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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1338355204' post='2974402']
I'm sure this never occured to you at the time, but my entire time in CN (except for a few months at GOD and NSO) I have been allied to Athens, TLR, or an alliance that merged into Athens. I voted on the original ODP at GATO. When the KofN incident came up, I stood up for them internally. I signed the MDoAP with Athens at GATO. I Worked with Athens, GR, and LOST on several issues. Even though Athens were going to cancel on IAA if GOD would have went to war with them, I stood up for Athens at GATO. I helped protect the Athens treaty at GATO when it was under fire after my AC term. Even though they told me there was no way in hell they would help me if I went to war for NSO. I still thought we were good friends and would have my back forever if I really needed it. I then went to IAA, and again protected the treaty. Even though they disregarded that treaty to oA with PC, and never told us once that they were hitting our allies. They never told us once that they were headed in on the NPO front.

Then all of sudden because I associate with people they don't like, Rush refuses to talk to me and says rolling me is "my number 1 goal in CN". That's cool dawg, you do your thing. You've done a lot less harm to me as my enemy than you done as a "friend".

The fact that you decided to spew your !@#$ without knowing facts speaks volumes Cheyenne. I guess I should have !@#$%*ed about their allies and refused to honor my treaties! Then I could be honored to be allied to them like you. Please shut the $%&@ up and sit down.

Omni, you seem upset. Do you need a hug?

Athens were !@#$% bags. More news at 11~ :>

Also, there is a reason why Rush doesn't like you and it isn't because you're hanging out with the wrong crowd!

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1338357162' post='2974421']
Omni, you seem upset. Do you need a hug?

Athens were !@#$% bags. More news at 11~ :>

Also, there is a reason why Rush doesn't like you and it isn't because you're hanging out with the wrong crowd!

Yea it does make me disappointed. I guess that's what you get for making decisions off of friendships and not playing the game 100% political. Anyway, this thread is about King Xander people, not me!

King Xander is the bestest.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1338340013' post='2974261']
Exactly, being allied to you for nearly 4 years gave me an up close and personal look at retardedness. Can't get much closer than that.

He thinks he just cleverly "NO U"'d me.

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1338355204' post='2974402']
I'm sure this never occured to you at the time, but my entire time in CN (except for a few months at GOD and NSO) I have been allied to Athens, TLR, or an alliance that merged into Athens. I voted on the original ODP at GATO. When the KofN incident came up, I stood up for them internally. I signed the MDoAP with Athens at GATO. I Worked with Athens, GR, and LOST on several issues. Even though Athens were going to cancel on IAA if GOD would have went to war with them, I stood up for Athens at GATO. I helped protect the Athens treaty at GATO when it was under fire after my AC term. Even though they told me there was no way in hell they would help me if I went to war for NSO. I still thought we were good friends and would have my back forever if I really needed it. I then went to IAA, and again protected the treaty. Even though they disregarded that treaty to oA with PC, and never told us once that they were hitting our allies. They never told us once that they were headed in on the NPO front.

Then all of sudden because I associate with people they don't like, Rush refuses to talk to me and says rolling me is "my number 1 goal in CN". That's cool dawg, you do your thing. You've done a lot less harm to me as my enemy than you done as a "friend".

The fact that you decided to spew your !@#$ without knowing facts speaks volumes Cheyenne. I guess I should have !@#$%*ed about their allies and refused to honor my treaties! Then I could be honored to be allied to them like you. Please shut the $%&@ up and sit down.

This entire post speaks volumes about why my opinion of you changed. Set aside for a moment the fact that you are among the worst attention whores in all of Planet Bob. I am allied to tons of people like that, so that, in and of itself, while being monumentally annoying, is not a harsh offense. You constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY, misrepresent facts. For instance, you telling Roquentin that all of C&G wants to roll VE. Then... there is the above post, and it is chalk full of absolute BS.

1)Even though Athens were going to cancel on IAA if GOD would have went to war with them, I stood up for Athens at GATO. - Did you just make this up? I mean, literally, the only way you could have arrived at that conclusion, was to reach up your bum, and tug it out of there. Londo was completely torn on what to do. Those of us who were not torn? Specifically, myself and Rsox, tore straight into Londo for even considering siding with GOD. Rsox and I were , without a doubt, the 2 most UNPOPULAR guys in the C&G gov channel that night, but the 2 of us had essentially convinced Londo that defending IAA was the only move available to us, our allies opinions be damned (lol @ MK puppetmastering C&G), and the reason for the stance, is because we KNEW Xiph was talking our his arse and would not have, in any way, shape , or form pulled that trigger(he has since admitted as much). So before you spew your utter nonsense, you should get your facts straight.

2) Even though they told me there was no way in hell they would help me if I went to war for NSO.- This did not happen at all... PERIOD.

3) Even though they disregarded that treaty to oA with PC, and never told us once that they were hitting our allies. - I told you on day 1 of that war, we were going to be on opposite sides. You knew it the moment you came to talk to me about it, you said as much. You were perfectly willing to die drinking the Polar poison that IAA forced on you. That was your choice, not ours. When we were asked to hit allies of our allies, we agreed to do so, and of flipping course we did not tell you. You want in on our war plans, you be part of our coalition. I have ALWAYS thought that. I have ALWAYS thought this nonsense about honor in war was a magnificently stupid attempt to make people warm and fuzzy about the act of killing people and breaking things (which is what a war is intended to do). When a leadership of an alliance that is caught between both sides in a war, is too weak to make a decision to to definitively pick one side, then you should not expect to be privvy to the conversations and plans of any alliances that you might be allied to, that are on the opposite side. I had no requirement whatsoever to tell you anything about anyone we were going to hit.

4) They never told us once that they were headed in on the NPO front. -- See above. You had no need to know of those plans, as you were part of the enemy coalition. Sorry if this butt-hurts you, but those are all decisions that you made, and positions you allowed yourself to be put in, because you would not stop straddling the fence on what you KNEW was inevitable (NpO being rolled.)

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[quote][quote]Taget, on 09 December 2011 - 11:15 AM, said:
A juicy declaration!

As for complaints about ODN rolling with their CnG brothers. I was in an alliance that was allied to CnG where CnG went in the other direction. Can't say we were thrilled about it. It did cause some tensions. But we understood that CnG is a long standing MADP pact with tradition and that was part of their very identity. They were going to roll together whether it was with us or against us. But we knew they'd be there for us and make sure that in the end no true harm came to us.

Sometimes an ally can really shine when it is on the opposite side of the war. I've seen this a number of times with different CnG alliances. They all make great allies.[/quote]

What this man said. I was there too. [/quote]

Four years of retardation truly appreciated by Omni.

Edited by Jgoods45
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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1338299770' post='2974046']
Congratulations. You not only completely missed the point of my statement you quoted( which you edited in an attempt to make your point in the first place), but you also missed the point of this topic. (HINT: It's not about MK, stop trying to make it that way.)

It was a lighthearted comment as I saw some irony when looking at the big picture. And yes I think it's obvious what the point of your statement was. Relax.

[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1338301552' post='2974053']
I don't recall aid slot boasting being something in our repertoire of late, besides during the annual awards ceremony or when we competed with TOP to see who could gain 50k the fastest.

No you're right, I don't remember seeing anything lately and was only making an observation based on Zoomcubed's comment that MK doesn't ever do the "look at me" thing. It was a dry observation on my part.

[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1338333621' post='2974218']
Confirming this, although I'm sure bill was not referring to tech slot usage.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1338385774' post='2974515']
In the end, all that matters is who is adding more to their Total Alliance Tech which builds larger upper tiers to fight with.

I disagree with that. Tech is vitally important to being a good fighting alliance no doubt, but the tech deals also have a value in building up your lower tiers.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1338350255' post='2974352']
I'm sure it never occurred to you at the time, but holding a treaty with either Athens or TLR is an enormous privilege, and to be perfectly honest I would be shocked if an alliance of that calibre were to treaty Odyssey. The fact that you now spit on that speaks volumes.

You need to slow down on the ass kissing.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1338389308' post='2974526']
You need to slow down on the ass kissing.

Showing support for allies is suddenly ass kissing? I mean, I know that's how people like to characterize a relationship with my alliance, but [i]damn[/i] this rhetoric is spreading.

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It makes sense, since it's an over the top assessment on Cheyenne's part, particularly when a TLR official voiced that he dislikes Deinos in this very topic. Maybe he's trying to save the Deinos-TLR relationship. I don't know.

[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1338385774' post='2974515']
In the end, all that matters is who is adding more to their Total Alliance Tech which builds larger upper tiers to fight with.

Average tech, not total in terms of upper tiers because you can have a lot of total tech but if it's spread through the entire alliance, you don't have a big upper tier at all.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1338404444' post='2974618']
It makes sense, since it's an over the top assessment on Cheyenne's part, particularly when a TLR official voiced that he dislikes Deinos in this very topic. Maybe he's trying to save the Deinos-TLR relationship. I don't know.


As near as I can tell, it needs no saving. One persons opinion does not measure the relationship, you are smarter than that.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1338405984' post='2974629']
As near as I can tell, it needs no saving. One persons opinion does not measure the relationship, you are smarter than that.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=blog&blogid=211&showentry=3448&&st=0#comment_30188"]No, actually, he isn't.[/url]

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I read all ten pages of this. I am really not sure if I should feel dumber for it or if I should feel as if I accomplished something. At any rate, aid slot usage does not indicate alliance activity as has been covered by numerous individuals already. Internal alliance activity whether it be on their forum or in their IRC is a better indicator -- at the same time however, that is also not a proper indicator since any bum can get a BNC and idle on IRC 24/7. Forum activity is in a way pretty much the only real indicator one can have about the activity levels of an alliance. IRC does have its part, but in my opinion it is mainly forum activity that counts.

That aside, aid slot usage is still a terrific accomplishment for any alliance if they can muster it above about 50%.

That's my input for the topic though. Take care y'all.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1338396148' post='2974562']
Showing support for allies is suddenly ass kissing? I mean, I know that's how people like to characterize a relationship with my alliance, but [i]damn[/i] this rhetoric is spreading.
No, but it surely isnt a privilege to treaty TLR, or any other alliance, or do anything

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1338405984' post='2974629']
As near as I can tell, it needs no saving. One persons opinion does not measure the relationship, you are smarter than that.

The issue is, I've heard several times from people in Deinos that there were issues and that Q&As weren't going well like Sighet.

Jgoods is also gov.

Edited by Roquentin
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