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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. We're harbouring more than two nations, but we call them 'members'
  2. If you look at their affiliation, you'll see they are not 'Pending' .. They are War Doves. This other little Dove raider has turtled and gone inactive, I'm ready to do some more rogue clean up. Though I hope our gov decides to make it more than just such.
  3. Did you really just declare on War Dove nations? Oh goodie :popcorn:
  4. Rayvon


    Varianz and Hereno (while he was still in Tetris) did; YW had put the orders out for us all to stop .. lol .. Legion declared war on Tetris because it was Hereno that made the post that was 'the final straw' .. We declared on Legion 5 hrs later, and Tetris' other allies - the one's you saw on the wiki - came in the following couple days ..
  5. Rayvon


    We're still here, that's all you need to know. ;)
  6. Heh - good to see you around still. Come visit sometime.
  7. No, they planned it in a matter of weeks while using a 6 month old CB and factions were just coincidently engaging in discussion with IRON "to arrange a brawl with TOP" for NG a couple months prior and just happened to come to fruition by pure chance during the Disorder War ... :facepalm:
  8. I'm sure it would help to know all your multi's as well. Do share.
  9. That's exactly the point being made. Given out is given out, public or not, when you don't really know the person. If you make the choice to involve your RL in such a manner you invite any number of possible results to go with it.
  10. Good or bad, if something has reason to change and does - then that is good. If there's reason for a change, and you make none, that is not so good. The difference between 'moving forward' and 'stagnation'. :) (if you think I'm insinuating anything towards the relations specifically between GATO and TSK, then I'm sad to inform you you're mistaken. I know nothing about the 'why' for this, only that it is good they made change rather than none when it was clearly needed.)
  11. Well said. Changes are always good regardless of the reasons. Good luck to Seven Kingdoms and GATO moving forward.
  12. When he said "your comment is entirely unacceptable as well. To encourage people to delete their nation is really shameful and not the way we ought to play this beloved game of ours." I thought he was talking about not encouraging people to delete (who in this case, had already deleted before I made the jestful comment for "someone" to delete his nation for him -- cause you know, game mechanics allow that and all so it was a very serious post ...) .. Perhaps I shouldn't encourage hacking either, encouraging someone to delete his already-deleted nation for him.
  13. Owned by ignorance and failure to fact-check. Ignorance seems to be the only unbeatable force in Cybernations. He just had an opportunity to take a pointless shot and took it.
  14. You may not be internet savvy, but if you're here you can obviously read. There's two little buttons, one labeled "Quote" and the other "MultiQuote" .. By your claims of intelligence, I'll spare you the detailed explanation of how they work. But I'll tell you - they work, and clarity is the first step to "professional" ..
  15. Ummm ... You're aware his nation was already gone long prior to when I made that post, and the choice of wording with the faux fade out at the end is with concert with this fact ...... ? No, I don't suppose you were aware. I didn't encourage !@#$ dude. After-the-fact off-the-cuff comment ...
  16. Aye .. Some are so serious they can barely have fun about being serious .. [disappointed by the interowebs again .. Went searching for a meme or vid of Bishop's 'invent your own penis game' quote from Waiting to go with this post and came up empty-handed]
  17. Someone should delete his nati..........
  18. Paranoia? ... Or foresight? :ph34r: Scaled 10
  19. So ... We won, right? The bellyaching, and the "unfair" posts are for naught -- the statistically larger Warriors brought their clean, new tanks and uniforms and left in poopy rags with spare screws falling from their holey pockets ... War Doves are always prepared, always ready.
  20. It's not too often I agree with Schatt, but I can support this in its entirety as response to Tywin. Congrats on the retirement, Farrin. Congrats on the ascension, Letum. I look forward to the coming months of 2014. o/ New Pacific Order o/ Emeritus Farrin o/ Emperor Letum
  21. *Looks to the OOC nature of forum* "Rayvon" never makes mistakes, however I once in a while do :P
  22. Brain fart on the NS equation not looking it up first (this is why I generally keep my hands out of IA except to keep alliance details up to speed lol), yeah it would affect it ... My bad .. Land Purchased * 1.5 + Tanks Deployed * .15 + Tanks Defending * .20 + Cruise Missiles * 10 + ((Nuclear Purchased^2)*10) + Technology Purchased * 5 + Infrastructure Purchased * 3 + Actual Military * .02 + Aircraft Rating Totals * 5 + Navy Rating Totals * 10
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