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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. I'm assuming 'macro players' is are like big game hunters while 'micro players' are like pigeon hunters .. Only honourable mentions? Well, at least I'm on the right list lol
  2. Yeah ... I'm still waiting for mine too .. Or at least someone to talk to me ... The rise of the scammers ....... :mellow:
  3. Whatever helps you take more out of Zulu's sails, I suppose. I, for one, was trying to come in here sincerely.
  4. If you want arbitrary lines, look at the treaty web instead.
  5. With only 122 alliances above 10 nations I wouldn't consider anything above 100 really "in" it though - more like honourable mentions ..... Oh wait - you're at 109, yes yes .. 120. Edit: Above/below :wacko:
  6. Congrats. Welcome to the sanction race Zulu. :gun:
  7. Question is - where to start on this list? :ehm:
  8. Somehow I feel more pity for Porksaber than Rey.
  9. Definitely great to see this continuing .. Onwards and upwards back to our top 30 spot ..
  10. It didn't ask for a CC at any point for me Just type the address to lookup there and it comes out here
  11. I dunno - I guess more people have the Alexa toolbar installed that visit your site and cybernations as opposed to their sites? lol I just get a dash when I look NSO up heh
  12. Heh - I laugh about that one too, I don't know why it shows it. Only way I can get rid of it is to go right into the php's .... Which I may eventually ... Not much of a barometer, no - nor intended. Forum activity in general includes visiting diplomats as well.
  13. I just looked up a couple on alexa.com, most seem to barely register if at all .. Cybernations.net is the only one .. NPO and IRON were ranked in the 8 and 10 million range .. CN was ~32k ..
  14. That database has been in service since the latter half of October 2013. Our first bros-free database that lived from December 2011 till October 2013, I'm in the process of turning into a members-only archive, has the following stats.
  15. My OP mentioning of him was to open the line of dialogue with a little lightness with an immediate segway into the larger discussion. He had made the initial comment about our activity that got my mind rolling, and knowing that our activity is actually pretty high, it in my head connected into the global thought. To which I decided to attempt to look into with an open discussion. I even very directly said in the reply to Auctor that it wasn't about TPF. I'll be sure to not cite sources in the future. This is the OOC forum. TPF, NSO, NPO, Judge, Rayvon, HailSatan, Brehon, Dajobo - none of them 'exist' here. But the forums, are very real. These are what I am trying to talk about. And aye - different forums do have different stats available, some have various packages and modules that can also be added if any admins are so inclined. It's been a long while since I've used IPBoard, is that the most detailed stats it shows - total posts and total users?
  16. I realize after your antics on the coalition forums that your reading comprehension is sub-par; but I've made it quite clear this is nothing about TPF. But thanks for all that irrelevant and nothing-to-do-with-the-OP stuff none-the-less. I'm merely trying to open an out-of-character discussion about forum activity in all alliances around CN. The source of the forum activity thought was your activity snipe. That doesn't mean this is all about TPF. You just made me curious about global activity.
  17. I know .... Imagine trying to have a legitimate discussion about our global activity in our Out of Character section .. Fuck I'm so stupid I should delete.
  18. Then don't participate in the discussion. I happen to be legitimately curious as a forum admin/designer outside of CN as well. And curious about how activity is throughout our little world here. If anyone feels the need to fake their stats in order to participate in a discussion about stats, well that's their problem. Sorry my curiosity is so fucking humdrum to you. Go fluff your stats somewhere alone.
  19. It's less about JudgeX and more about forum stats discussion and curiosity ... He just happened to be the catalyst of the thought .. Otherwise I'd just worry about NSO vs TPF stats lol
  20. After I finished laughing over JudgeX's attempted activity snipe yesterday I got to thinking, we do that annual award !@#$ and one of the categories is always about most active forum. But there's never any substance to back up the claims (no big surprise in CN or those awards, but hey ..). Forum admins and governments, let's see 'em.
  21. I'd love to see the logs of where I beg you for anything, I seem to missing those oddly. I don't beg anyone for anything, never have and never will. Some of us are willing to own every last word out of our mouths and stand by each and every one. You've been a terrible treaty partner as long as I've been a Sith, and that's got nothing to do with me considering it started as such before I was involved with the government. But you keep swinging for that fence, at least COMECON doesn't have far to fall with your help. Congrats on this fine treaty. lol Oh a quick addendum, I glossed over your mentioning of Legion war first glance: "As far as that you guys were thinking about dropping is after you begged for secret aid during the legion war," -- haha what? We barely talked at all during that war, we were still pissed you didn't even warn us about the on-coming Legion movement. Is was our former ally in STA that came and told me that the Legion attack was coming. Again, you were a great and loyal ally to be measured by. lol
  22. I haven't ever ignored anything from Pacifica in regards to any wars, to what you're speaking of I have no idea. And that would be between Pacifica and I - not TPF and I. Begged? A little big for your britches there son. Let's look over some items here .. haha .. [spoiler] [/spoiler] And in regards to your negotiating shit for Smurf, that's covered in the last log there with Roadie. I also had an agreement with Smurf separate from the one you apparentlty negotiated.
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