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Six Years of Lanna

Haven for Peace

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I did it!

[spoiler]I have decided to create this topic after thinking way too much about the old days. I first joined Cyber Nations under of the nation name of Levana Sau to be a member of the Green Commonwealth of Utopian Nations. Before this happened, I was happily resisting this game. About a week after being in Cyber Nations, I moved into the Orange Defense Network to join friends - Talkos, Hrmmm, and Pope Hope. Tagging along were friends - Wraith, Pale Horse, Arverni, and the Artful Dodger. It was in the ODN that I met DragonFlame, and the person who would become one of my best friends and allies - cmdrChobo.

When the ODN – NPO war ended and reparations were paid, I decided that I did not want to become involved with this game, so I deleted. That was not all... I returned in July to be a member of the Orange Shadow Force. It was in this alliance that I met nucleararsenal74, Lyssyran, TJ Booth, skavolution and Shay of the Green Protection Agency.

While I liked all the people, it was unfortunate that I did not like the way the alliance was running. I wanted to create a new alliance. My friend cmdrChobo tried to convince me to explore other alliances before doing this. So I joined the Multi-Colored Coalition Force during the month of January in 2007 and met Sam and Iggy. Wherever you are, Sam, I just want to say... IT IS ACTUALLY MONDAY!!! ;) It was also here that I discovered the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations - the alliance that would become my home regardless of where I go in Cyber Nations (up until last year anyway).

In February, I founded the Auxiliary Army in Purple. It was the most fun, and irritating period of Cyber Nations for me. Nonetheless, I was fortunate to be alongside the following people:

Orioni and one of my best friends and allies – Tamurin (The Foreign Division)
Sheck0, Azure, ExcaliburVT, GOWFANTIC, Marine, Arouet, AlmightyHero, Da5nake, Gino, The Black Watch, Allied_Threat, GrandXanth, Mathlete, deja, Havvy and the smartest ass I ever know... IronSoldier (CSN)
tehol and one of my strongest allies – rudyy (Phoenix Police Force)
Chuck – one of my strongest allies who is still around! (Cool Rats And People)
Everyone in BANG
TheK9, Craig, Anomaly, Linux Rocks, Shorty, and former OSF members (Atlantic Shadow Confederation)
Azural (helped me with drafting my nation building guide), Damen, Vintus and CrazyIsraeli (Random Insanity Alliance)
Leq, BlackSock, King Charles and Schills (Global Democratic Alliance)
cora, Goose, SamFisher and the hugging machine – Sephirdorf (United Sovereign Nations)
bud, CptGodzilla, and the super awesome Mandystalin (The Templar Knights)
ThatFALGuy, mhawk, Wickica, Pepper, OD45Glock, kswiss2783, and Kryievla (Molon Labe)
Buffalo, Pameshlu, Anu Drake, and the most amazing King Tom (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Dr. Fresh, Valashu, and former MCCF members (Multicolored Cross-X Alliance)
Dr. Dan, Longbowe, and Uhtred (Valhalla)
CrustaceanCrew (New Polar Order)
Loren (Organized Nations of Superiority)
Hansarius (United Purple Nations)
Fiercesob (whatever alliance you hopped to at the time)
Chris Canny (Maroon Defense Coalition)
Korlus (Legion)

As the AA grew, I realized that the goals of the members were much different from my own. Our falling out was heart aching, and I was bitter for an unreasonable amount of time. Scoochi, Drop Your Pants, Xiangi, Sareya, Ivan the Terrible, QThews, John Winthrop and the rest of the membership - THANK YOU for staying until the end when I couldn’t bear to go on.

I then settled into an alliance that I felt would be more peaceful – The Order of the Paradox. What can I say about TOP during my time as a member from October 2007 – February 2008? It was the best alliance in Cyber Nations. The late night talks, Snake-in-the-Grass jokes, and Pokemon avatars were all so very fun. Crymson, Feanor, Excruciate, Timberland, Monkeydee, DJ Penguin, k-59, Yir, Dr. Dan, Buller, ROMMEL HSQ, Crispy99, aesis, broadbeans, Salajol, AAlumni, and Ivegottheskill – ALL OF YOU were great and made the alliance quite charming! Unfortunately, I felt it was better for me to leave after being involved in a conflict of interest.

When my obligations to TOP were over, I hopped into the RIA as a member. I met ShadowDragon, DrunkWino and Ganon5 here, who are still admired by me to this day. There were also Flask, SWAT128, Arsenal 10, Nitemarebforcrismas, smeeth, Zblewski, Zombie2000, Lord Doom, llamavore, Reoga, Preventer Wind, Apophis775, Dontasemebro, Delta1212, Moth, and… that one person (whose name I cannot recall) who replaced me as Ministress of Secks for a temporary period of time.

There were a lot going on, and I soon felt the need to back away from everything. In August 2008, I left Cyber Nations for the second time.

In October, Lord Vachon of The Order of Halsa reeled me back in. Thus, Through Yggdrasil’s Roots was created in Maroon. I want to thank Lord Vachon, CreativName, Jtpizzalover, iKrolm, Heavens Forge, Stryker, Lottario, Lord Hextor, LegendoftheSkies, waszzer, Cress, GOWFANATIC, and thecooljuice for making it worth it.

I also want to thank niciplatt of CSN for standing side-by-side with us, as well as Lurunin and Gingervites of the Pirates of the Parrot Order, Randalla and Elbryan of the Amazon Nation, Chuck and constapatedape of Coalition of Royal Allied Powers, and several other people whose names were mentioned earlier (you should know who you are).

Over two years later, I found myself becoming less interested in Cyber Nations. I drifted away for a long time before the remaining members of TYR decided that we would try to push it one more time. We refounded the alliance in Black in July 2011. After several months, it was clear that the end was inevitable. Even as TYR was slipping away, I was still blessed in other ways - I met emmabuddie of Hooligans, and I can call SlientBloodLine (currently residing in Jihad) one of my friends.

With the end of TYR, I decided that it is time to travel by sea. I am far too lazy to walk now. I joined Pirates of the Parrot Order on February 16, 2012.

Here I am after six years as Lord MonkhErdene of Haven for Peace. I am proud to have met so many people... few of them I don't even remember when I met such as Seth, Omniscient1, Jache, cello-chik, Griffy, SkyGreenChick, Simms, Bambi, DemonSpawn, Mila, vanna, and Rahhstah. I know there may still be several names that I didn't mention. If you know me, please know that you rocked my socks off at least once. ;)[/spoiler]

tl;dr - [url=http://z3.invisionfree.com/Riding_Rough/index.php?showtopic=56]Evidence of my fun[/url]. Please note that most of the logs are NSFW. :P

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I will forever remember our IRC times. Of course, those times can only be measured by their stickiness, and so I will never forget the lewdness of our dialogues and ventures! The IRC goer I am is in part to you, m'lady.

Still, lannawesome and lanna$%&@ing, best adjectives around.

To another another year we go!


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it's been a long road that we've known each other but by far it has been nothing but fun :lol1:

Always glad that I got to know you and don't regret a second of it :wub:

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I'm very proud to have had you as one of my mentors for so long, Lanna, and you have encouraged me to take high places from the start (even though my level of activity didn't agree with what we were willing to do). It's been a good time, I think you've taken more enjoyment out of CN than most of us have. :)


Edited by CreativName
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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1332811946' post='2943540']
No lil Razorade included in that? but we had some fun times :(

You weren't the first I forgot... I am old!

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1332824266' post='2943609']
Congratulations. Will you stick to one name from now on?
If I do not go inactive and get deleted like I usually do, yes.

[quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1332845643' post='2943682']
!@#$, I missed Monday. It's already Tuesday...Would you make an exception??
Oh, you know every day was Monday. ;)

[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1332851196' post='2943700']
Congratulations, here's to six more :P.
I certainly hope not!

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