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[quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1312582806' post='2772893']
Do you believe that Xiph is/becoming the new Ramirus Maximus?
Having dealt extensively with both:

There will never be another Ramirus Maximus.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312581590' post='2772882']
This makes no sense at all. NG dropped a perfect CB in FARK's lap and FARK chose diplomacy.
That's besides the point of my question, but Fark chose the smart option. I'm sure they wanted to roll us. But attack PB directly and you would have probably had PB/DH/Mj/DR/PF breathing down your throats. Worse. Case. Scenario.

So the questions still remain.

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1312580797' post='2772874']
Fark has been intent on destroying Non Grata for several months now. Why do you think this is? If Fark were to attack NG (so basically PB) with XX/SF's support who would GOD defend, VE or RnR? In a battle of XX vs. PB who would win?


Where did you hear that? It's true Fark has it's issues with Non Grata (or more specifically iFOK/PC i suppose), i'm pretty sure it goes both ways. But in all my dealings with Fark (and i can tell you it's been a lot) i have never gotten the impression at all that they are out to get NG, not love or maybe even dislike does not equal wanting to destroy.

But i'll go with it, IF fark where to attack NG and XX/SF supports it, placing GOD in a direct conflict in which they have to chose between R&R and VE, then we have dropped the ball too many times cause that should NEVER happen (GOD is also treatied MDoAP with Fark by the way). But hypothetical if it happens, i expect GOD to go neutral, and i would encourage it, it's nice to have unquestionable support from your bloc, but i would never put them in a position where they have to choose between SF and VE. The VE treaty is what it is, we knew that the day we signed up for SF and nothing has changed there. And though i know it's not my place to speak for them, i'm guessing VE would understand GOD going neutral too.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312582888' post='2772894']
Having dealt extensively with both:

There will never be another Ramirus Maximus.

I'll side with delta here, and raise it with:

If Xiph ever turns into Ramirus, i will not hesitate to drop every connection R&R has with GOD and kill all contact. Hate him if you want, but please do not compare him with Ramirus XD

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[quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1312552006' post='2772609']
There are, really, two reasons why we haven't sought forgiveness. The first one being a general animosity that still exists on the IC and partially the OOC level between (I suppose) individuals on both sides, though I can't speak for anyone in particular in DT. Likewise, this animosity has been further marred by indirect means that DT is/are linked to, such as RoK, Legacy, etc (obviously I wouldn't hazard to say that DT is directly at fault for those failed relationships because that would also be absurd, but even guilt by association tends to be subconscious). The second one being a more OOC reasoning: if we sought forgiveness straight-up, then what would be the point of our ever-loving bitter relations? In other words, if everyone decided to forgive one another, the game would just be an exercise of My Little Pony. And while the argument can [and has been] be made that reparations also "kill" the game, it's definitely a somewhat of an OOC justification to maintain IC animosity; OOCly, I have no problem with DT at all and I would also have no problem with sitting down with you guys and making sure that at the OOC-level we could remain amicable. IC-wise, though, it's an entirely different thing as one might imagine, and I do personally hold a deep appreciation for the differences in OOC/IC persona.
I offered a way to resolve it, didn't state I would prefer you to resolve it. I offered CSN a route to get to better relations, if you don't want to pursue it that's up to you.

[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312559367' post='2772653']
Oh, and Bob, I was actually referring to Magnet's post where he first raised the subject and then referred to them as CsN in an edit, not yours.
Fair enough. Just wanted to make my personal position clear.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1312583002' post='2772896']
That's besides the point of my question, but Fark chose the smart option. I'm sure they wanted to roll us. But attack PB directly and you would have probably had PB/DH/Mj/DR/PF breathing down your throats. Worse. Case. Scenario.

So the questions still remain.

You really think it would have played out that way with the clear CB with NG as the aggressor?

Is the hatred for FARK of all alliances that strong? So strong that PB etc would ignore all the treaty ties to XX and FARK?

I know SF isn't the popular kid now that they've been used to secure Heg status for MK and company and are no longer needed, but I didn't know it extended all the way to FARK.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312584734' post='2772909']
You really think it would have played out that way with the clear CB with NG as the aggressor?

Is the hatred for FARK of all alliances that strong? So strong that PB etc would ignore all the treaty ties to XX and FARK?

I know SF isn't the popular kid now that they've been used to secure Heg status for MK and company and are no longer needed, but I didn't know it extended all the way to FARK.

The FARK issues are much more recent, both with NG, MK et al.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1312584734' post='2772909']
You really think it would have played out that way with the clear CB with NG as the aggressor?

Is the hatred for FARK of all alliances that strong? So strong that PB etc would ignore all the treaty ties to XX and FARK?

I know SF isn't the popular kid now that they've been used to secure Heg status for MK and company and are no longer needed, but I didn't know it extended all the way to FARK.
[URL=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103806]You should read this thread.[/URL]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1312572825' post='2772784']
[color="#0000FF"]If NSO only had a few more larger nations we'd easily tear your inactive husk of an alliance apart. Will you deny this? RIA is quite inactive. As a former member I can attest to this. RIA has always been lackluster and less than mediocre. So, let me ask you, when will RIA put as much effort into putting itself in order as it does in making stupid jokes and repeating exhausted memes?[/color]

activity is relative, and we have improved greatly since you last were so kind as to grace us with your presence. as for the second part, you do know RIA stands for Random Insanity Alliance right? i dont think we put as much effort into anything as we do 'making stupid jokes and repeating exhausted memes'. granted we put so much time into that, that we can put less into organization then jokes and still spend tons of time into it.

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I would love to see some talking between DT and SF, why? Because I think there should be a level of peace in the game, even if you want to blow each other heads off. If you want to go and kill someone, you are going to do it, no reason not to be civil, because if you aren't and act more out of impulse, then you will just be making a fool out of yourself.

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[quote name='Delta1212' timestamp='1312585007' post='2772912']
[URL=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=103806]You should read this thread.[/URL]

What's SF opinion about this upgrade?

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[quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1312583002' post='2772896']
That's besides the point of my question, but Fark chose the smart option. I'm sure they wanted to roll us. But attack PB directly and you would have probably had PB/DH/Mj/DR/PF breathing down your throats. Worse. Case. Scenario.

So the questions still remain.

Bob is a free planEt my friend so you can believe whatever you want to. However, if they wanted to do that, they hide it so well that even their allies dont know about it...

Edit: their allies, not his allies.

Edited by King Louis the II
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[quote name='im317' timestamp='1312585452' post='2772913']
activity is relative, and we have improved greatly since you last were so kind as to grace us with your presence. as for the second part, you do know RIA stands for Random Insanity Alliance right? i dont think we put as much effort into anything as we do 'making stupid jokes and repeating exhausted memes'. granted we put so much time into that, that we can put less into organization then jokes and still spend tons of time into it.
[color="#0000FF"]Your activity is still the same as it has always been: terrible. Also, are you trying to excuse your incompetence with basic alliance management on your name? Think about this for just a moment now. Based on what you just said, was it really necessary for RIA to make a separate thread just to ask why the world thinks its a bad alliance?[/color]

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Hi guys!

If you guys could chose one incident that you feel you guys screwed up and basically remove it from existence, which would you choose?

Do you guys miss Roq like I do?

Delta: What happened to cupcakery?

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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1312588201' post='2772937']
Hi guys!

If you guys could chose one incident that you feel you guys screwed up and basically remove it from existence, which would you choose?

Do you guys miss Roq like I do?

For me personally it's during the Gremlins/IRON incident, we wanted to help IRON, but had very little room to maneuver, so we tried some less open ways to help them, which was in itself not really honorable but als got one of the IRON people that put his trust in us rolled. For me personally it was the one day i truly regret ever happening in my time in CN. Now i'm certain there are more things, but this being the only one that really came to mind after your question is probably a sign that this is the one i would undo first if possible.

Yeah i do :( Pretty sure the rest does too, Roq was well liked :)

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1312589162' post='2772943']
For me personally it's during the Gremlins/IRON incident, we wanted to help IRON, but had very little room to maneuver, so we tried some less open ways to help them, which was in itself not really honorable but als got one of the IRON people that put his trust in us rolled. For me personally it was the one day i truly regret ever happening in my time in CN. Now i'm certain there are more things, but this being the only one that really came to mind after your question is probably a sign that this is the one i would undo first if possible.

Yeah i do :( Pretty sure the rest does too, Roq was well liked :)
Which one? Bi Polar or Karma war?

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1312588110' post='2772935']
[color="#0000FF"]Your activity is still the same as it has always been: terrible. Also, are you trying to excuse your incompetence with basic alliance management on your name? Think about this for just a moment now. Based on what you just said, was it really necessary for RIA to make a separate thread just to ask why the world thinks its a bad alliance?[/color]

believe it or not but our activity really has improved a great deal since you were a member. the name thing was a joke, we have improved on our internal structure and continue to do so. that said why cant we both fool around and do real work? as for the thread Tase made, that was his thread not an RIA thread. we dont limit our members freedom of speech.

edit note: or/=of

Edited by im317
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[color="#0000FF"]No, you're still terrible. I just went through the spy odds of all your nations between 18k and 22k NS (I was going to do all of the ones inm y range, but got bored). Aside from SWAT and one other guy I had 90-99% odds on all. That's even worse than the Legion members in my range. So, tell me RIA, how does it feel to be even worse than Legion in this regard?[/color]

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[quote name='Xavii' timestamp='1312588201' post='2772937']
Hi guys!

If you guys could chose one incident that you feel you guys screwed up and basically remove it from existence, which would you choose?

Do you guys miss Roq like I do?

Delta: What happened to cupcakery?
It's still there. I just got really inactive for a year so people stopped talking as much.

Oh, also yes.

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The Bad is on vacation so I do not have time to ask much. I will however ask this.
Does this not all come off as a bit desperate?
How does CSN feel about going from being a pretty much a long time unknown alliance to suddenly one of Planet Bobs most hated so quickly?
RIA and R&R you had to know at the rate GOD manages to turn everyone against them that the time would come for them to answer for it, why did you not do something about before you were reduced to this?

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