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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. I fully agree, the deception is part of the fun and the only real possible "strategy" that can come up. Otherwise everything else is number against number with no real thought. Only a Sith deals in absolutes, careful where you put your allusions - we don't want to be associated with that :P Glad to see this peace up, now to get the rest moving. We gots lots of work to do TLR :D
  2. Aw shucks - did we lose? Well we've lost more than just that one, that loss doesn't throw all our credibility out. We were there in support of an ally, that we were the most notable alliance in the entire conflict that we're the only one's getting talked about doesn't take away from our credibility - it adds to it. Legion finally came in with a damn good strong hand, as they should have started doing many moons ago; Tetris' other allies made that war more difficult on us, as it was - afterall - Tetris' war since they were the one's that Legion declared on and we came in on an MD. Your lack of facts and inability to iron the lines, yes, glass houses. "no you" Maybe.
  3. OMG!! Are you serious??? Is it too late?? Can I still make you like me?? And I was just playing around ... Damn.
  4. And you open your mouth and show your intelligence yet again .. If you were of an alliance that was of importance, or connected to anyone who matters (lol TTE), or understood a couple of the posts on the previous page - you'd be aware that this is not a possibility.
  5. It looked a lot like my resignation thread from Viridia. Can't get more right than that ;)
  6. I'm sure you'll find people who have fought beside you who share the viewpoint; regardless - all these tears from you just tell me we're definitely doing something right. I hope to see you cry more as you scramble over the pile of wit your spewing.
  7. Our Order's path has remained quite true; that it's evolved from some archaic outlook to work with the modern world is called 'progress.' It requires learning, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. Many traits of which you've displayed a severe lacking capability of since you started this lengthy tantrum over being thrown from our embassies. That we were too strong for you and your words to scare and move us. While you've been wasting away in a vast nothingness of existence [aka w/e reasons that are your own in rl kept which you from playing for years] awaiting your rebirth, we have all been here experiencing, developing and expanding. You walk back into this world from nothing, speaking of nothing - no more than a naked old man on a street corner wearing only a 'Global Instability is nigh' sign.
  8. Too !@#$@#$ funny. He couldn't even get himself through the front gate before they put him back out on his ass. Please Tywin; come take back what isn't, and has never been, yours but you claim so much of. Please come crawling on your belly begging for a chance to walk through our halls to prove how strong and magnificent you are. Find a leader in the Brotherhood you can get through.
  9. And at what point in eQ did this happen? NPO didn't move one inch from one side to the other.
  10. 6 month old chat logs of a questionable nature of two leaders long-since uninvolved [Caustic was soon after removed from gov/Dilber disappeared when he [ooc]returned to America[/ooc]; an outdated discussion of aggression; false logs; and lots of fear we might pull it off ... That first point of no longer involved leaders is about the time where they [NpO] recognize in their DoW that NPO/NG was making different obvious moves (by way of "making amends") but there's no mention of the Sith ambassadors who were entirely ignored during the exact same phase and shift in our plans over here -- ie. when we went from 25 aggro/75 defensive [in other words, still entertaining ideas if there was anything worthwhile to discuss] to 100% defensive. And the cycle shall not be broken, even when Pacifica tries. They care 100% what 'future NPO' can do, otherwise they wouldn't be so up in their face. Yeah, you're right. Talking to you does make Neo more of a joke - he should really stop. It's about as bad as dealing with Tywin. Yes they knew about talking of rolling Polar, you're about a year behind on that one and no it didn't require a 'blessing' to do so; you can't really be an 'accessory to murder' [akin to 'rolling'] when one is not committed, there's certainly a 'conspiracy' afoot, but only the mad and paranoid lash out at conspiracies and art.
  11. He is mid-gov. But no - people have failed to proceed in a challenge against an empty seat, and have also failed challenges against someone less active than themselves. The Brotherhood's check and balance over whom leads them.
  12. Will you do us all a favour and convince Tywin to create an alliance with you? A pair of quality minds, you should do well.
  13. 'New regime' - Ivan's regime, the only regime you know, was 5 years ago. It ceased to be when he ceased to be. It has changed through 4 other Emperor's before me - and it'll change with the next and the next until The End. Crying over how we screwed you over has nothing to do with us and our culture, or our leadership. It had everything to do with not giving a fuck about you imposing terms for your uninvited "services". For all the bawling you do about global stability, you sure do try damn hard to bring it all tipping down on you.
  14. Hahaha I don't know what you think is happening in NSO, but you've clearly got a heavy obsession with what's inside our walls. Has your sister found herself lost in Moldavistadt?
  15. To not allow the Acolyte full free will and thought is, in the opinion of this Emperor, an unacceptable oppression of the Brotherhood. If they weren't Sith and of our ideology they would not reside in membership or government. The Challenge System remains integral as check and balance.
  16. Damn right such a "secret police" was abolished. There is no Brotherhood under such oppression, and our leaders aren't so weak they need to influence from the shadows to build and retain power. You talk about where we are now, our Order is at one of it's strongest states ever. We've walked the edge of nothing together and rose above it. We've forged relations stronger than any other we've ever had. We have a clearer sense of honour and each Acolyte know's where they stand within and we stand as a whole. We innovate and evolve quickly, adapt with ease. You walk a lonely path, unwanted and without respect of anyone - muttering from out in the cold about alliances of whom you used to be apart. Alliances of which you can only now peer through a window and make sweeping assumptions about through your cracked lenses. And for your clarification, i did not throw him out. He left of his own will.
  17. You can keep "reiterating" it all you want, the more you keep parroting it the more it sounds like you're whining over it. Aw boo hoo, he walked out on you. Get the fuck over it. The talks have continued, catch up.
  18. Well they did just turn down yet another offer tonight from Farrin.
  19. You talk like NPO hasn't shared everything with us, or the logs in their entirety. How daft do you think our general memberships are that they'd believe that we their governments aren't working in full disclosure with each other? A couple of us would have walked out at the exact same point.
  20. Ouch. Of all the reasons Malkavian provides, you could have picked a better shot.
  21. Guess we'll see what happens down the road. Till someone decides to try and break the cycle rather than one-up the previous.
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