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Announcement from Non Grata

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[quote name='MaGneT' timestamp='1311488542' post='2762605']
That's the reason that the treaty no longer exists. Is that also the reason that you invited raiders to attack them? Something doesn't sit right about having people who no longer need your assistance attacked.

You can keep going on and on about this but it won't change any of this. I've made my stance and by extension NG's clear. It will have to do. Even if it's not right in your eyes.

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I enjoyed this.

As I see it.. TAA didn't want NG's protection anymore. NG said OK, you no longer have our protection. TAA gets raided because they are a micro with no protector. Tetris protect TAA. Raids stop.

I really don't see a problem with that. Malone offers to make it into a tech deal. arexes offers 3mil because he's nice.

Sure, the "tl;dr Sup raiders" might not have been 'classy' - OMG, BOB HAS NO CLASS, like that's news...

o/ Malone :wub:
Hi rexy :D

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[quote name='bartimaeus46' timestamp='1311500974' post='2762658']
I enjoyed this.

As I see it.. TAA didn't want NG's protection anymore. NG said OK, you no longer have our protection. TAA gets raided because they are a micro with no protector. Tetris protect TAA. Raids stop.

I really don't see a problem with that. Malone offers to make it into a tech deal. arexes offers 3mil because he's nice.

Sure, the "tl;dr Sup raiders" might not have been 'classy' - OMG, BOB HAS NO CLASS, like that's news...

o/ Malone :wub:
Hi rexy :D
I'd say that's a perfect way to sum up the situation.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1311498084' post='2762648']
You can keep going on and on about this but it won't change any of this. I've made my stance and by extension NG's clear. It will have to do. Even if it's not right in your eyes.
I didn't know that your outreach was officially on behalf of NG. If that's true, which I have no reason not to believe, then all I have left to say is well handled.

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311519081' post='2762746']
Team Rocket doesn't intend to be good, it's an evil organisation for a reason.
How are you evil? have you ever succeeded in being evil once?i mean sure you talk a big game but when was the last time you kick sand in someones face? or blown up a childrens hospital?

Non Grata is the true evil here...

...or at least thats what the Grey Council wants you to think

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1311519858' post='2762748']
How are you evil? have you ever succeeded in being evil once?i mean sure you talk a big game but when was the last time you kick sand in someones face? or blown up a childrens hospital?

Non Grata is the true evil here...

...or at least thats what the Grey Council wants you to think
Well, many different things. Most notably, the war against \m/ might have been one.

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311520404' post='2762751']
Well, many different things. Most notably, the war against \m/ might have been one.
Im sure \m/ counts you as their most worthy foe... :rolleyes:

P.S. if NG decide to drop then raid a protectorate again i hope its you guys...not that they'd have many targets

Edited by Systemfailure
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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1311519858' post='2762748']
How are you evil? have you ever succeeded in being evil once?i mean sure you talk a big game but when was the last time you kick sand in someones face? or blown up a childrens hospital?

Non Grata is the true evil here...

...or at least thats what the Grey Council wants you to think
He once robbed a bank. Got away with some decent pens, he did. Had to cut the little chains that tie them to the desk.

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311517682' post='2762743']
I'd say that's a perfect way to sum up the situation.

So long as you overlook the fact NG knew Tetris was going to protect TAA and invited raiders anyway.

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311530891' post='2762841']
There have been no more attacks on The Armada Alliance since Tetris became their protectors?

Their feelings have been hurt. Think of the children!

Edit: caps.

Edited by Pollard
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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311422455' post='2762037']
The Armada Alliance have been in decline for a long time, this event would have given them a nice PR boost while at the same time, giving them the incentive to buck up and to actually spend more time in keeping themselves active. [/quote]
The Armada alliance started with 2 members just 2+ months ago. You have several times stated that they have been in decline for a long time. Anything to back that up? How they could they have been in decline for a long time is a mystery to me since they have 5 members now and their IRC channel often has 10 or more people in it every night?? That is over a 100% increase in membership. You must be thinking of someone else.

The DOE http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101920

edit- math

Edited by masterbake
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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1311521021' post='2762754']
He once robbed a bank. Got away with some decent pens, he did. Had to cut the little chains that tie them to the desk.

Granted, he did come back a few hours later with new pens and some money for the repair of the chains, but still. It was a start, right?

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[quote name='masterbake' timestamp='1311534489' post='2762873']
The Armada alliance started with 2 members just 2+ months ago. You have several times stated that they have been in decline for a long time. Anything to back that up? How they could they have been in decline for a long time is a mystery to me since they have 5 members now and their IRC channel often has 10 or more people in it every night?? That is over a 100% increase in membership. You must be thinking of someone else.

The DOE http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101920

edit- math
By decline, I was referring to activity and enthusiasm in the alliance. They only got the 5th member around the time of this incident, and the channel was never as populated as it is now.

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1311537600' post='2762895']
By decline, I was referring to activity and enthusiasm in the alliance. They only got the 5th member around the time of this incident, and the channel was never as populated as it is now.

FJ and Muffins are still as enthusiastic as ever. I'm sure TAA will learn a lot from Tetris excellent poaching techniques and messaging of AAs.

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[code]Alliance Updated Total Nations Active Nations Percent Active
The Armada Alliance 7/23/2011 11:53:38 PM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/23/2011 7:04:16 AM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/22/2011 6:19:51 PM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/21/2011 11:49:47 PM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/21/2011 11:49:47 PM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/21/2011 1:07:23 AM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/21/2011 1:07:23 AM 5 4 80
The Armada Alliance 7/20/2011 5:15:45 AM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/19/2011 8:22:19 AM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/19/2011 8:22:19 AM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/18/2011 4:40:11 PM 4 2 50
The Armada Alliance 7/18/2011 4:40:11 PM 4 2 50
The Armada Alliance 7/17/2011 4:13:51 PM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/17/2011 4:13:51 PM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/16/2011 6:41:36 PM 4 3 75
The Armada Alliance 7/15/2011 6:25:48 PM 4 4 100

Those darn inactive nations.

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[quote name='dane0' timestamp='1311539252' post='2762921']
Franz. Why do you care so much. Just because NG protects you doesn't mean you have anything to do with this.

Edit- grammar mistake

My guess is the same reason everyone else cares so much, boredom. Otherwise this thread would have died a looong time ago.

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