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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339773377' post='2984837']
So, what? We should pick fights with our pals just so you incompetents have a chance at winning a war, thus making it "fun"? How about the CoJs and SFs and BMs of the world actually just !@#$@#$ succeed for once, instead of whining when we roll over you. Nobody here is trying to save you, Schatt. You chose your side, you chose your friends, that's cool and more power to you, but don't complain that the world is boring because we refuse to lose on purpose.

/me looks around

Where is Denios rolling off to? I hear space is nice.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339773377' post='2984837']
So, what? We should pick fights with our pals just so you incompetents have a chance at winning a war, thus making it "fun"? How about the CoJs and SFs and BMs of the world actually just !@#$@#$ succeed for once, instead of whining when we roll over you.

No, it's more all the chest thumping as if this is anything more than what it actually is. Thanks for recycling old lines, though. The problem is, is people are trying to portray it as some sort of major event, when it is the evasion of any real political action.

"Pals" my ass, especially considering you're one of the most ridiculed alliances within the "winning side" grouping.

I remember someone else who was accused of just targeting a small number of alliances as boogeymen due to a fear of competition. If you can figure out what his name was and see the irony of the situation, especially since people liked to !@#$%* to high noon about how his attitude was leading to stagnation, then you're in for a laugh.

edit: mrvicarious covered point 2 well

Edited by Roquentin
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In all seriousness, I suppose that even if the war itself isn't "fun" that the planning and watching everyone else get absolutely lapped again would be great fun. I know if I were in Doom House I would find it immensely fun to watch everyone get tied up and tripped up every which way by their own goddamned idiotic--and they [i]are [/i]goddamned idiots, if you're one of them and you're reading this, [b]you [/b]are a goddamned idiot--foreign affairs "strategies" (if you can call them that) once again from those who have signed basically worthless treaties with DH allies which everyone except knows are trash if DH is in a war (and they always are) all the way to those who are wringing their hands at being so unexpectedly and "involuntarily" "dragged" to a war they "don't" support. I know I'm having fun as a spectator to it, so I know DH must be having fun doing it.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1339771936' post='2984827']
It's hilarious that the people calling these wars stupid also want the International to defend LSF stupidity.

The moral of the story is there isn't one :awesome:

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1339773634' post='2984840']
In all seriousness, I suppose that even if the war itself isn't "fun" that the planning and watching everyone else get absolutely lapped again would be great fun. I know if I were in Doom House I would find it immensely fun to watch everyone get tied up and tripped up every which way by their own goddamned idiotic--and they [i]are [/i]goddamned idiots, if you're one of them and you're reading this, [b]you [/b]are a goddamned idiot--foreign affairs "strategies" (if you can call them that) once again from those who have signed basically worthless treaties with DH allies which everyone except knows are trash if DH is in a war (and they always are) all the way to those who are wringing their hands at being so unexpectedly and "involuntarily" "dragged" to a war they "don't" support. I know I'm having fun as a spectator to it, so I know DH must be having fun doing it.
Well said.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339773580' post='2984839']
No, it's more all the chest thumping as if this is anything more than what it actually is. Thanks for recycling old lines, though. The problem is, is people are trying to portray it as some sort of major event, when it is the evasion of any real political action.

"Pals" my ass, especially considering you're one of the most ridiculed alliances within the "winning side" grouping.

I remember someone else who was accused of just targeting a small number of alliances as boogeymen due to a fear of competition. If you can figure out what his name name was and the irony of the situation, especially since people liked to !@#$%* to high noon about how his attitude was leading to stagnation.
Deinos doesn't like NG. NG doesn't like Deinos. More at eleven.

Yeah, there are alliances with issues with each other within ~ThE sIdE~, just like every side has always had and will always have. But when you're pals with 90% of one side, and 0% of the other side, it isn't really hard to figure out where your friends are at.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339773377' post='2984837']
So, what? We should pick fights with our pals just so you incompetents have a chance at winning a war, thus making it "fun"? How about the CoJs and SFs and BMs of the world actually just !@#$@#$ succeed for once, instead of whining when we roll over you. Nobody here is trying to save you, Schatt. You chose your side, you chose your friends, that's cool and more power to you, but don't complain that the world is boring because we refuse to lose on purpose.
If "success" is latching one ho-hum alliance onto one bloc after another for 5 years, then you can keep success, Cheyenne. I rather prefer our current irrelevance to being anyone's pet NS. It isn't [i]your[/i] success and it never will be, and I find it sad-clown-amusing that you think it is.

And I will remind you--since you are apparently ill-read and ignorant or illiterate and ignorant--that in fact for years every war that MK is involved in is accompanied by MK-authored "we are saving the world from boredom" threads, and MK's foreign policy for years has been based upon [i]that very[/i] philosophy, which is named [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93789"]"Creative Annihilation."[/url] So if you want to get cocky over a sarcastic Schatt joke post, you had better come prepared next time. You dolt. You stupid sod. You ignorant piss. Because you can bet your ass (if your allies will co-sign) that when I go out on a limb, [i]I've[/i] done [i]my [/i]homework. Maybe you ought to do the same when you've hitched your wagon to someone else's horse. Now piss off.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1339774500' post='2984848']
Saving the world from boredom, anyway.
Sardonic gets full participation credit for his homework.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339774263' post='2984845']
Deinos doesn't like NG. NG doesn't like Deinos. More at eleven.

Yeah, there are alliances with issues with each other within ~ThE sIdE~, just like every side has always had and will always have. But when you're pals with 90% of one side, and 0% of the other side, it isn't really hard to figure out where your friends are at.

I mean, that's not even the full story and alliances within your own side frequently have more real rivalries than some refried SF/XX !@#$. There are a lot more major issues and the idea that somehow some stronger Supergrievances-style supergrouping is viable long-term is the most comical notion I've seen especially from the people who complained of the "malady of the treaty of web," and whatnot. I'm not particularly worried though. "Whining" is confined to this being portrayed as more than it is.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339774562' post='2984850']
I mean, that's not even the full story and alliances within your own side frequently have more real rivalries than some refried SF/XX !@#$. There are a lot more major issues and the idea that somehow some stronger Supergrievances-style supergrouping is viable long-term is the most comical notion I've seen especially from the people who complained of the "malady of the treaty of web," and whatnot. I'm not particularly worried though. "Whining" is confined to this being portrayed as more than it is.
Silly, Supergrievances can keep rolling the former hegemony forever, it isn't like history repeats itself around here or something.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339774263' post='2984845']
Deinos doesn't like NG. NG doesn't like Deinos. More at eleven.

Yeah, there are alliances with issues with each other within ~ThE sIdE~, just like every side has always had and will always have. But when you're pals with 90% of one side, and 0% of the other side, it isn't really hard to figure out where your friends are at.

Are they on the moon?

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339774263' post='2984845']
Deinos doesn't like NG. NG doesn't like Deinos. More at eleven.

Yeah, there are alliances with issues with each other within ~ThE sIdE~, just like every side has always had and will always have. But when you're pals with 90% of one side, and 0% of the other side, it isn't really hard to figure out where your friends are at.

My heart. Broken. I like(d) Deinos.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1339773377' post='2984837']
So, what? We should pick fights with our pals just so you incompetents have a chance at winning a war, thus making it "fun"? How about the CoJs and SFs and BMs of the world actually just !@#$@#$ succeed for once, instead of whining when we roll over you. Nobody here is trying to save you, Schatt. You chose your side, you chose your friends, that's cool and more power to you, but don't complain that the world is boring because we refuse to lose on purpose.
Who exactly is the "we" that you think is winning? Due to the nature of the web it's basically that everyone is winning except for the current punching bags on the periphery. If you want a tiny fraction of glory at the cost of any sort of indendent agenda, have at it. We're good right here.

Edited by Prodigal Moon
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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1339765312' post='2984767']
Instead of the 50 Spartan nations in peace mode last night, it going increase to over a 100 nations in peace mode tonight.
I'm not saying you guys should do something about that, but you certainly [i]could[/i] do something about that.

[quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1339771388' post='2984821']
Maybe the real plan is to get XX and SF to enter the war since they are too scared to defend CSN.
Sounds about right. It's depressing, really.

Edited by flak attack
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1339773634' post='2984840']
In all seriousness, I suppose that even if the war itself isn't "fun" that the planning and watching everyone else get absolutely lapped again would be great fun. I know if I were in Doom House I would find it immensely fun to watch everyone get tied up and tripped up every which way by their own goddamned idiotic--and they [i]are [/i]goddamned idiots, if you're one of them and you're reading this, [b]you [/b]are a goddamned idiot--foreign affairs "strategies" (if you can call them that) once again from those who have signed basically worthless treaties with DH allies which everyone except knows are trash if DH is in a war (and they always are) all the way to those who are wringing their hands at being so unexpectedly and "involuntarily" "dragged" to a war they "don't" support. I know I'm having fun as a spectator to it, [b]so I know DH must be having fun doing it.[/b]
Oh my yes.

[quote][url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93789]"Creative Annihilation."[/url][/quote]

Holy blast from the past, Batman. How long did it take you to dig that fossil up?

In retrospect it's somewhat difficult to read.

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Maybe the problem is that a part of the opposition prefers to yap from the sidelines rather than organize themselves to topple the current power structure? Some alliances seem to be hoping, against all odds, that their irrelevance and/or neutrality is going to shelter them from any offensive action: "if only I don't join blocs and don't raise any ruckus, I'll live".

It won't work. Meanwhile, SF/XX is getting butchered. Don't be surprised. After the last war, people should have started thinking: what's next? More importantly: who's next?

Visibly, seeing as many alliances are being caught once again with their pants down, that homework wasn't done.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339774562' post='2984850']
I mean, that's not even the full story and alliances within your own side frequently have more real rivalries than some refried SF/XX !@#$. There are a lot more major issues and the idea that somehow some stronger Supergrievances-style supergrouping is viable long-term is the most comical notion I've seen especially from the people who complained of the "malady of the treaty of web," and whatnot. I'm not particularly worried though. "Whining" is confined to this being portrayed as more than it is.

I don't know if you're trying to imply that we're treaty whores or what by that statement. We hold all of 3 treaties. If not, then apologies, I misread it.

So we're not the most steadfast of friends with everyone on ~ThE sIdE~, and in fact we're pretty bitter enemies with one alliance, but as Chey said, one alliance doesn't hold the same weight at all of the alliances on the SF/XX/Polaris side. It is what it is. We're not whining, we're just stating a fact.

Prodigal, come now. Are you really trying to attack that statement by questioning the definition of "we"? Everyone knows perfectly well who "we" are. That's just a silly argument :psyduck:

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339774562' post='2984850']
I mean, that's not even the full story and alliances within your own side frequently have more real rivalries than some refried SF/XX !@#$. There are a lot more major issues and the idea that somehow some stronger Supergrievances-style supergrouping is viable long-term is the most comical notion I've seen especially from the people who complained of the "malady of the treaty of web," and whatnot. I'm not particularly worried though. "Whining" is confined to this being portrayed as more than it is.

I want to say that we perceive some sort of threat from XX/SF/Polarsphere as those three spheres are all closely tied and probably all want to roll "tHe sIdE".

I want to say that we DID perceive a threat. That's why we're starting this war before we move on to bigger and better things. But we all know your side presents no threat greater than harassing us on this forum. Y'all have no drive or initiative to do anything other than get rolled and grow back into range for us to roll again. It drives me mad to watch and try to figure out why.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1339777523' post='2984881']
Maybe the problem is that a part of the opposition prefers to yap from the sidelines rather than organize themselves to topple the current power structure? Some alliances seem to be hoping, against all odds, that their irrelevance and/or neutrality is going to shelter them from any offensive action: "if only I don't join blocs and don't raise any ruckus, I'll live".

It won't work. Meanwhile, SF/XX is getting butchered. Don't be surprised. After the last war, people should have started thinking: what's next? More importantly: who's next?

Visibly, seeing as many alliances are being caught once again with their pants down, that homework wasn't done.

Here we go. it is a problem, pretty much. The clandestine nature of such opposition has hindered it significantly. The other issue is SF/XX were still disliked by the potential opposition enough to be untouchable.

Exactly Yevgeni. I think a lot of people knew there's someone next, but they could rely on SF/XX existing as an easier foil, especially after FOK's disbandment which paved the way for an easy war on their former allies.

[quote name='Tiber Septim' timestamp='1339777784' post='2984885']
I want to say that we perceive some sort of threat from XX/SF/Polarsphere as those three spheres are all closely tied and probably all want to roll "tHe sIdE".

I want to say that we DID perceive a threat. That's why we're starting this war before we move on to bigger and better things. But we all know your side presents no threat greater than harassing us on this forum. Y'all have no drive or initiative to do anything other than get rolled and grow back into range for us to roll again. It drives me mad to watch and try to figure out why.

I want to know if you can really class yourself as part of "the side" long-term, because seeing TOP basically acting as if they're in DH despite only one tie is fun to watch.

They didn't grow into range, which is why this is a joke of a war. I'm not part of SF/XX/Polar and it'd be a lie to say they didn't try.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Tiber Septim' timestamp='1339777784' post='2984885']
I want to say that we perceive some sort of threat from XX/SF/Polarsphere as those three spheres are all closely tied and probably all want to roll "tHe sIdE".

I want to say that we DID perceive a threat. That's why we're starting this war before we move on to bigger and better things. But we all know your side presents no threat greater than harassing us on this forum. Y'all have no drive or initiative to do anything other than get rolled and grow back into range for us to roll again. It drives me mad to watch and try to figure out why.

Mostly this. And that :(( Fark :(( should be force-disbanded, but outside of that, this.

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1339777540' post='2984882']
Prodigal, come now. Are you really trying to attack that statement by questioning the definition of "we"? Everyone knows perfectly well who "we" are. That's just a silly argument :psyduck:
Huh? Go ahead and tell me then - how specific of an entity can you identify as winning (in the broad sense)?

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1339778034' post='2984889']
Mostly this. And that :(( Fark :(( should be force-disbanded, but outside of that, this.

Good luck, we're all counting on you.

Edit: A slight suggestion might be to attack more than 6% of our alliance

Edited by Mr Vicarious
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339777987' post='2984887']
I want to know if you can really class yourself as part of "the side" long-term, because seeing TOP basically acting as if they're in DH despite only one tie is fun to watch.

They didn't grow into range, which is why this is a joke of a war. I'm not part of SF/XX/Polar and it'd be a lie to say they didn't try.

So what you're telling me is- Doomhouse is "the side" and everyone else is... neutral? I'm confused as to where you place TOP in the treaty web.

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