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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. hahahyahahahahahqahahjkasdghadjk;sgharh;assgdk; ... Sorry, missed the keys laughing .... You really know that much more about NPO than Bran to tell him he is wrong?
  2. No no no - you're getting their stories mixed up. Polar was cherry picked by alliances ganging up on Pacifica because NSO is a threat to TOPs security while we're plotting against Polar.
  3. Have you guys done any math on thosee preliminary 'these are what you might get but we won't talk with any definitive terms until you're the last one fighting' terms you guys have given to NPO? Or did you just choose numbers you all thought sounded good (though apparently not 'all' since some of your coalition even dislikes the terms)?
  4. You can't pick on MK's use of PM though. They fought too hard last war, they deserve to sit in PM this war out of touch of criticism.
  5. While i feel for ya knowing you had no control on the path, at the same [perhaps because of] i've gotta say - you all need to give your own government a strong look as well. They proudly "arranged a brawl between TOP and NG" behind NG's back, planning and enabling this war for months with Polar and TOP and allowing IRON to be used as a tool to achieve this goal.
  6. Indeed they do. I have a feeling there will be a lot of long term consequences across Bob from this war.
  7. Tell us, how is "NPO trying to get" anything? They're being shoved with suggestions of terms, being told they get no 'official' discussion till they're the last bloody corpse being kicked around the field, then they can 'talk'; and the 'talk' that's being suggested - as pointed out already - was to that tune of approximately $20 billion. NPO's allies are telling y'all 'fuck you' to such a situation and looking for some legitimate discussion of something realistic -- NPO isn't 'trying to get' anything.
  8. Debatable. Terms that estimate out to over 20 billion in reparations eaten by a single alliance (NPO) being offered are kinda hard to swallow, even in small bites.
  9. Plenty. There's other art pieces still around out there over past years. Everyone should feel threatened by my art and enjoyment. It will be the downfall of civilization.
  10. And you're just so absolutely infallible, aren't ya.
  11. Same could be said about Fark, TOP and Polar considering the number of HNMS that have been hit by mistake on our nations ... Shit - I think I tried to spy one Bionic Redhead's cause I forgot to look rather than failed to learn how to use it. Try harder.
  12. lol - if that's how you read that .........
  13. Someone seems to think it's not too late for IRON to claim yet one more of these awards from the clammy hands of Rota?
  14. Considering the awards, that would have been a blessing.
  15. Right next to the master foreign expert. Oh hey, speaking of: Might wanna hang on to a little of that advice, it could help you too. Exactly - their business. If anyone really has a problem with the expulsion, go start the Franz War. ... If you can really make NG care that much.
  16. Whether or not anyone does or doesn't cancel conflicting treaties (while they're actively making the plans that actually create that conflict) doesn't change the fact that it is within their control to do so. There's nothing armchair about this. I'm also not insisting anything anywhere in that post, I don't give two shits what they do nor do I allude to what they should do [i]now or in the future[/i]. That doesn't change what already happened in the [i]past[/i] though.
  17. Obviously not talking about yourself, shouldn't you be muzzled or some shit?
  18. Shed the blame how? "However, my actions aren't what this is all really about." - RON and what they did/didn't do for or say to any of their allies has nothing to do with NSO. The line of discussion was about RON until Hal tried to turn it to NSO with his cut. - or - "However, my actions aren't what this is all really about." - This war has nothing to do with NSO, it's all about NPO.
  19. Ha. I didn't even notice this new post till seeing YingYang Mafia's post. Nah Hal, their situation was well within their control for quite some time. They knew war was coming, they didn't want to cancel their one treaty, but they didn't want to honour it either. That was a choice that was totally in their control to make, and they just chose not to choose either options. What they had chose, was to "arrange a brawl between TOP and NG" [as BaronAaron words it; and unbeknownst to NG] that went awry on them. I see no folly in dealing with the consequences of my actions, that's called accountability. However, my actions aren't what this is all really about. And at least I have taken action in the best interests of my alliance and allies for which I need to be accountable for, rather than complete inaction.
  20. We got another few inches last night while the south got that ice storm - can it be spring yet? :unsure:
  21. Hear no evil, see no evil. [OOC: This is an IC forum dude. We're having an IC debate ('debate' loosely used) over an IC matter regarding "Buck" and his relationship with "NSO&co" - and by extension his relationship with CN - and why it exists as it does, in yet another thread that Buck started towards all CN. If you don't wish to see it, don't ..... gow - it is sad that he couldn't keep up the arguments he presented and had to keep falling back on his heels for new arguments where his previous keep falling short, but this is again IC; if you don't want to see it, don't ..... [b]World Affais (IC): This is an In-Character forum. World Affairs is the place to discuss the drama and intrigue of Cyber Nations politics. As long as it's related to alliance-driven politics, it's in-character and it's not an Alliance Announcement -- it goes here.]
  22. Actually I "personally authorized" (I'm Emperor, you don't need to dress it with such words, everything is through my authorization) him to hit Buckaroo from the New Sith Order affiliation, he (Buckaroo) repeatedly called upon the Sith for war and as I said made his concerted efforts to put himself in our path. His wish was granted. That has nothing to do with trying to 'remove him from this world.' Unless that's to say all war and attacks are to try and remove leaders from this world. No wonder raiding is such a despicable choice to make. And war, fucking Polar those hero's of yours - trying to force the Pacifica and the Sith out of this world, Dajobo authorizing his soldiers to hit mine must obviously mean this according to your logic. Or wait, no - it only applies to us otherwise your point falls apart. Would be absurd if it applied to the 'good guys.' That's just justice then.
  23. No one is talking about 'booting him from this world' either. Everyone's trying to tell him to "go into hiding" [OOC: aka 'reroll'] and lose the 'buckaroo' moniker as he's heavily tainted it in his brief time. 'Change your identity and take some time to learn' is a very far cry from 'leave this world.' Your entire post is comparing our evils to Polar's halo. If you're saying they aren't something, then you're insinuating we are. No I'm not playing any such card; I was mitigating your broad accusation by listing out whom we have in our company. Far be it from us to recognize them, my lord we're evil. IRON had nothing to do with anything with us and our decision making processes. I think you're way out of your league in information here; you're getting into a territory where all your information is hearsay since you're neither part of my gov, NG's gov, NPO's gov, any of C&G's gov or Us's gov. IRON had nothing to do with our shift away from "chasing Polar," the TOP-Polar treaty had everything to do with that. That ended the 'roll Polar' aggressive movement and brought way to the "stop those $%&@ers" defensive movement while also being their signal of stepping forward to us and a larger audience.
  24. i. The fact that he posted wasn't antagonistic, the content of his posts were. ii. 'brave alliances like Polar don't plan wars for months' not to direct anything at Polar, but directly at you for that comment, that's utter bullshit. They didn't just throw together this whole group of people the day before they "decided to declare on the Sith", they say themselves 'we gathered people who had a bone to pick' .. They planned a war that commenced in November but was in the works since the summer - this is 'months' by definition. *gasp* Bad, bad Polar almost as bad as the Sith. iii. If you're trying to insinuate intolerance in the Sith, that we're seeking some sort of 'Aryan race' then you really didn't open your eyes in your brief visit. We have members from around the world, of all faiths, gay and straight, repubs, conservative, drug addicts, straight edges, Commies - we got them all. But wait! We're intolerant. I can't continue the lie. We don't have any of them. iv. We don't back down from a fight either, very few alliances really do. That's just a weak propagandistic attack used by many, full of error in the absence of actual substance. v. lol Keep trying. There's a couple clean spots on the fan still. [OOC: I've got all day - work is quiet as hell, I'm bored as shit and nothing better to do except read and role-play]
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