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UINE Reaction to RnR

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I hereby proclaim this the 6 Million Dollars (Squared) War. :P

R&R, you've always been an honorable alliance. I hope that you can get to the table with UINE, and take the 5 minutes it should, to pay these reps off. Also, I would suggest UINE figure something out. If you're gov is unable to communicate effectively or has large RL responsobilities, then you should look into a replacement. If you can't talk to your own Regent, about reps even once in 6 months, then perhaps you should look into retirement.

Good Luck to all parties.

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[quote name='MajorLu' timestamp='1307329145' post='2724887']
Due to my failure in preventing this I plan on resigning immediately following the resolution of the situation.

MajorLu - Prime Minister

Seriously? From what you said there, it sounds like if anyone should be resigning, it should be Keve. He shouldn't have shouldered all the weight himself if he couldn't manage to carry it all.

Edited by LegendoftheSkies
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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1307333182' post='2725026']
The one and only thing I am convinced of at this point is that Keve shouldn't be in leadership.
At long last agreement between our peoples.

Peace in our time.

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[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1307331712' post='2724988']
Seriously? From what you said there, it sounds like if anyone should be resigning, it should be Keve. He shouldn't have shouldered all the weight himself if he couldn't manage to carry it all.

I agree here, someone needs to shepard this flock as little boy blue has yet again led you to the wolves den.

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[quote name='Boogeyman657' timestamp='1307330989' post='2724965']
what a load of !@#$
boogeyman, you're my boy and everything, but 6+ months for 36 million dollars? i could manage that with my current nation, why should an alliance with almost 100x my ns be given that long of a time period for something i could manage in 20 days? (not slots wise, it would obviously take me 30 days since i can only send out 15 million every 10 days, but you get my point)

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329671' post='2724917']
[color="#0000FF"]Stay strong my friends, and remember that I am behind you. Always.[/color]
From what I can see R&R is handling them from behind pretty well too.

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This is just poor leadership. Knowing you have personal obligations and cannot be on, and knowing this is a time sensitive matter, he should have delegated the matter if he couldn't handle it himself. Leadership isn't about doing it all yourself, you have to recognize when and where to ask for help. This was just poor leadership all around in my opinion. I understand personal obligations, but letting those following you duffer for it is just plain bad. Keve should have either made the time, or delegated the duty. And obviously your trust in our leadership was misplaced and you should have stepped up and taken care of it yourself. I applaud that you are doing so now, but next time do it earlier. Don't resign as you seem to be at least willing to try, if a bit hesitant. Do what you have to do for your nations and don't wait on an obviously poor leader.

Edited by VetruviusValinor
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So the war seems to be over Keve either not having time or caring enough to keep up on all these payment arrangements he'd agreed on previously to get UINE out of a bind. I'm sure all the criticisms aren't very motivational for your gov to put more work in, but good luck. I would like to see UINE pull through this.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1307329379' post='2724899']
I would only suggest to you that....

a) You find out who needs reps still and pay those immediately.

b) You approach RnR about surrender terms.

c) You find a new alliance. If, after 5 months of this nonsense, Keve's 2nd in command is not aware of the situation from Keve's mouth himself... that should tell you something about the relationship between #1 and #2. I am sorry that you have to learn this lesson the hard way, but if you continue to serve an alliance with bad leadership, you will continue to sow what that leadership reaps.
The prior agreement is nullified by the actions of RnR. UINE no longer owes anything until new terms are settled upon.

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1307345463' post='2725249']
boogeyman, you're my boy and everything, but 6+ months for 36 million dollars? i could manage that with my current nation, why should an alliance with almost 100x my ns be given that long of a time period for something i could manage in 20 days? (not slots wise, it would obviously take me 30 days since i can only send out 15 million every 10 days, but you get my point)
you should know me by now i got nothing better to do wit my little bitty spare time :awesome:

(hell my nation is bout to disapper if idont colect)

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It is always frustrating when finding someone who said "Leave it to me!!" turn out to be a high incompetence. One thing if it is rocket science, but this case certainly is not.

It took him more than 6 months for something that could have been just a single day? one must wonder how he can be a leader, have the face to call himself a leader, or even have people acknowledge him as a leader.

I hope the rest of UINE memberships can get a quick resolution and R&R be gracious to their plight.

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