timestamp='1353522332' post='3055620']
I'm not obnoxious and the SDU flys the flag of disbandment,

We are reuniting on <another game>, a better game where we are protected and we actually have a chance
Given that most of the people in that realm are folks that are here as well.... i wish you good luck in this "take my ball and go home" maneuver.

Edited by Helbrecht
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[quote name='Winner12345' timestamp='1353452827' post='3055220']
IAFG does not and we are working on one with the GPF.

Let me make this perfectly clear, WE are considering YOU. Not the other way around. We have proven ourselves to be a legitimate alliance, while you on the other hand have not. Also you declared war when your CB was nothing but smoke and mirrors. This makes me cautious of touching you with a ten foot pole. You forget as well, all of this talk between us about possibly considering doing this originated when one of our members asked for your nation to get protected so our members trade would be safe. That is the only reason this came up in the first place.

[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1353472243' post='3055407']
3. Did you actually secure a protector yet? Because if you didn't, they may back out of it now. As much as you shouldn't declare your existence without protection, you should also not enter into a controversial war in the middle of negotiating your protection agreement. GPF, if they were considering taking you on, were doing so at considerable risk to themselves -- this was really a good deed they were doing, above and beyond the call. You've likely made it impossible for them to carry through.

This sums up about what I am thinking perfectly. Read it... and understand it well, because it is what more than one of our government members thinks.

That being said, I hope you can convince the government of GPF (myself included) to support you, because you seem to need it.

Also to the rest of the world, as mentioned previously this evolved out of securing our alliances trade interests. We would not have done anything like this otherwise. We actually have terms they have to abide by if they even hope to sign a treaty with us. One of these terms is "1 post per month on the OWF" and "No posting on the OWF unless it is congratulating another alliance on something being signed." This makes us think twice since these terms have already been broken. We here at GPF are not fools.

Edited by chaosclanlord
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i am now forced to stop all negotiations on a Protectorship with the Social Democratic Union.

This war is unjust, i believe nations should be allowed to leave freely and if they wish to threaten then it is fine if they have a reason.

Sorry for the rest of the SDU.

As Secretary General and leader of the Global Protection Force i declare negotiations with the SDU over until
[b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=50991"]Winner12345[/url] is no longer making these decisions.[/b]


Edited by markfrancos
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[quote name='HM Solomon I' timestamp='1353451413' post='3055197']
Well, first of all, [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Social%20Democratic%20Union"]you have 16 nations[/url]. Second of all, your alliance has zero wonders, no nukes, and an average nation strength of 1,735 (and three of your nations are in peace mode, so you actually only have 13 nations that can engage targets). Your alliance is so small, it isn't even ranked, so I wouldn't go around boasting of your power (since it doesn't exist).
14 now, soon to be 1.

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[quote name='markfrancos' timestamp='1353531780' post='3055741']
i am now forced to stop all negotiations on a Protectorship with the Social Democratic Union.

This war is unjust, i believe nations should be allowed to leave freely and if they wish to threaten if they have a reason.

Sorry for the rest of the SDU.

As Secretary General and leader of the Global Protection Force i declare negotiations with the SDU over until
[b] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=50991"]Winner12345[/url] is no longer making these decisions.[/b]


A wise announcement from a wise man. He speaks for all of our government in expressing these sentiments.

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[quote name='PARTYANIMAL123' timestamp='1353522332' post='3055620']
I'm not obnoxious and the SDU flys the flag of disbandment,

We are reuniting on pixel nations, a better game where we are protected and we actually have a chance
[/quote]You had two offers of protection. You blew them both. You were not raided out of existence. You had a chance. You brought this on yourselves.


By being so arrogant as to believe that making it just happens. You assumed that you deserved the respect of a great alliance because "some day" you would be one. That led you to believe you could take treaties still being negotiated for granted. That led you to believe you had the right to hold members against your will. That made you act as though you were the greats of CN when the reality is that your alliance is tiny and exists simply because no one decided to make it stop existing.

You had the chance. You had the same chance that every major alliance had when they started. And you blew it. You presumed that greatness was something deserved. You assumed that your half arsed charter and crackpot ideals made you an equal to alliances with over half a decade of experience and power behind them.

If you try again, here this. You are not great. You are not powerful. Your existence depends on others. Be grateful to them. One day you may be great. But it will take a lot of work. The respect that comes with it must be earned. It cannot simply be expected and demanded.

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Its kind of sad that SDU could of been a legitimate and fruitful alliance before Winner forced himself to leadership.

Maybe if Winner spends time learning about CBs on the wiki and how the political game works, he won't have to use a Casus Belli modeled on the MK standards.

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='WarriorSoul' timestamp='1353536625' post='3055783']
If GPF were to have actually taken the SDU on as a protectorate, I feel that a name like

"The Shut Your God-Damn Mouth So It Stays on Your Face Accords"

Would be appropriate.

That would be about what we would name it... lol. We seriously told them, the ONLY way your getting us to even consider being your protectorate is to shut up on OWF so we don't have to put out a new fire of yours every day.

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