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Official United Equestria Policy Annoucement


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[quote name='HellAngel' timestamp='1330013179' post='2926695']
Oh great, now it apparently was an government order. What the hell were you smoking MK...

[16:04] <Teh1337Guy> Around?
[16:04] <HellAngel[gre]> yap
[16:04] <Teh1337Guy> I wanted to personally apologize for the AA jumping business.
[16:04] <Teh1337Guy> Was my order so I should be the one to blame, I was hoping that people wouldnt have jumped to Gre/TOP
[16:04] <Teh1337Guy> 's AA to do that.
[16:05] <HellAngel[gre]> Just to get that right
[16:05] <HellAngel[gre]> you ordered people to jump into other AAs?
[16:05] <Teh1337Guy> Drai hasn't woken up yet but I assure you he will be off the AA in the morning.
[16:05] <Teh1337Guy> I was hoping more the AA's like TPF and 64digits, just to send the aid, not a long-term ghost.
[16:05] <HellAngel[gre]> so MK did loose their minds, after all
[16:06] <HellAngel[gre]> i should have ordered the strikes immediately
[16:06] <Teh1337Guy> I've clearly lost all sanity.
[16:06] <Teh1337Guy> Given I'm trying to protect the rights of tech buyers.
[16:06] <HellAngel[gre]> you remind me of an alliance that has fallen from grace and will never be relevant in CN politics again
[16:06] <HellAngel[gre]> yadda yadda
[16:07] <Teh1337Guy> Never relevant again?
[16:07] <HellAngel[gre]> its a thing called Karma, or "annoying people just as much to want them to kill you"
[16:07] <HellAngel[gre]> take that as you wish
[16:08] <Teh1337Guy> I see I've really become a thorn on your side with this eh?
[16:09] <HellAngel[gre]> you're purposefully violating alliances sovereignity
[16:09] <HellAngel[gre]> thats about as arrogant as it can get
[16:09] <Teh1337Guy> *Were. It was a mistake, hence why I'm eating the loses and apologizing.
[16:10] <Teh1337Guy> I'm not quite as arrogant as you may perceive me to be.
[16:11] <HellAngel[gre]> its not my job to work around the image you give yourself

In addition to being completely classless in this public logdump, you also come off as ridiculously arrogant. I would have hoped the arrogant days of GRE died with the old incarnation. Guess I was wrong.

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[quote name='Daimos' timestamp='1330025546' post='2926886']
Come on people. You know log dumps makes this world much more interesting. Do not deny it!

Yeah. I mean, one of the leaders of the (arguably) most powerful alliance in this game just apologized humbly to a leader of, well, an alliance, who then went on to tell him to go to hell. And posted it on the OWF.

I would say that's pretty interesting.

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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1330023021' post='2926862']
Awww no?

usually prison!

Also there is a difference between a illegal immigrant and someone sent by a government. :unsure: (Well from where I am, there is)

Pretty sure spies and ghosts aren't the same thing.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1330026832' post='2926901']
Pretty sure spies and ghosts aren't the same thing.
Depends, spying is essentially doing something for the benefit of another alliance while harming your current AA.

That sums up what they're doing pretty plainly.

At this point, you're really just arguing semantics to an absurd degree. I don't think we're in contention that this course of action was wrong and reflects poorly upon those who took it.

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[quote name='deth2munkies' timestamp='1330027014' post='2926907']
Depends, spying is essentially doing something for the benefit of another alliance while harming your current AA.

That sums up what they're doing pretty plainly.

At this point, you're really just arguing semantics to an absurd degree. I don't think we're in contention that this course of action was wrong and reflects poorly upon those who took it.

Ghosting doesn't harm your current AA. Spying does, maybe you don't see the difference?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1330025310' post='2926882']
In addition to being completely classless in this public logdump, you also come off as ridiculously arrogant. I would have hoped the arrogant days of GRE died with the old incarnation. Guess I was wrong.

You know Sardonic, there are times during which I almost start to like you. This is not one of those times.

Is standard DH operating policy to attempt to slander those who bring forth accusations against you and proceed to whine about it until your blue in the face?

Because it certainly seems like it.

Log-dumping that particular log is certianly no worse then saying "hey, go ghost these alliances and send tech deal money to UE"

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1330027549' post='2926915']
You know Sardonic, there are times during which I almost start to like you. This is not one of those times.

Is standard DH operating policy to attempt to slander those who bring forth accusations against you and proceed to whine about it until your blue in the face?

Because it certainly seems like it.

Log-dumping that particular log is certianly no worse then saying "hey, go ghost these alliances and send tech deal money to UE"
How was anything I said slander? And there is a world of difference between saying "In your talks you said x,y,z" and just dumping a raw log.

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[quote name='HellAngel' timestamp='1330022749' post='2926856']
I dont see how this changed any of my principles. I still fight to retain soverignty over our AA.

You are just a hypocrite, you stole an AA just because you had enough political support and comes here to talk about principles and sovereignty. I know that most of people here have very short memories but not everyone.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1330028928' post='2926930']
lol this thread is great and more people need to dump logs on MK to show there inept government in all its glory. :awesome:

I understand that you're anti MK but do you even realize what you're arguing in favor of? Being honest is suddenly inept? Would you prefer MK to be arrogant and have preferred to roll Gremlins? I would have considered that inept. Instead, Leet Guy was honest about his mistake and regretful. Do I have any comment to make on the order itself? No but clearly, MK is demonstrating in that query open honesty. It would've been diplomatically inept if they, after ordering someone to ghost the AA, tried to strong-arm Gremlins but they didn't. Is that the behavior you would have preferred?

I am glad to know that honest and open communication, apologizing for mistakes that are human is suddenly out. We should all be arrogant and not admit when we make mistake. We should all act like we're right 100% of the time and never apologize. Let the golden age of Planet Bob diplomacy begin!

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330028762' post='2926926']
You are just a hypocrite, you stole an AA just because you had enough political support and comes here to talk about principles and sovereignty. I know that most of people here have very short memories but not everyone.

Wow Death actually has a good point. A really good point.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1330030517' post='2926954']
I understand that you're anti MK but do you even realize what you're arguing in favor of? Being honest is suddenly inept? Would you prefer MK to be arrogant and have preferred to roll Gremlins? I would have considered that inept. Instead, Leet Guy was honest about his mistake and regretful. Do I have any comment to make on the order itself? No but clearly, MK is demonstrating in that query open honesty. It would've been diplomatically inept if they, after ordering someone to ghost the AA, tried to strong-arm Gremlins but they didn't. Is that the behavior you would have preferred?

I am glad to know that honest and open communication, apologizing for mistakes that are human is suddenly out. We should all be arrogant and not admit when we make mistake. We should all act like we're right 100% of the time and never apologize. Let the golden age of Planet Bob diplomacy begin!

Whats inept is allowing it to happen in the first place, whats hard to figure out about that? It really must have sounded a great idea at the time aye? "guys go and ghost alliances to $%&@ with other alliances" Yea that's not ineptitude.

I couldn't give a flying $%&@ about an alliance dictating who its members can and cant tech deal with. That wasn't what I am laughing about, I am laughing about the idiotic decision to actively get your members to ghost other alliances just to screw with UE.


Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1330031452' post='2926963']
[b][s]yeah[/s][/b]Yeah show there inept government for what it is.

Ohhh bad me, I said there instead of "their" the shame, the horror, I must now go and self harm because of this.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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I am not a fan of this posting because it, while setting a policy for the Ponies, doesn't properly address the issues it will cause. Mainly the fact there are those that will attack this and pressure it just to see what they can get out of it. Nothing is gained in either direction. Nothing is gained by the Ponies because as clearly spelled out, people can just do the right thing - be accountable for the aid they take or do not take. No is a very easy word, no thank you is better. Nothing is gained by challenging this because it simply proves if you are big enough anyone can be harassed just for !@#$% and giggles, thus creating only angst and bitterness with no real end result.

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[quote name='deth2munkies' timestamp='1330033183' post='2926984']
2) Why did he only apologize after he got caught?

Because I quite literally did not think people cared [i]that much[/i] about who is flying their AA, it seems like such a non-issue. If someone jumped on my AA and started attacking other alliances, it's not like I suddenly have to protect them. Likewise, if someone jumped to my AA and started aid bombing, the simple answer is to not accept the aid. Furthermore, TPF acted fully in their right and attacked someone who jumped on their AA, which is obviously a risk taken when one leaves the safe zone of their own AA. I hardly expected such a brash blowback, although really given the amount of mountains made out of molehills here I guess I should have been prepared. This isn't going to be a persistent or reoccurring issue, as it was clearly a mistake, which has now been addressed.

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If any other alliance would have made this mistake there's no way it would be scrutinized this much.

But it was a DH alliance so it's clearly just another atrocity to add to the list and they should be strung up by their heels and dragged through the streets for this.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1330030517' post='2926954']
I understand that you're anti MK but do you even realize what you're arguing in favor of? Being honest is suddenly inept? Would you prefer MK to be arrogant and have preferred to roll Gremlins? I would have considered that inept. Instead, Leet Guy was honest about his mistake and regretful. Do I have any comment to make on the order itself? No but clearly, MK is demonstrating in that query open honesty. It would've been diplomatically inept if they, after ordering someone to ghost the AA, tried to strong-arm Gremlins but they didn't. Is that the behavior you would have preferred?

I am glad to know that honest and open communication, apologizing for mistakes that are human is suddenly out. We should all be arrogant and not admit when we make mistake. We should all act like we're right 100% of the time and never apologize. Let the golden age of Planet Bob diplomacy begin![/quote]

"It's not so much that he apologized for coming out of my bedroom without his trousers, I appreciate that he cares about his appearance, it's that he was in there with my girlfriend that pisses me off..."

Get it? :awesome:

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1330033665' post='2926990']
Because I quite literally did not think people cared [i]that much[/i] about who is flying their AA, it seems like such a non-issue. If someone jumped on my AA and started attacking other alliances, it's not like I suddenly have to protect them. Likewise, if someone jumped to my AA and started aid bombing, the simple answer is to not accept the aid. Furthermore, TPF acted fully in their right and attacked someone who jumped on their AA, which is obviously a risk taken when one leaves the safe zone of their own AA. I hardly expected such a brash blowback, although really given the amount of mountains made out of molehills here I guess I should have been prepared. This isn't going to be a persistent or reoccurring issue, as it was clearly a mistake, which has now been addressed.

You are MK gov. People will "care" very much what you do and what you say. Surely you are aware that you are under a microscope. Recent events with RoK and spying incident should have provided you further proof in how the crowd is going to react by this.

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Wow, this thread delivers.

UE, are you serious with that policy? That's one of the most asinine things I've read recently. If a nation accepts aid marked for a tech deal, that nation has accepted a tech deal and is obligated to pay it, regardless of AA. This doesn't mean that the AA needs to guarantee the tech, but it does mean that the nation is held liable if it defaults. If you don't want your nations taking tech deals with AA's not on your white list, then tell them so. Then the refund policy... is math really that hard? You're going to waste slots sending back the 3m, so the buyer gets screwed out of slots and time, AND your membership gets screwed out of slots, time, and profit. Idiocy all around.

MK ordered people to ghost Gre? (Gre hypocrisy regarding AA sovereignty aside) WTH were you smoking when you gave that order? How were you shocked that they were upset?

[size="2"]..although i could see the old UPN thanking you for the stat bump, that's UPN, hardly the norm.[/size]

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[quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1330036515' post='2927025']
Wow, this thread delivers.

UE, are you serious with that policy? That's one of the most asinine things I've read recently. If a nation accepts aid marked for a tech deal, that nation has accepted a tech deal and is obligated to pay it, regardless of AA. This doesn't mean that the AA needs to guarantee the tech, but it does mean that the nation is held liable if it defaults. If you don't want your nations taking tech deals with AA's not on your white list, then tell them so. Then the refund policy... is math really that hard? You're going to waste slots sending back the 3m, so the buyer gets screwed out of slots and time, AND your membership gets screwed out of slots, time, and profit. Idiocy all around.

MK ordered people to ghost Gre? (Gre hypocrisy regarding AA sovereignty aside) WTH were you smoking when you gave that order? How were you shocked that they were upset?

[size="2"]..although i could see the old UPN thanking you for the stat bump, that's UPN, hardly the norm.[/size]

It's not asinine they're policy is nothing particularly new and if an aid slot is marked tech deal doesn't make it a contractual agreement unless it's verbal or PM in this case, as to only dealing with certain alliance that's nothing new and the benefits could be they have a tighter relationship with them and a possible treaty coming out of it or just preventing aiding future enemies/people they dislike. I'm also pretty certain they have told their nations on the AA they're just telling everyone else. There refund policy doesn't explicitly state they just send the money back but it's there choice if they're going to waste aid slots, people get squelched in tech deals all the time this is nothing new.

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