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A New Pacific Order Foreign Affairs Announcement

Farrin Xies

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314874920' post='2792152']
I would absolutely love to hear from Brehon. You're avoiding my questions, which you're apparently not qualified to answer anyway. Maybe we'll have better luck with someone more higher ranking. And with him it won't be so easy to give a non-answer.

My apologies for not airing the private business of the NPO and Invicta out on the OWF for you, Fran. I'm terribly sorry about that. I'll go back to grovelling on the FA scraps I'm thrown, since I'm so unqualified, and allow the big boy and girl to answer your questions at their leisure.

Do you actually, I dunno, ever listen to yourself?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314872290' post='2792140']
So let me get this straight. Back in Karma every single of your allies (to my knowledge) cancels on you except Invicta, including TPF. Invicta alone honours their treaty and comes out of Karma as NPO’s closest ally. You didn’t really care about them prior to Karma, they were just another of your allies who then turned out to be the only ones who would stick by you. In the months that follow you’re not allowed to sign a treaty according to surrender terms but Invicta stay close to you when nobody else will. When you eventually come out of terms Invicta are one of the first people you sign a treaty with. In every war since, they have fought for you and were prepared to die for you. They moved to the red sphere because it was unpopulated and they wanted sphere buddies, and you were such close friends that you wanted to be on the same team.

I wasn’t too concerned with this announcement initially because I thought perhaps the relationship had declined and there was a genuine lapse in communication. But then I talk to a couple of people in queries and soon find out the real story. NPO realised a while ago that they didn’t need Invicta anymore. They’re trying to treaty a bunch of people who don’t like Invicta much (largely because they are affiliated so strongly with NPO) and thus they are a hindrance to people signing with them, plus they don’t boast any significant military ability. NPO’s behaviour soon reflects this. Brehon literally called Invicta a ‘second rate !@#$ alliance’ in one of their joint channels a couple of months ago. Ironically, Xiph actually called this in July and told Invicta that NPO would cancel on them. Invicta did not believe them, so Xiph talked to SOS Brigade and told them to tell Invicta, and Invicta reiterated that their relationship with NPO was too strong and they truly did not believe that NPO would cancel.

Brehon and his buddies start looking for an excuse to cancel or downgrade, and find one with this SOS thing. NPO downgraded and now people applaud them for it. Well you know what, everyone knows I don’t like NPO much, and I’m sure the responses to my post will be along the lines of ‘lol Francesca, you should just get over the grudge’, but speaking objectively I think Invicta has every right to be pissed with the callous way that NPO used and dropped them. I *told* Haflinger NPO would $%&@ them over at some point. Just drop the damn treaty, it couldn’t be clearer that they don’t care in the slightest about you.

My goodness you're annoying. When will your obsession with NPO end?

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[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1314875203' post='2792153']
My apologies for not airing the private business of the NPO and Invicta out on the OWF for you, Fran. I'm terribly sorry about that. I'll go back to grovelling on the FA scraps I'm thrown, since I'm so unqualified, and allow the big boy and girl to answer your questions at their leisure.

Do you actually, I dunno, ever listen to yourself?

I'm not going to respond to this post, because the insults are contentless, but I just want to quote it here in its full pettiness before you edit it. I just thought I'd point out, to the observant ruler, that I actually predicted they'd use my former name to try and score points in my initial post.

Waiting on Brehon, but I doubt he has the cahones to answer my question.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314875999' post='2792157']
I'm not going to respond to this post, because the insults are contentless, but I just want to quote it here in its full pettiness before you edit it. I just thought I'd point out, to the observant ruler, [b]that I actually predicted they'd use my former name to try and score points in my initial post.[/b]

Waiting on Brehon, but I doubt he has the cahones to answer my question.

Didn't you actually started with referring to that?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314847691' post='2791948']
Oh come on, the only reasons people hate Invicta are their foreign policy (especially their ties to NPO) and Haflinger's posting. They aren't dicks, they just aren't considered a 'good' alliance for the above reasons. Now that they've just demonstrated beyond all doubt that they aren't just NPO's puppet, if Haflinger would just shut up most people wouldn't have any problems with them.

Yeah, I like Invicta. :blush: I even like Haf, even if I think his political views are pretty out there.
It is important to note that not every single one of my posts represents my actual political views. ;) It's probably wiser to deduce my actual political views from my actions, not my words.

[quote name='CyborgBelial' timestamp='1314856009' post='2792046']
Good luck to both parties of course. Especially you Invicta!
Thank you. :wub:

[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1314858305' post='2792069']
Not to be a smug ass, but I called this.
Finally you get one right about us, eh Xiph?

[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1314871434' post='2792138']
Will you remain on red?
We have no plans to change teams or leave Red Dawn.

[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314872290' post='2792140']
So let me get this straight. Back in Karma every single of your allies (to my knowledge) cancels on you except Invicta, including TPF. Invicta alone honours their treaty and comes out of Karma as NPO’s closest ally. You didn’t really care about them prior to Karma, they were just another of your allies who then turned out to be the only ones who would stick by you. In the months that follow you’re not allowed to sign a treaty according to surrender terms but Invicta stay close to you when nobody else will. When you eventually come out of terms Invicta are one of the first people you sign a treaty with. In every war since, they have fought for you and were prepared to die for you. They moved to the red sphere because it was unpopulated and they wanted sphere buddies, and you were such close friends that you wanted to be on the same team.
There were other allies who did not cancel on NPO. It was really only the MADP partners who cancelled. Notably, Legion and UPN didn't cancel either.

Also, that's not why we moved to red. The rest of the stuff I cut is also basically wrong, although an understandable mistake.

[quote name='Farrin Xies' timestamp='1314874660' post='2792151']
I'm not Brehon's keeper. You'll have to ask him if that's something he's ever actually said. The part of your post I took umbrage with was your overall insinuation that we had some kind of "Disregard Invicta, acquire..." mentality. That is 100% absolutely false. Am I gonna get into why we actually did in more depth than what's already been stated by NPO officials, including myself, in this post? Absolutely not. Believe all you want in your backchannels, but 99% of the crap you're hearing is just that - crap.
I wasn't there, but I've read the logs, and I can confirm this.

This downgrade is a pity I suppose, but given recent events, probably for the best. I do always hate to see a treaty I wrote go away though. But it would've been better if we'd used the original version, maybe then it would've lasted. :awesome:

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1314887099' post='2792212']
That's what you won after being loyal and sticking with NPO through every single war since Karma, congratulations Invicta.

Yeah this was a pretty easy decision to make. It did't cause a pretty big stir on our forums at all.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1314875999' post='2792157']
Waiting on Brehon, but I doubt he has the cahones to answer my question.

You made me laugh out loud this morning. Brehon lacking cojones. Have you met Brehon?

I know this downgrade isn't easy for either NPO or Invicta. They've been a team for a long time. There's been a lot of focus on what's "gone" in this thread. I'm looking forward to watching how each of them grows from here.

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[quote name='Timberland' timestamp='1314888439' post='2792226']
The difference is NPO doesn't get all butt hurt and just cancel on the other alliance like polar does.

You're wrong, the difference is that NPO was the one who wanted the downgrade.

[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1314888736' post='2792229']
Thats more than what they would've got if it was you they were loyal to.

Please nominated one alliance who were loyal to us and as reward we canceled/downgraded on them when they become useless to us.

[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1314889042' post='2792233']
Yeah this was a pretty easy decision to make. It did't cause a pretty big stir on our forums at all.

The fact that that was a hard decision changes not to Invicta, after all, the treaty was downgraded nevertheless.

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1314890288' post='2792242']
Please nominated one alliance who were loyal to us and as reward we canceled/downgraded on them when they become useless to us.

No. You're the one implying that Invicta were dropped because they were useless when it certainly doesn't look to be the case. What makes you say that? What good reason do you have to back up your claim? The burden of proof is yours.

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