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[size="4"][font="Palatino Linotype"][b]Upon the Second Anniversay of the Founding of Justitia's Cult[/b][/font][/size][/center]

Assembled rulers,
It seems just a matter of days since the Karma War was winding down and the Vox Populi declared its goals met. The air vibrated with anticipation; every person looked forward to what the future held. Every alliance looked to the horizon as they released a sigh of relief.

There was also great loss, for it was also in this period that Justitia left this world. But in Her providence and wisdom, She did not leave this world [i]behind[/i] for in Her wake sprang up the Cult of Justitia.

The Cult of Justitia is an organization founded within a very narrow period, with very narrow ideals, but we have shown that the Cult of Justitia is an organization which will carry these ideals into all time; while the period of their popularity may have waned, their truth waxes eternal. Today, Justitia's Cult marks its second year not just of existence, but of dedication to She who showed Digiterra justice.

Justitia loves peace--as do we as Her followers--she measures us all with the scales. But she also bears the sword, and in Her absence we the Cult must shoulder the grave responsibilities of the scale and sword. The last 3 months of the Cult's existence has been spent in war, a war that we were called to fight in, but for which there was no expectation of earthly success. This war tested the resolve and the oath of many Justitians, and as many fell away I put this question to the cult: "why do you fight?"
[quote name='Zarfef']Actually Schattenmann, I fight for the fan mail. Most days of my life I log in pay my bills, await that glorious 17th day of collecting taxes and buy or sell tech. But do I get any messages from other nations declaring any fancy meetings or discussions. No. Not even when my nation is flooded, or when I slaughter my population in a revolt (as happened today - I'm a regular gaddafi).

But during during war, they kindly describe the joy of obliterating my nation, sending me bucket loads of mail down to the fine details of their victory or defeat. And likewise, I too send out lots of joyous messages describing everything from air bombings to nuclear death raining down from the skies. Being in war makes me feel loved.

Outside of this, it also gives my nation a deeper story. This will be the first time we've ever launched nukes a nation - it became a major goal for our nation to develop both nuclear weapons and a means to shoot them down after the last great war we fought in the NSO. Took twelve nukes during that war... good memories.

Finally, without war - this entire game is pathetic. Seriously, if you can't loose your nation in some awesome manner, then it's just a good old boys club for people who signed up early and had a mathematical pulse. For that matter, without war, there wouldn't even be alliances (what would be the point). Likewise - if I wanted to join an alliance that never went to war, I'd go join Green Peace, GPA or whatever they're called. I didn't, I joined the CoJ, so if someone violates our values I know we're not afraid to fight for them. I mean, frankly I was just plain getting tired of the NSO declaring "We're Sith! We don't have values! We're AMORAL!" and then every-time something went wrong for them, they'd pull the ethics card.

At least we stand for what we say we stand for - and we're not afraid to fight for it. Or at the moment, sit in peace mode buying nukes whilst we wait to jump out and yell lamalamalamalamalama! It's just plane awesome. [/quote]
[quote name='Don Chele']The answer to the question of why I fight is rather simple: I gave an oath and therefore I fight. The rationale behind my answer is, to me, rather obvious, but perhaps more detailed than the answer itself. The reputation of an alliance on this planet is largely based upon its historical record of honoring its treaty obligations; so too is an individual’s reputation dependent upon his/her honoring of whatever commitments s/he has made to a given alliance. Why on Bob would a ruler’s next potential alliance believe the oath of fealty that ruler made if s/he had abandoned his/her previous alliance(s) in time(s) of need? A person is only as valuable to an alliance as their oath of loyalty is trustworthy. Therefore I fight regardless of any personal opinions I may have on the particular war in which my alliance fights.

That said, I additionally fight because I believe that Bob cannot anymore survive an unchecked hegemony, much less one that only exists for the purpose of destroying the world rather than ruling it, and I desire for my nation to persist. I left the green garden in which I had always lived peacefully to join Justitia’s cult because I knew that eventually the world would need every soldier it could muster in order to avoid destruction absolute. The basic imperative of survival that motivates every nation compelled me to join a group of rulers, however few, that I knew would always be on the side of the survival of Bob. [/quote]
[quote name='Sitethief']Because, even though I'm not that active, and even though I'm not totally in the loop about this war. For the first time in the history of my nation I feel that I'm fighting for something true. I ahve been in a lot of wars, wars that I regretted later, or even before they began. Wars with flimsy cb's, wrong reasons to start them, or something else that smelled fishy. And because I have nowhere else to go, I choose to join CoJ, and if we go down like the Titanic, I plan to be in the orchestra playing some nice songs. And if we start a FAN like rebellion, I want to be able to say to my children, It was though and we despaired in times, but we kept the spirit alive and came out victorious. I mean, if you look at how long it took FAN to escape their fate, compared to that we're only taking a walk in the park...[/quote]
[quote name='Yawoo']Words from the American Revolution keep me strong during the long nights of planning which brother I have to send out to face the mighty forces of tyranny.

In his introduction to The Crisis, Thomas Paine wrote on December 19, 1776 that, "These are the times that try men's' souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny.....is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph."

We have seen our summer soldiers and sunshine patriots leave the Cult during times of crisis. Those of us who stand now have proven ourselves that we stand for Justitia's glory.

Mr. Paine further stated that, "Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it."

I fight because I've reaped the blessings of freedom which means I must bear my share of the burden so that I may enjoy freedom once more. Peace and prosperity mean nothing if you never have to bear the weight of supporting it.

Justitia, I fight because of you. I fight for you so that we may continue to look down our noses at GOONS and VE and say, with pride, that our alliance has never been forced to disband due to peace, war, hardship or prosperity.

I fight the good fight knowing that the Cult will come out stronger and closer than ever. Admin speed my brothers. To death and glory![/quote]
[quote name='Sargun']"Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches can not. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you."

Oscar Wilde said these words, and they still hold true in this fight. I can have my nation destroyed, I can have my money taken and my nukes obliterated and my infrastructure dwindle down to zero, but they cannot change what we are fighting for or who will eventually be right in the end. No, they can not do anything but make material destruction.

The material may be made immaterial, but it is the immaterial that wins the minds of the people and, ultimately, the fight.[/quote]
[quote name='ImperatorAzenquor']As I generally dislike Alliance Politics (and I avoid the OWF like one avoids the plague), I have no position regarding the individual alliance/s that we are up against.

The best way I can sum up my reasons for staying in this fight is: "I stand because my comrades stand. I fight because my comrades fight and because it is my duty to do so.[/quote]
[quote name='KingEsus']I have never left an alliance during war in five years. I know where the door is. But there is more...

Ever since the moronic fungi of the lulz alliances arrived the writing has been on the wall. I stay in the hope something changes, we get more alliance on our side or whatever (however unlikely) and i can come out of PM and do some good.

The GOONS stated aim isn't to play the game, its to ruin the game for other people. Some quotes from the first few posts of the something awful thread: "The most fun you can have in CN is griefing, simply.", "These people care far too much about their nations, which is what makes it [destroying them] fun.", "It's pretty drat fun to make people cry when you blow up their pixels in the Internet United Nations Simulator.", "a good trade circle is going to be the ticket to fast growth and buckets of pubbie tears..."

Whilst they are essentially right, having an irrational sense of ownership over pixels is a little silly, they forget why a great number of people play the game; to pretend to run a nation instead of simply do the boring 9-5 job they have in reality, to talk and get involved in diplomacy, and the increase said pixels, which despite everything can provide a sense of accomplishment.

No, they prefer to chase something they call 'pubbie tears', griefing people for the sake of it, that's why they play, to ruin other people's game, that's how they get their kicks. Not in fighting for an IC ideal or cause or in-game friends, or anything else, simply to ruin it for other people.

If they win this war decisively it will be the beginning of the end, we have already seen player numbers fall and fall and in the grips of these tyrants and their misanthropy it will just not be worth it. They've tried this not just here, but in other realms as well, like a cancer. They are usually driven out but it takes a concerted effort from those playing to play, not to stop others playing to do so.

Emo? No i'm too old to be an emo, but CN is an escape for 5 mins a day and there are good people just trying to enjoy themselves. That's why I fight. [/quote]
[quote name='Duckz']
A Month ago, I felt like an outsider in The Cult, Someone who was drug in by The Station after we disbanded. I trusted TOP and Yawoo's choice in alliance, As neither of them have led me astray before. To be quite honest with you when I returned to CN I did not believe that the cult would be my home. I thought I would have to find somewhere that I belonged to.

Well I have never felt a sense of belonging or unity that there is in CoJ. Our Numbers small but our hearts strong. Our people ready to push forward to no end. Now when my nation was deleted 2 weeks ago my faith was tested a week ago when I created a new one. Stay on the CoJ AA and suffer through weeks of no aid or go somewhere else where I may grow my nation. Well my brothers, at a low 3.2 NS I still stand by each and one of you. If I may find a pathetic nation to grind into the ground after a few tech deals come in. Then by god may our lady deliver justice to them swiftly.[/quote]

We fight for camaraderie, for our freedom which is the freedom of all, and we fight to enact the will of Justitia. Though we be at peace, still we fight. For two years we have fought, and forever shall we fight still. Against many odds and many enemies hundreds of times our size we have stood firm upon our oaths and made our stand at the altar to Justitia, and in our stand Justitia is victorious. Many people do not understand our victory; I say unto you that Justitia's victory is not temporal, but is beyond the ability of any soldier to snatch away or missile to destroy. Justitia's victory is eternal, and so long as this cult remains Justitia's Cult so shall it share in Her victory.

In commemoration of the battles fought and of those Justitians past and present, allies and friends old and yet to come, on this 739th day of the Cult of Justitia, I dedicate the Shrine of Justitia Nike to stand for all time as an homage to the victories of Justitia.

[center][i]May we never forget what victory lays in defeat, Justitia, lest we shirk our duties to You.[/i]


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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1306778744' post='2720702']
Here's to two more years of hitching your wagon to a horse with no legs.
Tried that once, It was really hard to get the wagon of horse meat to market.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1306778050' post='2720696']
Here's to two more years of nearly absolute insignificance.
[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1306778744' post='2720702']
Here's to two more years of hitching your wagon to a horse with no legs.

Ya'll are laughing now, but can either of you really say your alliances claim to uphold your ideals and morals?

Didn't think so, and that's what gonna make the Cult last. Vive le CoJ.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1306781747' post='2720731']
Ya'll are laughing now, but can either of you really say your alliances claim to uphold your ideals and morals?

Didn't think so, and that's what gonna make the Cult last. Vive le CoJ.

Didn't CoJ lose a significant amount of members this last war? I wouldn't call that "Lasting" per se.

Here's to two more years of CoJ being a toothless Demagogue!

Edited by SADeki
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1306781747' post='2720731']
Ya'll are laughing now, but can either of you really say your alliances claim to uphold your ideals and morals?

Didn't think so, and that's what gonna make the Cult last. Vive le CoJ.
Deinos upholds my ideals and my morals quite well. Just because my ideals aren't "grub for attention and follow NPO" doesn't mean I don't have them.

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[quote name='SADeki' timestamp='1306783410' post='2720754']
Didn't CoJ lose a significant amount of members this last war? I wouldn't call that "Lasting" per se.

Here's to two more years of CoJ being a toothless Demagogue!
Yes, we lost members. What alliance doesn't?

[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1306784633' post='2720771']
Deinos upholds my ideals and my morals quite well. Just because my ideals aren't "grub for attention and follow NPO" doesn't mean I don't have them.
Dunno what you're talking about. AFAIK, CoJ doesn't "grub" for attention...we merely call things as we see them. And I don't think we follow NPO either. Just because we happen to have similar goals as them does not mean that we follow them.

Regardless, this isn't the place to start a "herp-a-derp my alliance iz better n yours!" argument. This is to celebrate the second anniversary of the Cult's founding.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1306798587' post='2720886']
I find the digs here from people who would be bashing Schatt if he came into their own anniversary announcement and did the same thing amusing. <_<
It's alright, we haven't spent the last two years treatywhoring, so we don't have a ready-made cheering section. We have, however, developed strong friendships with rulers in diverse places who have often been with us in times of need and happiness. Thank you for your well-wishes.

Edited by Schattenmann
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