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Fight! We Fight!

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1320766766' post='2841657']
I disagree. Call me naive, but I still have some faith left in them.

If a five man alliance can fight you, what makes an alliance with 300 hundreds members afraid to, especially if they have all the right to defend themselves against you?

We both have passed the point where land, tech, and infra actually mean something.

About what going to happen tomorrow when this all over, I am risking it, really. The joy of not knowing what is coming, and what can spur from this. If the war spread, if more people join us, this can revive the soul of many of the rusty warriors. Perhaps then the world will be worth living again.

Define fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys started to turtle within 3 days. Can you call that fighting? Your warchests look alright but if you think we will feel this, you are mistaken.

If you think more alliances will join your example and declare war on us, or others, you are not just naive. You are a fool. And yeah you did lose friends over this.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1320767122' post='2841662']
Define fighting. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys started to turtle within 3 days. Can you call that fighting? Your warchests look alright but if you think we will feel this, you are mistaken.

Well, again, you missed the point. We are not doing this to make you "feel it" .

[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1320767122' post='2841662']
If you think more alliances will join your example and declare war on us, or others, you are not just naive. You are a fool.

We will see. We are gambling. We are taking the risk.

[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1320767122' post='2841662']
And yeah you did lose friends over this.

It is unfortunate, but understandable. You are doing what you have to do.
I am doing what I think I have to do. Totally understandable.

Edited by suryanto tan
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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1320764014' post='2841635']
Well, Sardonic, your way of doing will be awesome. But I really do not have the resource nor the capability to do that. I should have recruited you to help out.
Recruit me? Don't be ridiculous, I'm more than happy being part of the power structure. I'm just so comfortable in my position that I don't feel nervous about doling out such advice. :smug:

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1320761740' post='2841619']
heh if you look at the most recent treaty thing from Kaskus (the Menotah oDoAP) seems they have actually lost gov members by attacking NG.

I think it was just one "gov member" they lost.
The rest on the list.....well it is a small alliance why not put everyone on it.

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[quote name='ShouAS' timestamp='1320761740' post='2841619']
heh if you look at the most recent treaty thing from Kaskus (the Menotah oDoAP) seems they have actually lost gov members by attacking NG.

If you look closely, all the GOVERNMENT members are in Kaskus except one who has deleted due to inactivity.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1320794022' post='2841876']
You've got balls, Kaskus. Go get 'em.

I don't see how suicide runs are ballsy. When you have nothing to lose, you give up. So unless you're saying suicide is ballsy, no, no they don't have balls.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1321084103' post='2843635']
I don't see how suicide runs are ballsy. When you have nothing to lose, you give up. So unless you're saying suicide is ballsy, no, no they don't have balls.

This suicide run is ballsier than anything I'd ever do. Then again, I'm sort of a pansy.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1321084103' post='2843635']
I don't see how suicide runs are ballsy. When you have nothing to lose, you give up. So unless you're saying suicide is ballsy, no, no they don't have balls.

You're definitely correct sir... we don't have balls at all since we find it extremely difficult to monitor when those balls were hanging on our screens :D

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suryanto tan... you sir have made my day! Good to see an old battle buddy having some fun, sticking it to the man! :P

I'm glad you guys are sticking to your guns and standing up for a belief (Doing something about it? :))

oo/ Kaskus!

PS: There can be only one... PANSY! :D

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kaskus could have chose to sit back and do nothing, but in doing what they have gives their statement more meaning then any words you sceptics may choose to use.

My hats of to all the members of Kaskus, the road you have chosen is not an easy one...Embrace it!!

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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1320733475' post='2841526']
I don't recall specifically calling you a rogue alliance, I said the next Rogue Alliance. However I wouldn't call you a real alliance either. You have an ODP, one that won't be honored at this point so it is just a fancy piece of paper that you got to sign. You formed, signed a treaty, then declare war all in a short amount of time. You are essentially roguing your alliance against a much larger force that you have no chance to beat. A suicide run. The Ninja's and FnKa did this at superior quality against the GOONS last year.

In the end, you broke tradition and attacked the wrong alliance. It's GOONS you are supposed to attack, not Non Grata. You are doing it wrong.

Could they even hit any goon nations with their pre war stats?

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