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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. There's a large chasm between 'intelligent, historical type' threads and these juvenile kid-with-a-crayon-on-sugar stories that Tywin likes to throw around .. Certainly, you'll find MANY here who would love to reminisce about actual events in our world's history.
  2. One of several references is vaguely here; along with other locations where you said it with more ownership rather than trying to paint me as fearful of you for reasons that only make sense your own head .. Remember your !@#$%^&* if you're gonna spread it, someone's gonna eventually call you back on it. Especially if you're gonna recycle your !@#$%^&*. edit - lol clibboard failure .. I had that link from earlier .. closed the other window, need to get the proper link in there ... fixing .... and fixed now ...
  3. This reminds me of his claim of being a threat to my legitimacy as Emperor of the Sith ... .. far be it from me to talk against our founder though lol
  4. I've yet to see him post any such post in such a thread that explains everything.
  5. Someone had too many tears, someone didn't have enough tissue .. Our treaty got used as a snot rag instead. o/ Pacifica
  6. We know you inside and out, all your weaknesses. As always, you'll be a pile of rusting metal when we're done with you.
  7. Such a foreign concept ... Who woulda thought ......
  8. Yikes - MHA round 2. This will be rough. :awesome:
  9. If the small alliance can't keep their members they aren't likely to be successful anyways. Don't blame MI6 for that, they don't need any ego boosts today.
  10. The 300-350 number was about how many of the current "alliances" we could stand to lose off the list (considering 180 of them are only 1man and then there's the 2, 3 and 4 man alliances which are of no validity, use, purpose or intent to develop further), not the size at which alliances "should" be .. I agree if every alliance was that size it would suck .. I wouldn't have stayed here for 8 years and counting either .. I wouldn't have taken a chance and founded my own alliance ..
  11. No doubt. Regardless, I was just setting Malkavian straight on the continuity part of her post. That this is specifically to separate the continuity and recognize the fall of Viridia at Ardus' behest.
  12. If our government decides to get involved, it's because you made it our war by choosing to attack two of our members whom you took it upon yourself to decree as not our members without consultation with our government ... Remember your made choices before you point fingers :)
  13. Indeed - and most of us receive less calls as she learns .. I was saying - "old people" aren't as stupid as he's making a blanket statement to paint them as such over the ripe old age of 40 ...
  14. April 2014: http://www.pewinternet.org/2014/04/03/older-adults-and-technology-use/ 75 is the new 40 ?? My 65 year old grandmother touched a comp for the first time only 5 years ago - and the phone calls I and my cousins received for help significantly cut off after the first year .. You're selling that entire generation short if you're gonna sit here and set a blanket insult of stupidity and inability to adapt and learn. Next you'll have Rush in here setting you straight about old peoples ;) lol
  15. More recent numbers would probably be better .. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/02/27/thirteen-percent-of-u-s-adults-say-they-dont-use-the-internet/ Also - looks like there must have been some sort of catastrophic set back somewhere in 2011 ... 8% is a pretty wild variance for polls ..
  16. Yes - every alliance does start somewhere ... That doesn't mean those hundreds and hundreds of existing alliances are going anywhere though .. One or two exceptions to the rule do not make a dozen or two dozen exceptions to the rule by default .. Certainly some of those small alliances are viable - but if you do some due diligence and click through the vast majority of them you'll find that there is nothing viable there .. No structure, no motion, no organization, no nothing that can really define them as alliances other than that they have an AA with multiple nations on it .. 18 nations is greater than 10 nations, and I did range "10 - 20" ..
  17. 300-350 doesn't sound bad .. A little amalgamation .. There's only 91 alliances with 20 or more nations in it (carrying on in agreeance with Bob's 'more 10-20 alliances would not help') out of 415 alliances on the in-game list (180 of which are one-man AA's) ..
  18. This is the anniversary of when we disbanded. The Viridia as it stands now was re-born from the events of this day down the road in September. You'll see another announcement of this from VE then too.
  19. You don't get 'invited' - you 'earn' your spot
  20. [ooc]I don't mean to bring this up in regards to mod issues, but specifically to the mechanics and efforts of weeding out an individual account on our own individual alliance forums - and I believe the 3 different coinciding names during his ban give fair reason for this to be considered a fair question -- this has nothing to do with any specific posts causing that temporary ban, but rather his multiple registrations at multiple alliances with multiple other names at the time he was banned ..[/ooc] Other than Cucumber, Kaolo, and Rosenkraz -- is there any other names to ban?
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