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[color=#282828][font=helvetica][11:53] <@Teh1337Guy> Eventually someone came across a reference to biodad, and in typical MK fashion, a member of ours tracked him down on facebook and friended him[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][11:58] <@Teh1337Guy> at this point we were like "$%&@ they sound liek awful parents"[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][11:58] <@Teh1337Guy> but still kept to ourselves[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica]Sounds like something B would do.[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica]And it appears they rewrote the english language to give "keeping to ourselves" a different meaning than what normal people know it to be.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica][11:59] <@Teh1337Guy> oh !@#$ i forgot to mentions hoo and kk literally dont let her use the internet or have a cell phone at 17 !@#$@#$ years old[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:00] <@Teh1337Guy> "she might have been kicked out from her home, im working with the PD to see if there's a way to have her released to my custody and not that toxic environment"[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:00] <@Teh1337Guy> so they literally kicked her out and then reported her missing[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:01] <@Teh1337Guy> they are !@#$@#$ awful parents and people[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:01] <@Teh1337Guy> and i !@#$@#$ hope biodad gets to save her from that environment[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica]01[12:02] <&Gibsonator21> as $%&@ed up as their RL may be, the trolling of them is pretty !@#$%*, still[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:03] <@TheListener> they kinda brought it upon themselves[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:04] <@Teh1337Guy> you are a !@#$@#$ idiot if you support any of the actions they have done as parents[/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:04] <@Teh1337Guy> and they deserve to be $%&@ed with for what they did to the people whio ACTUALLY !@#$@#$ know them irl[/font][/color]
[b][color=#282828][font=helvetica][12:05] <@Teh1337Guy> trolling them on the forum is the least we can do to show how !@#$@#$ despicable they are as human beings[/font][/color][/b]

I think it would be worse parents if they brought up little s**ts like these guys.
Ah but the past is in the past, though they are probably still idiots.

Edited by Commander shepard
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This seems to be a drastically different response compared to a relatively recent event before this regarding a certain prominent white supremacist.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Altheus' timestamp='1349866349' post='3039403']
Fair enough. :)
most of my posts are sarcasm.
[quote name='Litha Riddle' timestamp='1349872063' post='3039413']
So MK wants us to listen to their side of the story, but never gave KK and Hoo the chance to give their side? They just took one guys word who they just met on another medium?

Hypocrisy at its finest folks.
no no, it's only their side that matters, thats the part you're missing, obviously KK and Hoo weren't on MK's political side, so their opinions didnt matter.
[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1349874416' post='3039421']
This seems to be a drastically different response compared to a relatively recent event before this regarding a certain prominent white supremacist.
WN are acceptable as long as they support MK ICly.

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I didn't like what MK did, and I didn't like what people did in regards to the WN either. While on the one hand I am glad these incidents are not forgotten, I am quite disheartened to see them brought up in this forum again. That conversation is old and it's awful and it's[i] stupid[/i], my god, who listens to someone's ANGRY EX for a character reference?

I know you guys posting these convos are trying to show that mk was being horrible and that two people were unjustly persecuted. So happens I agree, but these convos are just putting hoo & kait on trial over & over again, unable to speak in their defense. To be fair, the Kingdom can't defend themselves here either. Can we go back to some kind of IC accountability discussion perhaps? The thing that happened to hoo & kait was not fair by any stretch, but neither is this line of discussion.

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[quote name='Kryievla' timestamp='1349894398' post='3039493']
I know you guys posting these convos are trying to show that mk was being horrible and that two people were unjustly persecuted. So happens I agree, but these convos are just putting hoo & kait on trial over & over again, unable to speak in their defense. To be fair, the Kingdom can't defend themselves here either. Can we go back to some kind of IC accountability discussion perhaps? The thing that happened to hoo & kait was not fair by any stretch, but neither is this line of discussion.

I can respect that.

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[quote name='Litha Riddle' timestamp='1349872063' post='3039413']
So MK wants us to listen to their side of the story, but never gave KK and Hoo the chance to give their side? They just took one guys word who they just met on another medium?

Hypocrisy at its finest folks.
You're catching on, Litha.

[quote name='Kryievla' timestamp='1349894398' post='3039493']
I didn't like what MK did, and I didn't like what people did in regards to the WN either. While on the one hand I am glad these incidents are not forgotten, I am quite disheartened to see them brought up in this forum again. That conversation is old and it's awful and it's[i] stupid[/i], my god, who listens to someone's ANGRY EX for a character reference?

I know you guys posting these convos are trying to show that mk was being horrible and that two people were unjustly persecuted. So happens I agree, but these convos are just putting hoo & kait on trial over & over again, unable to speak in their defense. To be fair, the Kingdom can't defend themselves here either. Can we go back to some kind of IC accountability discussion perhaps? The thing that happened to hoo & kait was not fair by any stretch, but neither is this line of discussion.
There is no trial here. I literally care not about that because it's not my business.

I won't simply ignore the incident to protect KK and Hoo. I'm sure they would appreciate people sticking up for them.

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The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal lives with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1349930044' post='3039762']
The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal li ves with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

That one person made the mistake of sharing does not then create any equivalance to the choice of another to do monstrous harm with that which had been shared.

I am all for keeping Bob distinct from other realms, but trying to equate Hoo and Kaits failings with the actions of the people who did such inexcusable things with the knowledge of those failings is a false dichotomy at best and intellectually dishonest at worst.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1349923976' post='3039724']
One liner, one liner, one liner, one liner.

That's all you bring to the table.

The day people like you are worth anything more than a one liner is a day I will relish for a long time. Until then it's nothing but the disappointment I've come to expect from people like you, Gibs and others due to your blatant hypocrisy.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1349940938' post='3039901']
The day people like you are worth anything more than a one liner is a day I will relish for a long time. Until then it's nothing but the disappointment I've come to expect from people like you, Gibs and others due to your blatant hypocrisy.
hypocrisy from your side is acceptable, hypocrisy from ours is not, isn't that... hypocritical?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1349930044' post='3039762']
The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal lives with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

If she wanted to be left alone, she shouldn't have dressed that way.

Why didn't he leave his turban at home if he didn't want trouble?

See, when we blame the people who get hurt because they did "X", we validate the crime. What was done was terrible, and the perpetrators are at fault, not the victims.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1349930044' post='3039762']
The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal lives with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

I do agree with your position on the "moral of the story" If you guard your personal life (OOC) it wont be carried over into (IC), a position I have advocated since joining the realm early 06. That being said, what you have to guard against is people of no moral character, which is what we have here. Yes, in essence they created the situation that lead to others harming them but and this is a big one, their foolish disclosure in no way excuses to dispicable actions taken against them by a group of OOC internet thugs.

@ goldielax25, aside from they never should have shared their OOC do you, personally feel what others did to them was correct, and more so, was it correct to involve all us players by plastering it in the owf?

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1349930044' post='3039762']
The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal lives with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

Kryievla, this is why we mention this stuff, because people actually believe !@#$%^&* like this.

Goldie you're a smart guy so surely you see how terrible this logic is. I'm not sure how the legal system in your nation works, but in my nation if someone is murdered we don't say "shouldn't have been near the killer"; if someone is raped we don't say "shouldn't have been so attractive"; if someone has their identity stolen we don't say "should have picked a better pin number lololol". This is terrible logic and if you truly believe this you need to sit down and do some introspection.

[ooc] I agree with what an MKer said a while back ago (maybe it was Ardus). This shouldn't be a rallying cry IC against MK. That is hypocritical. Besides it wasn't just MK supporting this crap.This should be an issue of what we want our community to be like. We need an OOC consensus that in our community OOC will not be tolerated in any way. We have had such consensuses before on things like EZI and Viceroys, so it's not out of the question.

Btw if anyone wants a good explanation of the event I would talk to Rampage. He was friends with people on both sides and is usually a level headed guy and gave the best explanation of what happened overall. I talked to several MKers including Leet, people far on the other side of the issue like Scatt, and many others. However, Rampage in my opinion gave the most concise and informed story over a private query[/ooc]

Edited by Omniscient1
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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1349940938' post='3039901']
The day people like you are worth anything more than a one liner is a day I will relish for a long time. Until then it's nothing but the disappointment I've come to expect from people like you, Gibs and others due to your blatant hypocrisy.

OK people show is over, Gibs is the real evil mastermind in CN. You can all go home now.

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[quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1349930044' post='3039762']
The moral of the story is if you don't want people gaining access to your personal life and potentially affecting it, don't parade it all over the internet. Some people have too much of a history of sharing their personal lives with anyone they come across, and it is only natural for IC rivalries to spill over into OOC when people make such a big deal out of their OOC in a setting where people are behaving IC. The information should never have been shared as freely as it was, and the people who posted the call for help should never have posted it. When it became clear that the call for help was based on exaggerations, misrepresented facts, and in some cases, lies, that it ended up blowing up in their faces was really a natural conclusion. Do I agree at all with people attempting to further affect their personal lives as some people attempted (and succeeded?) at doing? No. But people should shed no tears for the fact that their IC personas were destroyed by the incident, because when you blend IC and OOC as much as they did, you are opening the door for people to have their opinions of you in one realm affect their opinions of you in another.

From what I remember, Hoo and Kait made an OOC call for help. In no way did they blend it with IC. MK was the only one who crossed that line. Frankly, if you are incapable of separating IC and OOC, you should probably not play this game or any game for that matter. It is not that hard to keep IC and OOC separate. I talk to many people OOC that ICwise I do not like. Why? Simple, IC does not interefere with OOC and OOC does not interefere with IC. It really is not that hard to keep the two things separate.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1349494567' post='3037811']
Because your alliance once had the stones to attempt the destruction of MK, but after TOP's defeat the mushrooms domesticated you. Looks like TOP is perfectly following the maxim who says: "Don't bite the hand that feeds you". MK gave you the conditions to go after Polaris and as reward you are acting like perfect puppies, but may be I'm wrong and you're just planning the best moment to abandon MK like you did to NPO before Karma, only time will tell.

Also Hello :)
We have the balls to do what is necessary but the problem isn't with us, it's with you.

When it came to the war that would give the lulz crowd the ability to rule this world your crowd abandoned us. You lack the courage to do what is necessary because it went against your precious morals and your paper treaties. Afterwards your treaties were torn apart and you, alongside the remnants of the SF, XX and Polar sphere's were curb stomped again and again and again. You'll find no sympathy from me.

Your question is will we abandoned MK? My answer is for what? To lead or stand beside alliances who spineless and inept? Sorry but we've been there and done that and the experience was terrible. I'd rather people call us domesticated than have to deal with those folks again.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1349949844' post='3039927']
If she wanted to be left alone, she shouldn't have dressed that way.

Why didn't he leave his turban at home if he didn't want trouble?

See, when we blame the people who get hurt because they did "X", we validate the crime. What was done was terrible, and the perpetrators are at fault, not the victims.

Don't stretch it that far, we aren't talking about rape, and we aren't talking about religious crimes. We are talking about people in a text based game bringing their real life into the text based world over a process of years, and having them attacked for that text via text-based methods. This is the internet, it can be a scary place. The best advice I could give someone for avoiding people messing around in their real life is to keep it away from the internet.

[quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1349969934' post='3040001']
@ goldielax25, aside from they never should have shared their OOC do you, personally feel what others did to them was correct, and more so, was it correct to involve all us players by plastering it in the owf?

Do I think the personal attacks were correct? No. However, I do believe that people have every right to hold OOC things about them against their IC personas and their alliance, because they blended their OOC so deeply into their IC. In that regard, the FB things and whatever else happened to them personally is not right, but their IC humiliation when the facts came out is not egregious.

[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1349978338' post='3040066']
From what I remember, Hoo and Kait made an OOC call for help. In no way did they blend it with IC. MK was the only one who crossed that line. Frankly, if you are incapable of separating IC and OOC, you should probably not play this game or any game for that matter. It is not that hard to keep IC and OOC separate. I talk to many people OOC that ICwise I do not like. Why? Simple, IC does not interefere with OOC and OOC does not interefere with IC. It really is not that hard to keep the two things separate.

My point was that they had blended their OOC and IC so much over the previous years that people associated them as one and the same. When you talk as much about your private lives and make it part of your IC persona, you invite others to treat your IC and OOC as one and the same. I'm not talking about OOC in the "hey you like Dark Knight too? Cool, lets talk about movies", I am talking about OOC in the "here, this is my personal information, my life story, what I do for work", etc. I spend a lot of time talking about things that do not relate to CN with people from CN, as most everyone in CN does. The line that is dangerous to cross though, is the line of "this is not something that can affect my personal life, work, and relationships" and "this can affect those things". This isn't the first stop on the internet for people, the internet is an amazing place but it is also a place where identities are stolen, rumors are spread, and lives destroyed. People need to know better. I am simply saying, that the moral of the story is that a forum filled with thousands of strangers is not an appropriate place to discuss specifics of your real life if you do not want people who you have no personal relationship with, who may or may not have malicious intent, to have a chance to affect your life. But go ahead everyone, keep comparing what I said to rape or hate crimes.

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[quote name='Feanor Noldorin' timestamp='1349983121' post='3040114']
We have the balls to do what is necessary but the problem isn't with us, it's with you.

When it came to the war that would give the lulz crowd the ability to rule this world your crowd abandoned us. You lack the courage to do what is necessary because it went against your precious morals and your paper treaties. Afterwards your treaties were torn apart and you, alongside the remnants of the SF, XX and Polar sphere's were curb stomped again and again and again. You'll find no sympathy from me.

Your question is will we abandoned MK? My answer is for what? To lead or stand beside alliances who spineless and inept? Sorry but we've been there and done that and the experience was terrible. I'd rather people call us domesticated than have to deal with those folks again.

I wasn't asking for sympathy and it's fair enough that your prefer to stand beside MK, just doesn't come here and say(or support) who says that nobody has the stones to confront MK, because your alliance are included among those stone less.

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