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[quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1308660153' post='2737168']
Somebody said Anime Wars, and I think is one of the best war names ever...

I'm in the Tentacle Grape faction, and you should be too :P

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1308658896' post='2737157']
Come on, it's easy to chain MK in to either side, and we all know what MK's strategists will do: "Will NPO chain in to this war? Possibly, they could chain to either side too - we'll wait for them to declare and then hit them, otherwise we'll preemptively strike them if it looks like they're sitting out."

I think you are very wrong concerning MK, my guess is they have moved past pacifica and are onto other fish, for the time being anyway...

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1308657316' post='2737138']
I'm pretty sure [b]you[/b] would deal with an active, malicious campaign against your alliance from one that hates you and everything you stand for.
Cry me a river of oh so delicious tears.

There is no "active, malicious campaign" against your alliance and there never has been. This is nothing more than a blind delusion fueled by your inability to realise your own mistakes, combined with the kind of baseless hyperbole that makes me want to eat a kitten sandwich.

Trust me, if there's such a campaign, we're doing a very poor job to get "the Sakura is eeeeeebil they haet us all and want to steel r cheezburgar" treatment, considering how much I've defended you all when Tetris talks about you, and gave your members a kind welcome in our home as visitors.

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[quote name='TheListener' timestamp='1308662655' post='2737198']
That would assume that both Weeaboo alliances will be destroyed in this whole thing.

This is actually more like a fight breaking out at a children's hockey game. It starts with little johnny bopping little stevie over the head with his stick, and ends with the mommies and daddies beating the !@#$ out of each other while johnny and stevie cry from the sidelines.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1308658896' post='2737157']

We're not known for backing down easily, unlike some of SOS' former allies.


I suppose this is a shot at INT for not throwing fuel on the fire of a situation that could have easily turned out just like this one, if not worse.


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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1308661186' post='2737178']
Anime lovers can't have a worse name.[/quote]

Jens - really? So many themed alliances around here and you are all surprised at anime alliances. You have one yourself in your avvie and sig. So do I! Shall we wish them death? No no. Wish the best prevails? [b]SURE![/b]

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1308664490' post='2737225']
I was wondering when we get a good lesson in why you shouldn't hand out protectorates/MDoAPs to stupid alliances. Here it is!
Welcome to 2009.

Edited by William Bonney
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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1308663239' post='2737204']
This is actually more like a fight breaking out at a children's hockey game. It starts with little johnny bopping little stevie over the head with his stick, and ends with the mommies and daddies beating the !@#$ out of each other while johnny and stevie cry from the sidelines.

QTF, also this is scarily close to what could happen although we can hope that everyone honers all treaties and just DoWs on themselves, offers white peace after a week of slot filling and then puts it down as a "wait wat" history moment.

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1308664490' post='2737225']
I was wondering when we get a good lesson in why you shouldn't hand out protectorates/MDoAPs to stupid alliances. Here it is!

This post wins the thread.

If anything good can come out of this, let it be a reminder to those alliances who think it's a good idea to hand out treaties to any alliance who asks for one that whenever you treaty to an objectivy horrible alliance, you have the potential of starting a massive !@#$ storm.

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[quote name='Katsumi' timestamp='1308661967' post='2737189']
Me want to eat a kitten sandwich. [/quote]
Evil Francoist scum! You can take the Francoist out of Francograd but you can't take Francograd out of the Francoist.

Edited by Schattenmann
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I say we make them work together like Lion Voltron and Car Voltron had to that one time even though they were arguing. Although, they'd prolly fight over which one was Lion Voltron...

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1308664490' post='2737225']
I was wondering when we get a good lesson in why you shouldn't hand out protectorates/MDoAPs to stupid alliances. Here it is!
That's pretty much been the year.
IAA ought to hire d34th to angrily avoid talking about not-not-possibly-honouring the treaty.

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Its nice to see as I make a rare and brief visit to Planet Bob that alliances still continue to go to war over things that make them look like idiots. I know the days of at least pretending you had a CB no longer exist. However when your CB is basically "our alliance sucks and we can not keep our members" that reaches a new level of stupid. If its that easy for people to take your members then a war is not going to help you. You really should have just stuck with "maybe they were going to and/or are spying on us but we won't show you how we may/or may not know" CB. And just kept the entire "our alliance is so bad our members are leaving so lets attack another alliance and blame them for our high level of suckage" CB out.

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