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A Briefest Comment on RIA


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[quote name='DemonSpawn' timestamp='1322634307' post='2856657']
Ohhhh a "Come at me bro" thread.

It seems your more worried about what RIA and/or FARK will do in response to the attacks the TOP and IRON launched, that you and your alliance had no part of mind you. To me, if your so worried about it, why don't you attack RIA, FARK, or hell, R&R for that matter?
First, "you're" not "your." Second, the T in TOP is "The". Saying "the TOP" is redundant. Third, more worried than... what? You've initiated a comparison and then offered only half of the equation. Fourth, "you're" not "your."

Fifth, this isn't a "come at me bro" thread. This is me losing respect for a group I'd at one point imagined to be quick to the draw and savvy enough to not pull pages from the Legionnaire's Guide to Strategery. Instead I'm disappointed to have waited days to see no response from RIA (and many other Polar allies) to an attack that was telegraphed a good damn while in advance.

STA's already in, despite the fact that they're half-sick of Polar (according to Pez, at least). Hats off to 'em for going to bat anyway.

Edited by Ardus
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[quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1322634731' post='2856668']
Cue 20 pages of people telling everyone to declare on RIA, people calling RIA et al cowards for not jumping the gun, and Mogar having an emotional breakdown.

Why is this place so scripted these days :(

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[quote name='Sniper Joe' timestamp='1322634731' post='2856668']
Cue 20 pages of people telling everyone to declare on RIA, people calling RIA et al cowards for not jumping the gun, and Mogar having an emotional breakdown.
I've actually been very relaxed lately, the change of scenery is nice.

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[quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1322635301' post='2856679']
I'm sure RIA will get right back to you Ardus when they actually care about what you have to say.
OOC: Okay, I'm just going to put this out there, let it soak in--nobody cares about what anybody says about anybody because this is a text-based game on the internet from 2006. Nobody ever cared. But what made the game fun was when we faked caring and, from time to time, got caught up in the act of faking it. If you're not even going to feign interest, you've already stopped playing CN.

IC: Whether or not they care is irrelevant to me. I'll speak as I wish to speak.

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FARK has an OPTIONAL defense/agression what not. RIA has treaties on both sides. They both do not have to enter the war at all. If you would like war with RIA or Fark, please feel free to start declaring. SF loves additional tech piles.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322635783' post='2856687']
FARK has an OPTIONAL defense/agression what not. RIA has treaties on both sides. They both do not have to enter the war at all. If you would like war with RIA or Fark, please feel free to start declaring. SF loves additional tech piles.

how does it feel to have not a goddamn clue what you're talking about

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322635600' post='2856684']
OOC: Okay, I'm just going to put this out there, let it soak in--nobody cares about what anybody says about anybody because this is a text-based game on the internet from 2006. Nobody ever cared. But what made the game fun was when we faked caring and, from time to time, got caught up in the act of faking it. If you're not even going to feign interest, you've already stopped playing CN.

IC: Whether or not they care is irrelevant to me. I'll speak as I wish to speak.

OOC: I feign quite a bit of interest thank you very much, and there are a number of people who can attest that I have anything but stopped playing CN. I just don't take to your lil games.

IC: As you may, just don't be too upset when RIA continues to ignore your pleas.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1322634529' post='2856663']
Dude, your ally just got attacked. Making target lists? Didn't think so, now go back to your corner and shush.

I think you missed the posts that say TPF has no treaty obligation, STA chained in which makes the treaty optional, as oppose to NpO who where attacked and not chained in.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1322634257' post='2856653']
I have to agree with the Umbrellian above. This post, of all the pokes on the subject, will be the difference maker.

Seriously though dude you have been in the planning channels before and it's been like 3 days. Is taking this long smart? Not in my educated opinion, no. But indicative of anything for sure at this point? Not so much. Should have saved it for like the 6 day mark.
I am rather unimpressed by their lack of response time. I can understand and forgive a slow response time because of the recent holiday that just occurred on Planet Bob but one would only assume that plans and strategies would have already been in place for such an event. One does not normally sign a mutual defense treaty with an alliance that is rumored to be on the chopping block in the next couple of weeks without some sort of plan. In all honesty, I'm a bit perplexed that Polar didn't already have a strategy for this.

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[quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1322635899' post='2856694']
Please point out RIA's treaty with TOP? If they've been hiding something from me, boy, do they have some explaining to do...

Well ive never seen an alliance with treaties on both sides randomly attack someone in the war. RIA doesnt have a treaty with STA, CCC, UPN, or Avalanche either. Whos to say they can't go in over there. :)

[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1322635867' post='2856691']
how does it feel to have not a goddamn clue what you're talking about

Well im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Your raging just means im doing it right :wub:

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322635783' post='2856687']
FARK has an OPTIONAL defense/agression what not. RIA has treaties on both sides. They both do not have to enter the war at all. If you would like war with RIA or Fark, please feel free to start declaring. SF loves additional tech piles.

So RIA signs an MDP with Polar while half of their nations are in peace mode (the first time this month) while it was totally obvious TOP would eventually hit Polar.

Completely expectantly, TOP declares war on Polar four days after the treaty is signed.

If RIA is really going to stay out of this war because of conflicting treaties then they really are scum. And if RIA is really going to enter soon, then congrats on them leaving Polar and their close allies out to dry for a little while.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1322635867' post='2856692']
I honestly thought getting called out like this would get under my skin, but I just find it funny.

It's almost more sad than funny.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322636375' post='2856705']
Well ive never seen an alliance with treaties on both sides randomly attack someone in the war. RIA doesnt have a treaty with STA, CCC, UPN, or Avalanche either. Whos to say they can't go in over there. :)

Well im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Your raging just means im doing it right :wub:

You should stick to posting "Sekrit" material, amirite?

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322636375' post='2856705']
Well ive never seen an alliance with treaties on both sides randomly attack someone in the war. RIA doesnt have a treaty with STA, CCC, UPN, or Avalanche either. Whos to say they can't go in over there. :)

Well im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Your raging just means im doing it right :wub:

Are you really CSN's Deputy Minister of War or is that title a joke?

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1322636375' post='2856705']
Well ive never seen an alliance with treaties on both sides randomly attack someone in the war. RIA doesnt have a treaty with STA, CCC, UPN, or Avalanche either. Whos to say they can't go in over there. :)[/quote]

RIA's MDoAP partner was attacked aggressively, no justification or fancy language to make it a defensive attack or whatever, it was flat out IRON and TOP bumrushing Polar and beating them on the head. This is super cut and dry and denying RIA's obligation to defend Polar is like claiming smoking a pack a day will make you an Olympic swimmer.

[quote]Well im pretty sure i know what im talking about. Your raging just means im doing it right :wub:

You don't know what you're talking about, you're actually bungling the facts in an incredible way. Only thing you're doing right is making yourself look like you know absolutely nothing.

Edited by Chief Savage Man
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[quote]You don't know what you're talking about, you're actually bungling the facts in an incredible way. Only thing you're doing right is making yourself look like you know absolutely nothing.

[quote]This is super cut and dry and denying RIA's obligation to defend TOP is like claiming smoking a pack a day will make you an Olympic swimmer.[/quote]

We'll declare in defense of TOP immediately.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1322632882' post='2856617']
Tonight I was proven wrong. Tonight I was shown that the way of righteousness and intelligence does still exist in some of the darker corners of the Cyberverse.

Tonight the Random Insanity Alliance showed that they support the right and noble cause of Paradoxia and Project Mayhem in their cleansing of the Cyberverse of the traitor alliance known as NpO.

Through failing to uphold their signed Mutual Defense Pact, the leadership of RIA have shown the world that they value right over honor and have shown their true spirit of pro-Paradoxia in their actions, or rather, lack thereof.

On behalf of the nations of... oh screw it. I already used this [url=http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=59319&hl=]mimic[/url] [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97779&st=0]gag[/url] once before.

There was a time when alliances would be rightfully drummed out of CN for being a day late in defending an ally. Now there's not a war that goes by without somebody dragging their feet. That the people who do so manage to keep allies afterward astounds me. The world is waiting on you, RIA, and the rest of Polar's allies. The world is waiting on you to grow a spine and lunge forth into the great tumult of battle.

Get on with it.

Ivan did it better.

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