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Alliances Throughout the Years


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[quote name='GinoTheRoman' timestamp='1358122796' post='3075962']
PrF - September 2006
NAAC - September - October 2006
Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations - October 2006 - Present

now that you're back i gotta let Lanna know :P

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I started Dec 26th 2007. Heard about the game on another game (Hi Cerridwyn!!) although I didn't join Ubercon.

Was recruited by ShawnNL into [b]ISSF[/b]. After a brief start, ShawnNL went missing in action and ISSF was left in the hands of bk and myself as MoFA. ISSF was probably my favorite time in the game. Great community and was a fun time in the game.

[i]ISSF [/i]and [i]CMEA [/i]murged to form [b]Orion [/b]We did this weird dual positions bit to make sure both alliances felt welcomed and not snubbed. The gov of CMEA and ISSF clashed too much eventually (bk rubbed the CMEA guys raw'ish). bk went inactive. I was left running Orion. Eventually, due to RL constraints, I made the decision to close down Orion.

I messaged all members and told them I was joining [b]iFOK [/b]and encouraged them to join, though it wasn't an official merger.

When iFOK merged and became [b]Non Grata[/b] I went along for the ride. It's been really a great journey as I've been around many of the same people my entire time here. And while I may push buttons with people just to rile them up (hi arexes! avengerNL, KX) I wouldn't trade the group of people I've been around for anything. They're the only reason I'm still in this land..

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[quote name='Master Hakai' timestamp='1353995946' post='3057368']
\m/, RAD. the only two alliances
RAD was RAD join RAD :D

Fark for about 2 years
CSN for just over a year
Athens for just shy of a year
Thriller for almost a week
Olympus for i think almost a year which became Ai ..for however long ive been on the AA

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Hmm, not sure that any cares, but I'll jump in on this, too.

[b]LSF[/b] (Libertarian Socialist Federation): [i]2007 - 2008[/i]. Not sure when I joined. Sometime after my nation was founded in late April. ZI'd during the NoV-LSF War, and blacklisted by NoV to boot. Got bored, followed my buddy Marshal Tito over to SPQR.

[b]SPQR[/b]: [i]2008[/i]. Stayed a short time. I don't remember anything about the alliance, except that they were nice enough to resist GPA's demands to expel me so that I could be punished (I believe the sentence was ZI, but I could be wrong). My crime? During my tenure in the LSF, a member apparently shared GPA's [i]war guide[/i] on our forum. As the LSF had no formal government, it was deemed that all LSF members were equally guilty. The fact that I had never seen any guides nor was I even aware of their existence was deemed irrelevant to whatever GPA kangaroo court that convicted me. Got bored again, followed my buddy Marshal Tito over to CPCN.

[b]CPCN[/b] (Communist Party of Cybernations) and [b]INT[/b] (The International): [i]2008 - January 2013[/i]. I count this as one stretch. INT was formed in January 2009 when CPCN merged with post-Silent SE (Socialistic Empire) and most of TRF (The Righteous Fist). I held various gov positions in both alliances. I'm also skipping over a 30 day stint in MK (I ragequit after losing an election, but came crawling back). Highlights include the INT/LEO assault on NPO in Karma and the NEW-DF War (Arexes was nice enough to credit us with escalating that one, and I happily plead guilty-as-charged). Got tired, headed over to MK.

[b]MK[/b]: [i]My present and my future[/i]. Outside of INT (obviously), perhaps the greatest alliance ever to have graced Planet Bob. I can think of no place I'd rather spend my twilight years. Nothing but rest, relaxation, and shuffleboard, interrupted only by the occasional nap.


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[quote name='TRON IX' timestamp='1354492767' post='3059705']
I've never actually left an alliance. I guess I'm just one of those few Loyalists out here.
And you see any of these alliance hoppers in High Gov positions?


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[quote name='Comrade Craig' timestamp='1358667002' post='3080837']
Hmm, not sure that any cares, but I'll jump in on this, too.

[b]LSF[/b] (Libertarian Socialist Federation): [i]2007 - 2008[/i]. Not sure when I joined. Sometime after my nation was founded in late April. ZI'd during the NoV-LSF War, and blacklisted by NoV to boot. Got bored, followed my buddy Marshal Tito over to SPQR.

[b]SPQR[/b]: [i]2008[/i]. Stayed a short time. I don't remember anything about the alliance, except that they were nice enough to resist GPA's demands to expel me so that I could be punished (I believe the sentence was ZI, but I could be wrong). My crime? During my tenure in the LSF, a member apparently shared GPA's [i]war guide[/i] on our forum. As the LSF had no formal government, it was deemed that all LSF members were equally guilty. The fact that I had never seen any guides nor was I even aware of their existence was deemed irrelevant to whatever GPA kangaroo court that convicted me. Got bored again, followed my buddy Marshal Tito over to CPCN.

impressive history,


LSF 07-08, deleted/quit, 10-present

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I've been in CCC since the start of CN career in Spring 09. I'll share the story of how. I joined CN in Spring 2009 after my RL buddy who was in NPO kept bugging me to join. For about a month I wandered the abyss of the unaligned, despite my friends plea to join him in NPO. I was bombed with recruitment messages from such AA's as 1TouchFootball (I got one from them nearly every day). One day, I got a recruitment message from the CCC. They offered a whopping 1 mill bonus for joining. Being the noob that I was, I decided I would join the CCC and once I got my 1 mill bonus I would leave for greener pastures. 1 mill is a lot of money in CN right?! Once I got my 1 mill, I planned to help build a new AA called the Arctic Byzantine Alliance with some other noobs I ran into for reasons I cannot recall. But, I couldn't figure out how to change my AA and I was getting bored. I decided to go rogue and attack the Western Empire. Threats by the CCC to punish me drew me back to their forums where I quickly convinced them I was just experimenting and declared accidentally. I then realized the Karma war was raging and I didn't have to be bored anymore. CCC was fighting TPF, 64 Digits, NEW, Soldier, Terra Prime, and Old Guard. I jumped in and fought right up to the end when TPF surrendered. After that, my fate in CCC was sealed. I had made so many new friends, got involved in low level gov IA and military command. Here I stay.

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Unaligned -- January 29th, 2008 - September 4th, 2008

Federation of Buccaneers -- September 4th, 2008 - January 21st, 2010

Poison Clan -- January 21st, 2010 - ~March 2nd, 2010

Unaligned -- ~March 2nd, 2010 - December 18th, 2010

Umbrella -- December 18th, 2010 - Current

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That's be hard to recall. Heck, I sometimes remember previous nations I had. I'm a doddering old man these days. I started in May 2006 with the New Pacific Order (like many people who migrated over from NationStates). I went through two leftist alliances, The Legion, MCXA (longest stint), alliances on Blue and Yellow. A couple micros (I like small-scale government). I never wrote most of this down, so dates are pretty arbitrary. I was in MCXA for Unjust, and Vox Populi for Karma, and served in the ICP shortly before the first war against them.

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New Eclipse Order, March 2008-June 2008: My first alliance. Was recruited by a RL friend. Alliance went to crap after the ruler decided, "Hey, wouldn't it be fun to bribe a RoK member to be our Minister of Defense, then attack a large micro?"


SOLID, June 2008-July 2008: Was only there from the end of NEO till what I learned was the Pacifica-Polaris crisis. I didn't pay attention to CN politics at the time, so all I knew was the friends that had joined SOLID after NEO disbanded were leaving, so I did too. I was there long enough to fight in the BLEU-GUN War, though.


FnKa, July 2008-August 2009: Helped form this alliance with my friends. Became Minister of Foreign Affairs after a month despite not knowing a damn thing. I literally in-game messaged a Poison Clan member with, "Hey, want to form an alliance?" Fought on NPO's side in Karma despite disliking them intensely. Thanks a lot, TOOL. Was highly disappointed when this alliance reformed, because it was a shell of its former self.


The Resistance, August 2009-June or July 2010: Merged FnKa with MOON after talking about it all summer. Was an incredibly fun alliance to be in for a while. Spent most of my time as the second-in-command, with a brief one-month stint as Prime Minister, despite still learning the game. Fought in BiPolar against a bunch of alliances. Was even more upset when King Death II tried to reform this alliance, because it was my baby.


ODN, July 2010-present: Honestly, my favorite alliance I've ever been. There's always something to debate, and it's incredibly fun. I spent more than a year in the Senate, and one two-month term as Secretary of State. Honestly, I did a crappy job as SoS; my interest in the game was waning. SoS was the position I had aspired to since I joined, and getting there wasn't the peak I expected it to be. I've thought about leaving several times, but I'm not going anywhere.

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Some might say I was a bit of an alliance hopper back in the day:


First nation (October 2006)

NAAC - First alliance I joined, left after gw2.

BTA - left after they surrendered in GW3 to CIS?

PLUS - through UJW, left to form TAE with friends

TAE - Left after about two months, didn't work out for me

Atlantis - Stayed there until it was beginning to fall apart, left right before it officially disbanded.

GATO - I stopped off somewhere, then when 1v-GATO broke out I joined GATO to fight against the hegemony.

UNOS - Formed with friends from PLUS and elsewhere post 1v-GATO. Fought with NV in NoCB against 1v. As we were still semi-small we couldn't survive and post war disbanded.

TOOL - There for a while, left to join Athens.

Athens - Fought through karma, deleted post war (maybe during war I don't remember) due to RL.


Honestly might be one or two more up there ^ I joined for like a month, I don't remember


Current nation: (September 2010)

ODN - Stayed bout three months until I found out lots of my old friends were in Nueva Vida.

NV - Stayed through PB-NpO, NV was disbanding so I joined TLR.

TLR - Close enough to ODN, so left for ODN

ODN - There for like a year, bored

VE - Stayed for two months or so, great alliance but missed my buds

ODN - Still here.

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Legion - watched GW2 form the sidelines, got rolled in GW3, left

\m/ - fought in some random wars, got rolled in the UjW, disbanded

GPA - left cuz Valid was screwing up

Grämlins - deleted because I was incredibly bored

NPO - left to join RAD

RAD - was awesome, merged

Bel Air - left cuz it sucked

MK - was pretty cool, left to fight Polar

\m/ (2nd) - left due to disagreements with gov

Callisto - left because i really wanted a break

Umbrella - was pretty awesome

IRON - was cool to hang out with some friends, but Iron didn't feel like a good fit for me

Prototype - was pretty cool, left to fight in this war

Umbrella - currently in Umbrella, waiting to come out of PM to come get me some of EQ :D


Edit: somehow the post screwed up formatting, hopefully is fixed now

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started off as Audragon (aka F'lessen)in Nemesis joining a real life friend, after a few months left with a few others to try to start the Station. that fell apart and joined the Lost World. Got fed up with the people there and quit cn only to come back in my current nation. Joined the Rosular kingdom when I came back, stayed about a year then after some personality clashes with a few there decided to leave and joined pax corvus and have been there about 14 months to the present day

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started off as Audragon (aka F'lessen)in Nemesis joining a real life friend, after a few months left with a few others to try to start the Station. that fell apart and joined the Lost World. Got fed up with the people there and quit cn only to come back in my current nation. Joined the Rosular kingdom when I came back, stayed about a year then after some personality clashes with a few there decided to leave and joined pax corvus and have been there about 14 months to the present day

You should prod Kataklizm and tell him to come back. Also, I saw T-O-P on IRC yesterday, so there's a small amount of us ex-Nemesis lying around.

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