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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. lol - and you're gonna go on and talk about 'friends' and other !@#$%^&*? You're definitely not an alliancemate I'd want. Every last Dove is willing to burn for each other Dove. This is why this is a mistake decision by Misfits, you're a fractured and unorganized group.
  2. All I see is Misfits about to hurt. Who cares why you made your decision, it was the wrong one.
  3. Well - depends I think ... I haven't looked at their slot usage ... But: 20 nations could make 100 aid offers in one day; if it's really all 83 nations initiating 1 aid offer with 19 nations doing 2 aid offers then that is really more of a wide-spread and impressive coincidence of organization .. If they were a fraction of their size with 102 aid offers it'd be, imo, a bigger deal .. Granted, +100 in one day on it's own is still pretty cool in any circumstance. Any one know how many other alliances have moved such numbers in one day?
  4. "Kid didnt grow up in the hood" You've obviously never been to Stratford .... All the places these punks run their gangs ... These are mean, rough streets with a mean-ass nightlife. Bieb's a is a true Beileber to survive and fight and scrounge his way from here to ..... YouTube.
  5. There's nothing humourous about exclusion.
  6. I can not stand for exclusion. I will find that one, I will include. FUN FOR ALL OR FUN FOR NONE.
  7. I know how much you like the taste of my name on your lips, but I wasn't even any where in the vicinity of this dialogue till you yet again bring me up - and blame me for carrying something on. [OOC: SurenGal vs Daenerys and Rayvon vs Daenerys are two separate scenarios. Focus Sunshine, two separate games and roles. That you choose to role play the exact same personality and crossed our paths in the former isn't my fault. I didn't create your issues with War Doves, I didn't create your issues with Ordo Paradoxia, I didn't create them with anyone - you created your own issues. Take some self-responsibility kiddo. ]
  8. "Recently, Rayvon revealed that he himself had dismantled the Security Bureau and had thrown Ivan Moldavi from the alliance years ago, resulting in a loss of accountability and absolute power held in his hands. With the Bureau gone, Rayvon proceeded on a path that has led to the NSO's situation today." Can always find grossly hilarious error in everything you write. I did not throw him out of the alliance, he left. This "security bureau" as you call it, his little troupe that even the sitting Emperor wasn't apprised of, was only about a week or two along so it's not like I tore a steeple of the alliance out in such an action. There was no 'power' being moved or exchanged. No nothing. Zip. Notta. Nilch. Whatever bureau you claim to have started long before, ended long before I was a Sith and there was no other in existence. As usual, Ivan was quite inactive any ways and there existed a mere 9 posts in the entirety of their little board. Blow your smoke elsewhere, you don't know what you are talking about where the Sith are regarded. Because it's still funny, we'll add this again ..
  9. :frantic: Wahh I have to type my nation link twice :frantic: Copy and paste if it's such a big deal. More effort spent crying about it. :rolleyes: Be the rebel who doesn't fill in the box; I don't think you'll actually find many that really care if it's missed/skipped. It's typically pretty clear unless it's a rare-to-never seen diplomat member.
  10. I think FAN should just go back to polishing their ..... "Guns" ... Clearly you've been asleep so god damned long there's still over-dried Pacifican dirt in your corn flakes ...
  11. :(( :gun: :war: :facepalm: I don't see any :ehm: :v: facts in there :nuke: :mad: :war: anywhere. :awesome:
  12. Which Soviet Union? I was gonna go find out why myself, but need more citation of design. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=516582 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=486319 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=543935 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=548405 http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=438420 :mellow:
  13. You'll be waiting a while Paul. Characters like this only know how to use the muscles in their mouth, not their brains. There's no shortage of them recently.
  14. Ohhhh so edgy, so edgy .. And every moron and their sister's hamster knows you can't resist clicking that 'View it anyway?' button :rolleyes:
  15. Merging into The Chaos Brotherhood in 5 .. 4 .. 3 ...... The impending doom, damage and downfall: all blames are yours. :popcorn:
  16. Proof of a sound decision, Warriors. Welcome in fellow Doves
  17. Nothing could ever be more glorious than the moment of your departure from our ranks. The only way we could attain that glory again, would be to suffer your ... "Personality" ... In our ranks just to see you out again. Fuck that noise. We'll accept Shirunei back from Dark Templar first. We're quite fine with the unstoppable successes we've had one after the other.
  18. Holy crap it snuck up on me this year, such a busy time for us rebuilding from the war. 5 years and still going strong, the New Sith Order is and will remain a thorn in your side for yet another 5. Happy Anniversary, my Sith. Celebrate. You've earned it. / Rayvon Sixth Emperor of the Sith Empire
  19. I thought my pants were feeling a bit wet, someone's sucking up on my balls again. Tywin, stop hanging off them, they're getting sore.
  20. Now wouldn't it really flip his world if NSO were to sign a treaty or two in there
  21. Given that they feel arsed enough to get involved in someone else's business ... Cause you know, Neutrality.
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