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Five and Something Years of Rebel Virginia

Rebel Virginia

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What I remember you most for was when you joined GOONS during a war between coalitions, essentially jumping ship from the losing side to the winning side so you could launch nukes at Invicta despite them fighting on the same side as you before you suddenly joined GOONS during the war. Did you do it because you thought you needed to in order to save NSO or because you wanted to be a dick towards Invicta I might never know, but either way it was a dick move which you've never admitted to it being a bad move. It reminded me of something Grub would do, although from him something like that wasn't as surprising and he caused more trouble when he switched sides mid war.

[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1327533477' post='2906871']
Probably the former. RV is at least able to make fun of himself.
I think Schattenmann is just better at satire. I don't think Schattenmann takes himself to seriously, although he tends to stay in character better than RV, who makes it overly obvious you shouldn't take anything he says seriously. Schattenmann at least has consistency and puts effort into his writing, rather than RV who instead of relying on substance mostly relies on his ego/reputation to make his topics fun.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1327565626' post='2907205']
Am I the only one who predicted this the moment Schatt put up his thread?
The only real question was who would do it first, and who would do it best.

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1327584490' post='2907293']
What I remember you most for was when you joined GOONS during a war between coalitions, essentially jumping ship from the losing side to the winning side so you could launch nukes at Invicta despite them fighting on the same side as you before you suddenly joined GOONS during the war. Did you do it because you thought you needed to in order to save NSO or because you wanted to be a dick towards Invicta I might never know, but either way it was a dick move which you've never admitted to it being a bad move. It reminded me of something Grub would do, although from him something like that wasn't as surprising and he caused more trouble when he switched sides mid war.[/quote]
I agree: RV is one of the best individuals we have on planet Bob.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1327584490' post='2907293']
What I remember you most for was when you joined GOONS during a war between coalitions, essentially jumping ship from the losing side to the winning side so you could launch nukes at Invicta despite them fighting on the same side as you before you suddenly joined GOONS during the war. Did you do it because you thought you needed to in order to save NSO or because you wanted to be a dick towards Invicta I might never know, but either way it was a dick move which you've never admitted to it being a bad move. It reminded me of something Grub would do, although from him something like that wasn't as surprising and he caused more trouble when he switched sides mid war.
RV joined GOONS for 1 month as part of NSO's surrender terms.

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Honestly, I've never been this enthralled with a thread in my life RV. I was supposed to go out with my friends, but I just called them and told them to go $%&@ themselves; there's an incredible story unfolding on the owf right now. I am seriously sitting on the edge of my seat right now, and when that story reached it's climax, I popped a raging boner. So here I sit, sporting wood while I wait for the completion, to which I will satisfy myself. Please RV...don't keep me waiting much longer.

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[color="#0000FF"]RV: Thank you for coming back, RV.
RV: RV, it's good to be back.
RV: So, when we left off you had stated you had been elected to the War Council.
RV: Yes, I was elected to the War Council. Oddly enough I was one of the few qualified people ever elected to that position. For example, prior to I the Body Republic had a tendency of electing talentless hacks. Mary the Fantabulous is one of those talentless hacks. She joined the NPO, and one month later was elected to the War Council despite having the qualifications of a soaking sponge. But yes, I barely came ahead of a bunch of worthless ninnies. Fortunately there were a few in that alliance who possessed the good sense to realize when they had something good going for them. I was joined on the Council by Squintus, Lysdexia, and Chron. Squintus would prove to be a complete dud, and unseen for his entire term.
RV: Tell me more, RV!
RV: The February War Council was marked by the recovery from the Second Great War, of which you already know my heroism.
RV: Yes, I do. I like your moustache.
RV: Yes, it is a very nice moustache. A subtle indicator of my not so subtle masculinity. I like to stroke it, softly, gently, repeatedly. It has a very nice feel to it. Would you like to give it a stroke?
RV: Oh, RV... I thought you'd never ask!
RV: So, February. That month was also one of heavy military reform. Chron would occasionally offer ideas, but mostly the work was done by myself and Lysdexia. Mostly by me. My biggest accomplishment was the development of a system of squads and fire teams, carefully assigning NPO members based on strength and activity. It is something the NPO had wanted done for months, but considering that for too long they had settled for lesser men it was never a reality until I came around. I also update the NPO war guide, which had fallen into neglect and become outdated, and appointed competent lieutenants, such as Seerow and SirWilliam, to make up for the fact NPO in the past settled for less. All of my work was crucial to NPO's victory in the coming war.
RV: Oh, RV.
RV: Great War III was defined by my heroism. Heroically I dominated the forces of GATO, LUE, and the Legion. Of course there were others, Anthony, Chron, SirWilliam, but no one cares about them. We want to hear about us. Oh yes, we made target lists. We were glorious.
RV: RV, who is we?
RV: We us of course, precious.
RV: Tell us more, RV.
RV: Oh yes, we made good target lists. This paved the way for me to take over Military Intelligence following Lysdexia's defection to Valhalla mid-war. Following the war I greatly expanded our operations, keeping lists of all defeated enemies. This was done to keep track of where the members, including those who had surrendered, of the defeated GATO and Legion would migrate to after the war. Those alliances lost many members, even after the peace was declared. I knew they would take their thirst for revenge with them wherever they went. So I picked out several quality NPO members and created the first intelligence team. We followed all of our enemies, which of course consisted of the entirety of Bob. The first alliance we identified as being a threat was the Alaskan Border Patrol. It was a 20 nation alliance consisting of former NAAC members. The NPO had no intention of allowing such a potent foe revive itself. It had to be crushed.
RV: This sounds intense.
RV: Oh yes, Rebel Virginia is a man of action. He alone directed the attack on ABP due to a foolish order by Emperor Moo-Cows, one of many foolish orders to come, to attack late in the afternoon when very few Order members were on. But Rebel Virginia knew he only had to get one nation on each enemy, and was thus able to prevent ABP, with exception of two of its leader, from escaping punishment. Victory was assured!
RV: Wow, that's amazing. Tell us more.
RV: My accomplishments were many, and my assistance vital to the destruction of ONOS, the Empire, and many other small and unremarkable alliances. ONOS in particular. Though they surrendered in less than a night the true victory came with the peace. I enforced Moldavi's edict that no ONOS member be allowed to leave the alliance. I ensured that those that tried were destroyed, and placed them on the PZI list. A list that included aid violators in GATO and Legion. I believe it reached over 300 nations on my watch. But yes, I was an administrator in ONOS, and found reason to remove many troublemakers from that alliance. They too were given PZI.
RV: You're a real hero, RV!
RV: I know.
RV: This is dragging on, so let us continue tomorrow, with NPO's amazing military victory over FAN despite overwhelming odds.

The story will continue later with Part 3 of this amazing tale.

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[quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' timestamp='1327643896' post='2907999']
Schatt has you following him around in every thread to do it for him.
I'm a bigtime celebrity; I get my own obsessive/compulsive stalker.
This actually is very interesting RV, I never knew what exactly you did in NPO.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1327526257' post='2906789']
Which ego is bigger. Schattenmann or RV...the world may never know

On the one hand, RV's interview didn't have a cool magazine picture and the magazine format after.

On at the other hand, RV didn't take ideas for questions to ask himself from the general public (as far as I know) while Schattenmann asked for questions.

So I figure that means Schattenmann's ego is bigger as he put more time into it, but RV makes for a better dictator.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1327506533' post='2906603']
[color="#0000FF"]RV: Good afternoon, RV. It is a pleasure to have you sit down with me this morning.
RV: It is good to be here, RV, but did you just say that it is both morning and afternoon? Similtaneously?
RV: Oh my, you sure got me, RV. You're a hoot!
RV and RV together: Ha ha ha ha ha.
RV: Have it here old boy!
RV: I could talk to you all day, RV. I must say you are perhaps the most interesting person on all of Bob. A great conversationalist, a razor wit, and the most handsome man I have ever met. Would you find it uncomfortable if I were to touch your face? Maybe run my hand through your hair? That glorious mane of yours...
RV: No, not at all, RV. Just make it quick. I am a busy man, and as pleasant as your company is this interview must be getting started soon.
RV: Of course, RV. Let's begin now. But before I ask the first question, would you mind if I put my arm around your thigh? No? You'd like that? Okay. Okay now, so tell me of your time in the NPO. Most people would love to hear about that, RV. Granted we would like to know about all your adventures and your exploits, but it is best for us to start from the beginning. Your glory is something that not many people can fully understand, so let us keep it simple. Not everyone is as brilliant as you are, RV.
RV: I joined the NPO in 2006. This was a time of rapid decay in the Pacific. The old guard had become complacent and indifferent. My joining was a breath of fresh air for that dying alliance.
RV: Wow, RV. That sounds interesting. Please tell us more.
RV: Of course, RV, I am always glad to tell [i]you[/i] more. If you catch my drift.
RV and RV together: Ha ha ha ha ha.
RV: Oh, RV, you're a riot! I treasure the time we spend together.
RV: So, NPO was a dying alliance. But I knew I could save it, for I was a man of strength, and vision, and wisdom. But most of all, I was a man of love. Oh, I am a man who loves to love.
RV: I bet.
RV: I immediately got to work and made NPO a respectable alliance once more. As a battalion leader of the newest and smallest members I led them through the Second Great War. Oh, it was a trying time indeed, and had it not been for my competent leadership we would have lost many of them. You see, the NPO lacked true leadership during that war. Many of the lieutenants, with few exceptions, were cronies of the corrupt establishment. They did not deserve their positions as I did, and many of them were not even around when the fighting began. Things were so terrible that I had to step up and take command of several of their companies. It is because of this heroism that the NPO survived the NAAC and GATO onslaught. But of course I was not alone. I had some help.
RV: RV, tell me more, RV. I am enthralled.
RV: In addition to being the inspirational hero that I am, I also recognize talent. It was I who identified the talents of SirWilliam and Seerow, to name two well-known individuals who would later rise to prominence outside of the NPO, but many others, such as letub, SeeFour, FreezerBite, and countless others who contributed to the NPO first got their start because I, Rebel Virginia, in all my wisdom gave them the start the needed. I opened many doors. Unfortunately many of these individuals would later be betrayed my the same corrupt establishment that later banished me from the NPO.
RV: This sounds like quite the tale. Tell us more, RV!
RV: I most certainly will, but later. I am growing tired. But I will end on this note. In February of 2007 I was elected to the final War Council, along with Chron, Lysdexia, and Squintus. Granted I was really the only one who mattered, but that is where we will pick up the story next time. Yes, my time on the War Council to my betrayal by the Emperor himself!
RV: That is an amazing tale, RV. I can hardly wait until next time. By the way, would you mind it if I touched your face again?

Part 2 of Many Parts coming soon....[/color]

Pics or it didn't happen.

Also, congrats on your 5 and Something, my sometimes collaborator and/or enemy.

Here's cursing you with 5 more.


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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1327702275' post='2908434']
On the one hand, RV's interview didn't have a cool magazine picture and the magazine format after.

On at the other hand, RV didn't take ideas for questions to ask himself from the general public (as far as I know) while Schattenmann asked for questions.

So I figure that means Schattenmann's ego is bigger as he put more time into it, but RV makes for a better dictator.

I heard RV needs both hands. Guess that makes his ego bigger :v

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