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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Best Villain: 44 | DBDC 24 | Rayvon/NSO 18 | Stewie 13 | Sengoku 4 | Caustic Some good company on this list :ehm:
  2. Will you hold your breath in silence till he does?
  3. She sure is, especially with that post there. Daenerys, are you trying to say you've sentenced one of my Government members to ZI? Perhaps we'll have to have a further chat about how you intend to enact this without leaving a gaping hole in the ground where New Valyria used to be. Let's see how this little skirmish works out for you before you dedicate yourself to such a lofty goal.
  4. Looks like the Lannister Defactor is a gateway to global destability.
  5. Heh - it was, the damn tablet once in a while goes all funky.
  6. k So then you're talking about giving the agreement to their gov to accept or deny. In which case it's been said several times already that the terms from NoR gov were already turned down (denied). Which means they've already been offered as you're saying they should be. This is already stated. Otherwise, i have no freakin clue what you're off about and want to raid your stash :s
  7. Heh - leave him and his ironclad memory and unmatched knowledge alone. He was an important founding nation of NSO, the brightest part of Vox, the staple of lobal stability and the coiner of terms. Oh - an aside lol, communications across planes through the Dark Force, i channeled the Moldavi himself. The response was great.
  8. Send out to who? The individual nations? Why would they send each of them this agreement when their gov is saying no to it? Their gov chooses to accept or deny it, or if their membership actually has weight than it's through their own forums and not by seeing which ones individually accept the offer sent from NoR to each of their nations.
  9. All part of the master plan.
  10. lol - who's arguing now for the sake of arguing? Keep pressing those buttons, IYIyTh. Bravo.
  11. I believe someone already made the pot and kettle reference ..... Perhaps if you yourself weren't everywhere seeking attention yourself with all these posts and that 'HEY LOOK AT ME VOTING FOR MYSELF AND PRESSING MY EVER SO EDGY SITH OBSESSION!! HEY HEY!! LOOK AT ME MEME ME ... No, don't look at me. You attention seeker, you. Stop looking at me" posting bullshit you wouldn't have everyone needing to tell you to shut up.
  12. If you insist. At least try and keep this story straight after 3 posts.
  13. His first post [of the particular quote chain] started here, just reminding that if NoR took peace today that this war would still continue, that NPO would not be at peace yet while the off-topic-to-this-thread debate regarding NoR is that they're the one's holding NPO at war. Whether by NPO's request to remain at war till all are out or not is irrelevant to that fact. No where in the midst of all this had the AI front been brought up, it's all a pure focus on the NoR-DoD situation and how NoR is currently holding NPO at war with it. You jumped on him, with that ill-aimed arrow, to throw it in there that it's NPO's request to remain at war till all other fronts are closed. Which is way off point and, as I said above, irrelevant to his point you were attempting to refute. I helped you out here clarifying that point. Then as I said in my next post you sidestepped to a new point, in that most recent post after it was brought up about the other front then you mentioned it while continuing to point out the initial irrelevant point that it's at NPO's request. This wasn't in question or mention, and no one is arguing or saying otherwise. Thanks for reminding everyone what they already know and were not talking about regarding NPO's request. And, to complete Rey's point that you tried to refute with an irrelevant refute, it's not just on NoR's shoulders as the theme here in TLR's thread seems to be alluding to. As you originally alluded to also. I'm quite aware of what I'm typing, thanks.
  14. No, you don't know. We see this. It shows. Yes, NPO is open while the other fronts remain open. Your powers of observation did not fail you there. The part he was responding to, is the part where all pressure is trying to be put on NoR is this TLR etc thread for being the one who is still holding NPO in war - per this agreement you note. It's disingenuous at best to put that solely on NoR's shoulders, just as it's expected from you to sidestep to a new point when your last is put back to you, when NoR is not the only one still at war of whom NPO is waiting for.
  15. NoR gets peace today, there's still AI and others in war. NoR is not holding up NPO's peace at this present time, this is the point he was making. But you keep aiming for that target.
  16. So why aren't you angry with Brehon for not making your surrender in Dave? You guys seem pissy and angry over so much else of what he did, and how he did everything so wrong. I guess this is just another example at how evil and incompetent he and NPO are in their disrespectful endings. Let the anger flow. And then remember it has nothing to do with NoR. Of course, there's a lot of ambiguity in the Equilibrium way, Brehon said "admit their defeat and surrender to their respective combatants" so I guess that one just what - gets played however you wish to play it in the moment to defend your means and ends? We won't get into your third loss, we all remember how GCW ended and it wasn't with a surrender; but it also wasn't forced on us either, Ardus made the choice to disband versus moving colour spheres. So really, as far as your 'we give them, we expect them' argument goes, you really just expect them - as you say in your next paragraph, no way any front you're on is ending in any other way.
  17. It went from "NPO could not even discuss peace after entering on an MD until they're the sole fighter on the field" per Polar Coalition to "NPO is not being left to fight alone indefinitely in a war they entered on an MD and we (the Sith Coalition) will not peace out till this is assured" per Sith Coalition, and now it sits at "NPO has a deal but the terms do not begin until the Sith Coalition is fully peaced out" per mutual coalition agreement.
  18. Not even MK's PR machine in their prime could spin an admission of defeat into a win or non-loss, it's a defeat in it's very core meaning - geez, it's right in the specific wording. "Admission of defeat" "We admit we lost" .... Pick a better argument for it if that's your defence to the language of it. They're not asking DoD for a White Peace which then, sure if you wanna fear that boogeyman, could later be spun as a non-loss. That reason there really just insists it's about pride, why you can't make that language shift from 'surrender' to 'admission of defeat' .. Not saying it's not necessarily about pride in return, but it's definitely a two-way street and it can't all be put on one set of shoulders.
  19. Again, shifting the blame. If it's just 'language' than take the high road and say "sign this shit and get the hell out of our face." Do you really need it so badly? Will your war efforts be entirely undone? Somehow, I feel doubtful of this. Just a feeling. You just want it so you'll stick it out and blame them till you get it. What's wrong with an 'admission of defeat' that's been offered? It's just language that you are holding them in war over.
  20. Seems the preferred route. Minimal self-onus, put everything on everyone else's shoulders. Bear no responsibility, can't be blamed for anything on the resolution if you don't raise a finger to help create it.
  21. You could just get them both out. You guys have some little itty bitty control here as the winning coalition. "NG, you're out. NoR, you're out. Let's sign this shit and move on." Or alternatively, you can blame them.
  22. Strung out? They were concise and breif. They won, we admit it. I don't know why you're trying to stir shit in this thread. These fronts are closed, go take your pettiness to your own fronts. I wrote the drafts as they sit, Dajobo and Centurius confirmed them. 905 offered the re-write for the Fark treatise and i pasted it verbatim. There was nothing further to this. There's nothing to drag out here, nothing for you to dig your hands in to.
  23. I don't think there's any question to the outcome, there's no need to fuel further issues here while resolving one. There were no terms for us other than what you see in the OP, you make it sound like I argued them down to what is presented here.
  24. Rubbing it in and making it a front and center issue, right in the god damn peace thread while you chase boogeymen and make baseless accusations about my words certainly isn't a good place to go about making sure any do stay in the past ...
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