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A Joint TLR-GATO Announcement

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[quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1317916680' post='2818580']
Yes, Indeed!

What am I being dense about? The CB? How even or lopsided the war is? I don't care about any of that. My ally has become involved in this conflict and they needed financial aid so we are going to provide it.

You were being dense about his argument. No one is holding it against you that you're helping out your ally, people are just calling out the fact that Tetris had been goading on Legion for months and when the going gets tough they needed to call in allies. I know you're not doing this for Tetris, but that doesn't discount the original argument at all.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1317878215' post='2818038']
Those posts were taken from an embassy--the sovereign territory of SOS Brigade--by the SOS Brigade. Apples and oranges.
I love how this was completely glossed over in this thread. This is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

"Sovereignty of embassies" on Planet Bob? You [i]can't[/i] be serious.

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[quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1317917111' post='2818587']
I love how this was completely glossed over in this thread. This is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

"Sovereignty of embassies" on Planet Bob? You [i]can't[/i] be serious.
I was actually going to post the exact same thing.

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1317910404' post='2818437']
We have become the monster :smug:
You'll always be my monster, Varianz. :wub:
[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1317913680' post='2818513']
It's cause TLR refuses to acknowledge my existence anymore... :(

*sigh* I coulda fixed it in a second too.
traitor <3

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[quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1317916976' post='2818584']
You were being dense about his argument. No one is holding it against you that you're helping out your ally, people are just calling out the fact that Tetris had been goading on Legion for months and when the going gets tough they needed to call in allies. I know you're not doing this for Tetris, but that doesn't discount the original argument at all.

Here's an analogy for you:

Everyone at recess messes around with the kid who they think is an undiagnosed retard (Legion). They poke fun, laughs are had at the poor kid's expense, whatever. Most of the time, its harmless chiding or goading that results in: nothing. However, what happens when one of the smaller kids at recess (Tetris) throws a rock at the retard, who [i]just so happens[/i] to be oh I don't know, 5 times its size? Sure, throwing the rock ain't cool, but if you think that the incompetent oaf beating the smaller kid to death over it while his friends stand around and watch is justice... you need to check out your morals bro.

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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1317917570' post='2818593']
Here's an analogy for you:

Everyone at recess messes around with the kid who they think is an undiagnosed retard (Legion). They poke fun, laughs are had at the poor kid's expense, whatever. Most of the time, its harmless chiding or goading that results in: nothing. However, what happens when one of the smaller kids at recess (Tetris) throws a rock at the retard, who [i]just so happens[/i] to be oh I don't know, 5 times its size? Sure, throwing the rock ain't cool, but if you think that the incompetent oaf beating the smaller kid to death over it while his friends stand around and watch is justice... you need to check out your morals bro.

The problem here is that everybody on Legion's side of the web is gonna say "Tetris shouldn't throw rocks, because we throw nukes back herpderp."

But our side of the web looks at that and goes, "Oh, snap. Tetris started some mess with legion, lets get that retard! :awesome: " And get they shall.

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[quote name='Avery du Troiseau' timestamp='1317917966' post='2818598']
The problem here is that everybody on Legion's side of the web is gonna say "Tetris shouldn't throw rocks, because we throw nukes back herpderp."

But our side of the web looks at that and goes, "Oh, snap. Tetris started some mess with legion, lets get that retard! :awesome: " And get they shall.

I think we need to hang out more.

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[quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1317917111' post='2818587']
I love how this was completely glossed over in this thread. This is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

"Sovereignty of embassies" on Planet Bob? You [i]can't[/i] be serious.

I saw it, I just didn't want to derail this thread with a battle of the e-lawyers. Sometimes you just have to ignore the hook, no matter how juicy and tempting the bait may be.


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[quote name='VladimirLenin' timestamp='1317917111' post='2818587']
I love how this was completely glossed over in this thread. This is about the funniest thing I've ever heard.

"Sovereignty of embassies" on Planet Bob? You [i]can't[/i] be serious.
[/quote][quote name='Yankees Empire' timestamp='1317917247' post='2818590']
I was actually going to post the exact same thing.
An alliance can take screenshots of their own embassies all day long; it's their embassy and the discussions therein are its own.
My post was not "glossed over" it is simply fact, and therefore unremarkable.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1317917570' post='2818593']
Here's an analogy for you:

Everyone at recess messes around with the kid who they think is an undiagnosed retard (Legion). They poke fun, laughs are had at the poor kid's expense, whatever. Most of the time, its harmless chiding or goading that results in: nothing. However, what happens when one of the smaller kids at recess (Tetris) throws a rock at the retard, who [i]just so happens[/i] to be oh I don't know, 5 times its size? Sure, throwing the rock ain't cool, but if you think that the incompetent oaf beating the smaller kid to death over it while his friends stand around and watch is justice... you need to check out your morals bro.
Yes because when 4 friends come in to help the smaller kid, the 5 of them vs an incompetent oaf is clearly great justice in this situation. Cause you know obviously kids are just gonna curbstomp the oaf instead of pulling the small rock throwing moron out of the fight. Oh and then you get 2 other big boy friends feeding rocks to the 5 guys to beat the oaf with. Great analogy bro, check your morals.

Edited by Greg23
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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317918783' post='2818614']
Yes because when 4 friends come in to help the smaller kid, the 5 of them vs an incompetent oaf is clearly great justice in this situation. Cause you know obviously kids are just gonna curbstomp the oaf instead of pulling the small rock throwing moron out of the fight. Oh and then you get 2 other big boy friends feeding rocks to the 5 guys to beat the oaf with. Great analogy bro, check your morals.
We didn't have the option of pulling them out, even if we wanted to. Legion was intent on war and war they are getting.

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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317918783' post='2818614']
Yes because when 4 friends come in to help the smaller kid, the 5 of them vs an incompetent oaf is clearly great justice in this situation. Cause you know obviously kids are just gonna curbstomp the oaf instead of pulling the small rock throwing moron out of the fight. Oh and then you get 2 other big boy friends feeding rocks to the 5 guys to beat the oaf with. Great analogy bro, check your morals.
That's the cool thing bro. Morals don't matter. Only carnage.

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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1317917570' post='2818593']
Here's an analogy for you:

Everyone at recess messes around with the kid who they think is an undiagnosed retard (Legion). They poke fun, laughs are had at the poor kid's expense, whatever. Most of the time, its harmless chiding or goading that results in: nothing. However, what happens when one of the smaller kids at recess (Tetris) throws a rock at the retard, who [i]just so happens[/i] to be oh I don't know, 5 times its size? Sure, throwing the rock ain't cool, but if you think that the incompetent oaf beating the smaller kid to death over it while his friends stand around and watch is justice... you need to check out your morals bro.[/quote]

I'd buy a ticket to that show. Morals! I knew the "check engine" light meant something.

One big difference here, is that said friends don't give a rotten possum fart about the smaller kid that, frankly, should get himself checked after this himself. Nor do they care about the bigger kid. They've been waiting for a chance to set the short bus on fire for a year now - and that's the only reason why they intervene in this fight.

[s][ooc: Funny thing is, I recall situation similar to what you described becoming viral not so long ago. I cheered for that fat kid as well.][/s]

[size="1"]edit: type-o[/size]

edit: Ah, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105828"]there's even a thread about it in World Affairs![/url] :)

Edited by Beau Vine
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[quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1317918783' post='2818614']
Yes because when 4 friends come in to help the smaller kid, the 5 of them vs an incompetent oaf is clearly great justice in this situation. Cause you know obviously kids are just gonna curbstomp the oaf instead of pulling the small rock throwing moron out of the fight. Oh and then you get 2 other big boy friends feeding rocks to the 5 guys to beat the oaf with. Great analogy bro, check your morals.

Nah, my point was more the fact that though it is unfortunate that Tetris pushed Legion to that point, to be an ally of Tetris and just stand by and watch is unacceptable. The world of CN doesn't revolve around universal morals, it revolves around the morality of friendships.

"I don't care what my friend did to hurt you, if he would die for me, and I for him, you're fighting us both. Period."

The sooner people realize that, the easier this is going to be, and the faster the intra-webz-lawyering !@#$%^&* goes out the window.

edit - typo.

Edited by Dark Temptation
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1317918740' post='2818612']
An alliance can take screenshots of their own embassies all day long; it's their embassy and the discussions therein are its own.
As much as it pains me, I must somewhat agree with Schattenman's position [url=http://mushroom-kingdom.info/boards/index.php?topic=21534.0]in the interest of consistency.[/url] Alliances may do what they wish with materials posted on their forums. What goes into an embassy, be it public or private, is subject to the same judgments of the host alliance as any posts anywhere else on their forum. But the guests for whom embassies are created may also utilize the information contained therein for whatever purposes they desire.

Of course, alliances are not restricted from responding to the regulatory decisions of foreign hosts. If you do not agree with the regulation of a foreign embassy, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&st=0&p=2514184&fromsearch=1&#entry2514184]can always withdraw your ambassadors and tell the foreign entity to take a hike[/url]. And if an ally breaches your confidence, you cancel the treaty.

Edited by Ardus
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[quote name='Beau Vine' timestamp='1317920011' post='2818629']
They've been waiting for a chance to set the short bus on fire for a year now - and that's the only reason why they intervene in this fight.
[size="1"]edit: type-o[/size]

You didn't think the gallons of kerosene we bought were for nothing, did you? Our houses don't get THAT cold.

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[quote name='The Normandy' timestamp='1317894165' post='2818289']
And Legion don't accept peace or surrender, fight them for the rest of eternity.

Works for me.

OK, just to make things perfectly clear, here's the current surrender terms for enemy combattants:

1. Change your alliance affiliation to Legion POW.
2. Decom all tanks, aircraft, navy, nukes, CMs, war improvements, and release all but 20% of your soldiers. 3 MDs and 3 Satellites can be kept for an SDI.
3. Do not aid, in any form, any nation currently at war or planning to be at war with The Legion, her allies, or her cause as a whole.
4. Issue a statement of surrender in the following thread stating your compliance with te above. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=213

Upon doing so, attacks will cease on your nation. Abusing or breaking terms of surrender will result in continued attack and loss of the rights and privileges of a POW. POWs will be released once a ceasefire is declared.

And before anybody yaps about Clause 3, these terms are for [b]POWs[/b]. GATO/TLR's aid trains aren't addressed in these terms.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1317920502' post='2818637']
As much as it pains me, I must agree with Schattenman's position [url=http://mushroom-kingdom.info/boards/index.php?topic=21534.0]in the interest of consistency.[/url] Alliances may do what they wish with materials posted on their forums. What goes into an embassy, be it public or private, is subject to the same judgments of the host alliance as any posts anywhere else on their forum.

Of course, alliances are not restricted from responding to the regulatory decisions of foreign hosts. If you do not agree with the regulation of a foreign embassy, [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94719&st=0&p=2514184&fromsearch=1&#entry2514184]can always withdraw your ambassadors and tell the foreign entity to take a hike[/url]. And if an ally breaches your confidence, you cancel the treaty.

This single post has undone all of my animosity towards your previous pony loving.

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Every ally has a right to assist their allies, regardless of the size of the combatants or cause of war. I never understood why people complain when support is called in, because what leaders in their right mind would purposely fight a war with a NS disadvantage? Evenly matched wars are bad for everyone involved because they stretch out far too long. Even though they clearly made a mistake I hope Tetris gets as much support as they can in this war.

That being said, what the hell is the point of TLR's financial support? IAA has a roughly a 50:50 breakdown of upper and lower tier nation, so with DRAs factored in they should have no trouble whatsoever keeping their low tier stocked.

Edited by asawyer
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[quote name='asawyer' timestamp='1317924688' post='2818701']
Every ally has a right to assist their allies, regardless of the size of the combatants or cause of war. I never understood why people complain when support is called in, because what leaders in their right mind would purposely fight a war with a NS disadvantage? Evenly matched wars are bad for everyone involved because they stretch out far too long. Even though they clearly made a mistake I hope Tetris gets as much support as they can in this war.

That being said, what the hell is the point of TLR's financial support? IAA has a roughly a 50:50 breakdown of upper and lower tier nation, so with DRAs factored in they should have no trouble whatsoever keeping their low tier stocked.

As I said before, it's basically there to say "sup Polar?"

Sending aid bombs to alliances at war is usually considered an act of war.

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[quote name='asawyer' timestamp='1317924688' post='2818701']
Every ally has a right to assist their allies, regardless of the size of the combatants or cause of war. I never understood why people complain when support is called in, because what leaders in their right mind would purposely fight a war with a NS disadvantage? Evenly matched wars are bad for everyone involved because they stretch out far too long. Even though they clearly made a mistake I hope Tetris gets as much support as they can in this war.

That being said, what the hell is the point of TLR's financial support? IAA has a roughly a 50:50 breakdown of upper and lower tier nation, so with DRAs factored in they should have no trouble whatsoever keeping their low tier stocked.

The point of our support? Our pockets are as deep as our commitment to our allies.

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[quote name='Dark Temptation' timestamp='1317920225' post='2818634']
Nah, my point was more the fact that though it is unfortunate that Tetris pushed Legion to that point, to be an ally of Tetris and just stand by and watch is unacceptable. The world of CN doesn't revolve around universal morals, it revolves around the morality of friendships.

"I don't care what my friend did to hurt you, if he would die for me, and I for him, you're fighting us both. Period."

The sooner people realize that, the easier this is going to be, and the faster the intra-webz-lawyering !@#$%^&* goes out the window.

edit - typo.
I mean I didnt mean for my post to sound like I supported having morals in this game. Bob needs more war and has no time for morals. I also have no problem with NSO/NsO defending tetris in joining the war, I think its a tad overboard to have IAA and BTA but if they wanna do that then thats fine. I want this war to explode. I also agree that friends should stick together and all of that. I hate when alliances try to dip out of it based on some lawyering !@#$%^&*. I was more pointing out that in your post, with the analogy, you said you need to check your morals if you think its right for a big kid, even an incompetent one, to beat down a small kid, even if the small kid started it. I was just saying while that is immoral, it is also immoral to do the 5 vs 1 with 2 guys feeding ammo. However, like I said, Bob has no room for morals so bring in more so this war explodes.

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