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A Joint Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Viridian Entente

Leet Guy

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1320497966' post='2839558']
I don't believe you in the least.

Some people have said I'm excessively paranoid. But they won't anymore because I've had them all killed.

Whether you intended this or not, and I assume not, it looks like nothing more than a ruse set up so that you and MK can come in and save your allies without them taking a PR hit for asking. Probably something one of you thought up and you all agreed with. You come to bail out Tetris, MK comes to bail out NSO.

In fact, the more you all speak, and the more I see this little "play" of exchanges between you and NSO, [b]who have been largely absent in this thread (curious), the more it looks exactly like I described.[/b]

Ironically, you probably will take more of a PR hit for this then if you just called it like it really is.

Well, pretend what you want, yet your words are nothing but illusion. Verbal smoke. Your actions part the veil covering your intent.

Nah, we be gagged. A blessing perhaps.

Edited by Charles Stuart
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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320479948' post='2839484']
No, it's not. Do you want it to be or something? I'll admit that I'm at less then full capacity given the hour of the day of the week, but from what I've browsed in the past 20 pages or so you've pushed this point quite a few times.

NSO won't get just a light spanking. I promise. Better?

I think we'd all feel a little better if you explain how you plan on hurting nations in peace mode and ones that are in bill lock or below 1k NS? I mean you could totally send them insulting PMs, Bill lock them a little more and maybe shave a few more NS off that magical avg NS number. We are all eagerly awaiting explanation on how you're going to do anything substantial to NSO at all.

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This is a very interesting sociological experiment.

Two monkeys who hate each other and have been fighting for hours are strapped to electric chairs. One is more bruised than the other. If they can't accept to settle their small differences, they will both get burned. Will the more injuried monkey commit to a suicide move by refusing peace and therefore see his enemy go down with him? Will the bigger monkey retract from his demands to avoid being killed? Generally, it is known that those who stand to lose the most are more prone to accepting compromises.

In any case, the whole good thing this thread has produced is a Rafael Nadal sighting.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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This question still has not been answered:

What happens if NSO stalls or refuses any reasonable peace offers, you still going to roll both alliances (The Legion mainly)? My guess would be yes, because this has nothing to do with peace, this has to do with rolling an alliance that you hate. The answer to this question is being avoided for a reason i'm sure.

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[quote name='illusion' timestamp='1320502342' post='2839583']
This question still has not been answered:

What happens if NSO stalls or refuses any reasonable peace offers, you still going to roll both alliances (The Legion mainly)? My guess would be yes

Your guess is correct.

Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1320480307' post='2839488']
One question that seems to be keep coming up but never answered (as far as I can see) is

What would happen if one party tries everything within their power to peace out, but other side is still unwilling. What is the action going to be?
Already been answered. Both get rolled, Legion gets rolled harder due to the circumstances.

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And this is supposed to be fair? And we are being unreasonable? MK/VE just need to declare on Legion and get it over with, thats what they want to do anyway. They have wanted this since before the war even started, they probably manipulated planet bob just so it would come to this.

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320480876' post='2839493']
Why would you measure the loss in comparison to raw numbers, that makes no sense. The way I look at it, Legion will take a NS hit, but NSO will literally have almost [i]nothing [/i]left if they don't give in.
Compared to the almost nothing they have now? They have no incentive to back down now that VE/MK has graciously offered to destroy their enemy.

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[quote name='illusion' timestamp='1320504070' post='2839592']
And this is supposed to be fair? And we are being unreasonable? MK/VE just need to declare on Legion and get it over with, thats what they want to do anyway. They have wanted this since before the war even started, they probably manipulated planet bob just so it would come to this.
Lets not get too conspiracy theory-y here.

MK and VE are just doing exactly what they rolled NPO for, interfering in other alliances' matters with little or no reason to do so. They're just perpetuating the cycle.

Hypocrisy is a disease on Planet Bob, I've sometimes caught it, but VE and MK seem to have caught it at the same time.

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[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1320490280' post='2839528']
[paraphrase]Swinging to the "Karma" time beat [/paraphrase]
Yo, Leonidas, that is some rad moves you got, and Imma let you finish, but I just wanted to say, that Karma was the best run Marketing Campaign of all time. OF ALL TIME!!

Edited by Alfred von Tirpitz
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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1320500557' post='2839571']
I think we'd all feel a little better if you explain how you plan on hurting nations in peace mode and ones that are in bill lock or below 1k NS? I mean you could totally send them insulting PMs, Bill lock them a little more and maybe shave a few more NS off that magical avg NS number. We are all eagerly awaiting explanation on how you're going to do anything substantial to NSO at all.
Tru dat. I'm interested in this as well. If they can figure out a way to hurt them even more in bill lock & PM, I [b]definitely[/b] want that trick for my warbook.

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[quote name='King Penchuk' timestamp='1320464850' post='2839325']
What a joke. "we will demonstrate how to act with class until all parties have found peace." You are two of the worst examples of acting with class. All you do is set other alliances is up. What a bunch of hypocrites.

This is a great post and 100% right.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1320478734' post='2839478']
[b]This makes MK/VE look even more pathetic.[/b]

I'm loving the excuses to the in for this war. :awesome: Whatever happens Legion comes out looking good. MK?VE come out looking like idiots, NSO looks extremely weak.

It took this war to make MK/VE look like idiots?

Seems to me they've already been doing a good job of that, though I see your point. :P

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[quote name='illusion' timestamp='1320504070' post='2839592']
And this is supposed to be fair? And we are being unreasonable? MK/VE just need to declare on Legion and get it over with, thats what they want to do anyway. They have wanted this since before the war even started, they probably manipulated planet bob just so it would come to this.
Welcome to post-Karma Planet Bob.

I helped lead M*A*S*H with the Karma Coalition (yeah, old business and so what?) to help bring an end to the Pax Pacifica. These days, I'm beginning to think maybe the Pax wasn't so bad after all. Sure, there were random beatdowns, but at least they were [b]predictible[/b] and mostly meant something. These days? Not so much.

Bob is dying. These are the Twilight Wars.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320506211' post='2839605']
Welcome to post-Karma Planet Bob.

I helped lead M*A*S*H with the Karma Coalition (yeah, old business and so what?) to help bring an end to the Pax Pacifica. These days, I'm beginning to think maybe the Pax wasn't so bad after all. Sure, there were random beatdowns, but at least they were [b]predictible[/b] and mostly meant something. These days? Not so much.

Bob is dying. These are the Twilight Wars.

No Pax was pretty bad at the time. But this action isn't much better. Other than Rush's theory earlier, can someone tell me how these negotiations are any of VE/MK's business?

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[quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1320482118' post='2839499']
I don't consider a bunch of people below 5k ns having anything left. Anyone with enough tech to be worth something post war will be in range.
And now the truth finally comes out.

You don't want peace, you just want [b]paid[/b]. Go find your own war. [b]We[/b] did.

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[quote name='Flonker' timestamp='1320506211' post='2839605']
Welcome to post-Karma Planet Bob.
I think the writing was on the wall when the total repudiation of the values set out by those who led Karma and the whole ''Everything must die'' !@#$%^&* was wheeled out, either way this is yet another disappointing thing to see.

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