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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. If anyone else believed it I'm sure they'd speak up, all that's here is you crying in every post about it.
  2. Is that 'u' bugging you too? lol
  3. Aww starts !@#$ and runs and hides. Skurred little !@#$%*. Tuck that tail and run. It's a good thing someone's on the ball, no one else might have realized who they are. That's like when you pointed out my colleague Rayvon was leader of his group on Bob. Trying to be so helpful, I suppose everyone needs one redeeming quality. - SurenGal -
  4. A little bit of experience and common sense goes a looong ways. That's all I've got to say, the rest - you can take up with my leaders.
  5. The issue was between NSO and you, it's only you that continually tries to make it about NSO-HB - or even make it a repeated topic of any sort. There was no bullying of HB, no matter how many times you try to claim so. There is no standing issues between TSK and NSO nor had there been. No one except you even talks about it or thinks about it. Give this one up already, move on to other 'issues.'
  6. The line before that is best. "NSO in particular proved its menace after plotting to attack Polaris, and bullying numerous alliances, including House Baratheon."
  7. Nothing but fine advice from your Dovely friends here. B-) (take two guesses lol)
  8. Quite the opposite actually haha A few Sith rallied together to help one of our Master's with an emergency vet bill to prevent euthanasia, this is the Sith Order's newly adopted war pussy. It's not as colourful a flag as TSKs, but it's a great flag none-the-less :awesome:
  9. Go ahead, make your start in yet another thread. See how quick you can devolve TSK's thread on them. Congrats on the change TSK, look forward to seeing what the new branding may bring. We'll have to chat again soon, Kesselring, now that there's only good stuff between us and nothing festering.
  10. Somehow I don't think you'll have to worry about such a scenario.
  11. Ummm yeah. I think that was exactly why he said that.
  12. Haha awww .. Someone really is a little sore in the ass; you can stop spying my nation any time darlin. War's over. Unless you wanna put on some big girl pants and step into my darkness.
  13. And properly dominated Curling and hockey are what I watch for myself.
  14. Clueless bastard. You're being laughed at for your daftness, you didn't touch any nerve. All this information has come out before, and you still get it wrong.
  15. Or even 'trying' to gain political points from it ...... It's called 'passing the time' .. About as productive as flicking cards in a hat ...
  16. lol - and who manoeuvred us? We were [supposedly] the one's pulling the strings and doing the manoeuvring according to the declaration against us ... I don't think you have any fucking idea how any of it started on our end if you're saying we (NSO) was manoeuvred by anyone lmao .... (aww: literally AS SOON AS POLAR FUCKED UP IN EQUILIBRIUM NG [Caustic] and NSO [Me and Dilber] went to work TOGETHER and we initiated the grouping prior to the group decision to go defensive .. So any manoeuvring you claim happened by someone else to involve NSO in the center of this war - didn't ... Not by NG or anyone else .. We put ourselves there before the last war even completed .. ) I think you need to spend a little time examining your puzzle pieces before you attempt to jam them together to create your apparently-distorted picture of our world.
  17. So - so far they're working off other's will and not their own? ... They didn't make their own choice of whom to align with so far and what actions to make so far? They were corralled into their FA positioning like doggies?
  18. Aww Buttercup, are you trying to call me broke? I'm sure I have much more money than lil ol' whiney pants. If that post-war spy op of yours had of been a gather intel instead of changing my defcon after our leaders already agreed to peace than you would have seen I'm sitting around 10m still. Try making less excuses for everything, you sound like such a sore loser.
  19. Hmm .. Two thirds will want their own bar soon enough ... :P
  20. Friends tend to change - fickle creatures we humans are, the globalscape is under no threat of stagnation in that regards. It's when useless/out-dated treaties get drug out and hung onto for posterity and "just because" then there's real problems in the area of stagnation. Once upon a time NSO and TPF had a great relationship, then came JudgeX. And now, fuck TPF. 'Friendship' changed, and so the geoscape and alliance relations changed. Newfound friendships brought NpO and TOP together. This massively changed the geoscape. There's two sides to each scenario; to say "friends > infra" is killing geopolitics is extremely narrow and lacking depth; it also fails to mention where the friendships lie. If it's an alliance-to-alliance friendship then there's plenty of reason for it be considered a purely legit treaty of no danger to geopolitical stagnation while treaties where alliances don't like each other but gov-to-gov there's friends creating the bond, they're bound to fall when the gov changes (ie. NSO-TPF as mentioned above). Change is constant, player choice is solely responsible for any stagnations - not any model we base our relations around.
  21. Hello Buttercup. Funny enough, that works both ways. Logic surely is your strongest suit, and that's sad to admit. Oh and please, teach me on what is valuable. :)
  22. "whatsoever you bind on Bob will have been bound on Steve." Kevin 18:18 Just flew in and boy are my arms tired, wars declared. Flow the tears. Etc etc funny comments and more ....
  23. With everything else she doesn't get straight already what do you think you're so special for that she'll get that straight? :P
  24. How High, no 'j' either ..
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