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The dawn of the Iron Age


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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1325775240' post='2893333']
Still, where you are now is absolutely ludicrous considering the actions you are planning and the fact that there is no drop of Dutch blood in your system. Maybe you should join some anti-MK alliance and try to build them up.

Or maybe you should join MK.

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We actually tried to move over when we dropped that !@#$load of treaties but hey!

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1325876371' post='2894208']
Actually, arexes at MK would be hilarious to watch. The fights would be good. Please make it happen.


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[quote name='MagicalTrevor' timestamp='1325881820' post='2894260']
I enjoyed this thread a lot.

IRON have never shown the will to become a leading alliance and i highly doubt that'll change now. It's very hard to change an entire alliances perspective from follower to leader.
Seeing you post again brings warmth to this cold winter.

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[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1325797645' post='2893493']
tbh, MK isn't even on our list anymore.

We've all mellowed in our advanced age.

[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1325824267' post='2893723']
Or maybe you should join MK.
We only consider people if they send our former leaders their life story.

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Reythegreat is a quality human being and I resent those atrocious attacks on his character.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1325909508' post='2894499']
xfd at the implication you are better than ReytheGreat.

They both be down with the clown, yo. Maybe they are spiritual equals.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1325896616' post='2894384']
Yes, your standards are fascinating. ReyTheGreat, and all.

Thought I'd shoot you a pm.
I'm having fun in IRON but I'm not sure if it's home. I thought about doing the slow grind and working up into government and am on my way to doing such, but with school and getting removed from the alliance I kept safe for nearly two years up front and behind the scenes in MHA effort is at a premium.
(Yes, I'm aware some will question this and look at Umbrella among other things... but that treaty would not exist or lived long enough to be downgraded without me. In addition, before I started getting heavily involved our only real treaty partner was Fark and we were blowing in the wind with no real attachment to speak of otherwise,)

I joined IRON after my release because I had been betrayed, and the mantra resonated at the time given I knew full well what was going to happen in the coming days.

I toyed with the idea of posting an application at MK for a few reasons: A. I spent much of my recent time in .gov fighting against you. Probably the most fun I've had in my CN career was breaking open an alliances QnA and getting them interested in another point of view after Ardus or other people had been in their ear for a week or so. B. The closest alliance to MK I joined was TORN when they were active, during Karma. I butted heads with quinoa and Imperator, but looking back they were just making things fun and the only trouble they really gave me was for my !@#$%* nation at the time. I'd like to have that experience again. C. I felt I owed it to humor you guys, I know that had I it would've probably been flamed to high-heavens etc, and I'dve understood it but I thought it would be good fun. It's not like I've been one to shy away from y'all.

I know that there would be much opposition to the idea because : A. I tend to be disliked by all sorts of people at the moment because deep down i'm a smug prick, and B. Opsec or other concerns.

While I'm very much a smug prick, I'm very well liked still by everyone that MHA is allied to. In fact, I am very well liked by virtually everyone except those who have trashed MHA. While I know quite a few people I have spoken to (NG,) have no problem with my current relocation, I can only imagine if I was allowed to join MK what they'd say.

As I think you know, my position against MK was one primarily of the nature of my reality. It's not as if the NoR ties, four years of embassy flaming and constantly leaked propositions on Polaris, asking Umbrella to cancel our treaty and baiting SF were in MHA's best interest. My ribbing since my departure has been taking some pride in that I feel that this war will be extremely damaging for anyone trying to harm MHA or its allies, something I can be proud of considering I made it happen. While I know some parties would rather SF be given up or Fark taken down a peg neither were primarily in the best interest of MHA, especially at the time. Nothing personal, just something I felt I had eraned.

That said, while Ardus got to be Dr. EvIl, I was the guy who got the boot from MHA after being nearly the only one in its history to have a set of balls.

As for OpSec, I'm not sure how tight you guys are on about that but if you know much about the CnTel incident I was involved in, it wasn't for leaking information it was for commentary. Sure, I leaked the first conversation I had with JA to XX government while we were discussing Umbrella without Roq, someone I was close to in his time in Govt, but I don't think that's an issue so much as not expecting a member of Sparta to want to sabotage XX-Sparta, MHA-Umbrella relations. (HeoH.) Fact of the matter is I've never leaked anything that could be considered opsec.

But they're doing well without me, while Sparta is mobilizing they seem to be keeping up. The date I was released is the highest point, their MP and other wonder counts have fell profusely since.: http://www.cybernati...less%20Alliance

Anyway, I know that you probably could sail this around MK like the Umbrella thread', but I just wanted to ask if you thought it was even worth pursuing after the war to apply and worth a shot.

The game might be dying but there are a few things I'd like to do before it does, and joining MK would be one of them.

Best Regards,
Just wanting to confirm that you're still game?

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What exactly am I supposed to be embarrassed about in that?


It was a personal message sent nearly a month a go and quite a bit has changed, but I don't see where that would affect anything I have said there.

I've decided that I quite like my surroundings and some events that transpired after that message by a myriad of people led me to reconsider, so no, I'm not "game."

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1325922917' post='2894643']
What exactly am I supposed to be embarrassed about in that?


It was a personal message sent nearly a month a go and quite a bit has changed, but I don't see where that would affect anything I have said there.

I've decided that I quite like my surroundings and some events that transpired after that message by a myriad of people led me to reconsider, so no, I'm not "game."
Say it ain't so. :(

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1325922917' post='2894643']
What exactly am I supposed to be embarrassed about in that?


It was a personal message sent nearly a month a go and quite a bit has changed, but I don't see where that would affect anything I have said there.

I've decided that I quite like my surroundings and some events that transpired after that message by a myriad of people led me to reconsider, so no, I'm not "game."
Ardus received the same PM from you a few days ago so you'll have to forgive me for the confusion.

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I included him (there's a feature in the messenger, or something,) in the pm I sent to someone else a little over a month ago because I genuinely thought I was leaving the game a week to a few days ago, and the content within was just sort of an acknowledgement of sorts to him so I thought he'd be interested in reading it. I didn't re-send anything, and while I didn't expect it to remain private (as evidenced by the actual message,) I still struggle to see the hilarity of it, I guess.

To each their own, I suppose. Maybe one day, just not now.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1325924767' post='2894671']
Uh huh. I guess it's for the best that you don't test whether we'd reject you or not after accepting Rey.

I'm really not worried about it.

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1325943637' post='2894748']
Posting private messages on the OWF? Have we really descended to that level in trying to score petty personal points?

Um, where have you been?

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