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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. You fucking dumbass. That's me you should be coming after for that apology. That was my Senator acting under my orders. It'll be a wet day before Shangri-La will apologize to you for something they didn't have anything to do with.
  2. With an alliance full of sellers? You can't support the down and out when you need their money that they don't have and are coming to you for help in getting money from ...... You don't have a trade network of any sort. Your alliance has one existing trade offer. And it's only for 2.5m.
  3. How are you going to take care of nations who don't cease fire when told to?
  4. It's so painfully stupid to go through. I still have nightmares of the IQ points falling off my chart.
  5. Your previous one or two attempts at an alliance were specifically looking for trouble with us. You've even proudly claimed to be apart of the current war against us. As bs as the rest of us know that is in reality, you still choose it as a representative action of yourself - do you believe you don't deserve any sort of lingering negative thought in light of this? Can we expect more of these little incidences?
  6. You should be asking that question internally for a more accurate answer.
  7. Again? Give it up kid. Join an alliance and learn what the hell you're doing.
  8. Careful now, you're negating the whole 'two negotiations and LoSS offered a full no-redeclare all around' story that they're trying hard to present.
  9. Well, if you look around your posts to Steve's posts - it's more than Nikolay's word against yours. edit: 'his' to 'Nikolay' for clarity
  10. Quality propaganda from a quality alliance.
  11. If you have any with a strong stomach, you should give it a try for a couple weeks. It's kinda fun. He couldn't handle us or grasp our culture (it is difficult for most outsiders, even Rey is still having trouble getting fully adjusted into our ways and completely indoctrinated), got trolled out with his tail between his legs.
  12. The responses to my posts through this thread and page show that this is something that none of them fathom. Too busy with the "lol NG shit the bed and can sleep in it" and "lol NSO shit the bed and can sleep in it" - you're wasting your breath like the rest of us here, Os.
  13. IRON clearly shows they don't care about the contents of a treaty. Intel or Military clauses.
  14. NG was honest with IRON about what NG was doing. This is where I'm trying to draw the line in the difference. I've already acknowledged there's no difference in the backroom politicking. Honesty between signed allies shouldn't be tempered and weighed against politicking though. That's what the intelligence clause is all about. IRON flat out worked with the other coalition, and maintained a relationship with NG to the affect of keeping them in-line while they also worked with TOP-Polar (and Fark) to step in on us. Again, Fark being the oA here. IRON turns it's back on NG because it won't "chain in" to defend. But it chained on with Fark's OPTIONAL AGGRESSION. There's a lot of spaghetti strings through the discussion thread here, but that's what it comes together as.
  15. Fark had nothing to do with it till they came along on an oA with Polar against NSO.
  16. Back it up a step though. This is IRON saying "don't go that road, it won't end well" as they've been apart of chats. These chats were in rebuttal to finding out about plotting against Polar. A few things to look at: IRON treaties A notable lack of Polar here, a notable lack of anyone on the 'other side' of the war UNTIL the war actually started from Polar hitting NSO. Polar treaties No IRON here. TOP treaties No IRON here. FARK treaties http://i.imgur.com/RndCyPp.png No IRON here. If this entire war was due to "NSO plotting against NpO" then there's absolutely no obligated reason for IRON to not stand by her word. IRON made the choice to go to that side knowing they were only retaliating against the planning against Polar. There's a few lines missing between the last few months, and the start of this war.
  17. Do continue that thought .... "Letting them know beforehand that we wouldn't come in and defend them ... from the war that we were part of planning against their ally" Misrepresentation is dishonest, yes. IRON misrepresented herself here clearly, only warning off from going down that road but not being honest about why. (they 'why' is important because, while you post-start of war said your hands were tied when plans changed and you still went along on the string TOP is pulling, your treaty has an intel clause and you were part of the planning)
  18. Agreed, not new at all. But that still doesn't change the fact that IRON flat out played NG and blames NG. Going back again, it's known that NG was lockstep with NSO when the supposed cause of this war took place (NG/NSO/NPO backroom plotting, again I agree it's nothing new in this world). IRON knew that NG allies (NSO) were going to be attacked, and took side on the attack and even went as far as saying they could let us burn or not. NG has more gumption than that. NG signed a treaty, and they stuck to the word of their treaty. They weren't going to be bullied off doing the right thing.
  19. Sure Montosh. Just tell me when you want me to stop being honest.
  20. And take Rota with it when it returns to the graveyard .....
  21. Except that IRON was actively plotting against NG and her allies, not just simply telling them they shouldn't be on the other side because they didn't want to be there or didn't agree. Since they were already apart of that other coalition, they should have at some point or some manner said 'hey - this is going to happen. We're involved.' but instead they kept playing games with NG and pretending to care about the relationship and that everything was kosher. If they really did care, at some point they would have had a shred of honesty dribble out between their gums. It's a very large difference from not wanting to be on 'this side' of the war because some of you don't like NSO than it is to simply shrug your shoulders as your ally is attacked out of the blue in attachment to the situation you helped create. ['you' general, not 'you' specifically down at this point, rebel] IRON was 100% on board with everything that was going on, and was alright until "2 days before the war when the targets got changed" but couldn't at any point say shit, and couldn't stand up for themselves when they got played - decided to just sit and play with themselves instead. Some bits remind me of our Legion war, TPF seemed to know what was up ahead of time - but it was Pez (or maybe Tyga?? I'm 95% sure Pez though, and 300% sure it was STA) that actually contacted me and told me.
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