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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Indeed, indeed. Drag out Kaskus good and long Kushmir, we'll be back down in their range soon enough.
  2. Definitely the better map of the couple currently up.
  3. Why don't you give them a hand if you're so concerned.
  4. I hope there's a distinct lack of and distance from Buckaroo.
  5. Sure doesn't - but saying it doesn't exist does negate the existence of said CB.
  6. I do agree, that's what I'm saying. I'm calling them out for negating the "group of AA's" and just pinning NSO as the sole threat. Edit: Exactly, SCY.
  7. You're stepping into the truth of the situation here, they are not. They are cowering from it. "Those who plot against you" - as I said, is not just us. As they claim. We are just the smaller target, and they're afraid to openly admit that - they're stuck on "no one else but NSO is a threat to our pixels." So untrue.
  8. Your second sentance, again, you're hinting into the truth. And it's different from what's being said by your sheeples. Again, we're calling you dishonest. We're calling you ball-less in the face of truth. We're not whining about terms, we're not whining about being hit. We're saying you're full of shit for your so-called reasons.
  9. See - you started off with the same density as the rest of your posts, but at least you started to hint into the truth at the end. But I suspect that was purely by accident. Calling out your dishonesty is not complaining about 'unfair.'
  10. See - the biggest thing, is where you're all mitigating down to "just NSO" .. Negating the fact that, in order for us to "plot", we need those whom you say weren't involved. You say we are a threat, but we're not without NPO/NG. Otherwise, it's just a lot of vocal words - Polar fell into fear for her pixels because I said multiple times we would and I wear a 'global warming is coming' signature. And because Dilber, 6 mths ago when NG (and TOP) was strongly involved also, "made efforts" .. Again, we don't give a shit you're finally doing something. But have the balls to be honest about it is what RV is ultimately getting at. You attacked us because we're the weak link, not because we're the threat.
  11. Well hey, when in one breath you say "I'm sorry" and then in the next "I wouldn't have done it any different" and then in another "It was your fault anyways" -- I don't get how we were supposed to read into it all those months ago. I mean, clearly all three are sincere.
  12. Well as long as you feel you were sincere. I guess that's all that matters. Wrap it up boys. Let's go home.
  13. Except that it isn't a lower government order, dude. It's my orders that all nations (Dilber and myself) are subject to all rules, no nation is "special" or exempt. Nations are nations. Christ almighty, just stop the stupid line. Pick yourself up out of the dirt.
  14. You're getting bad at this. I'm wondering what happened to the SF that had a brain that I liked and respected. Is your name Armstrong? How far do you need to stretch? "Every order" means [i]every[/i] order. Peace time and war time. You know exactly what I was saying, you're feign little effort to twist it is far too transparent.
  15. It's the only thing he has to grasp for. Without that, it'd just be the fight we've been waiting to have with no verbal disputes.
  16. Again, "runs and hides" like the first 12 hours of war is the entire war. Would you have us lead through stupidity and hypocrisy? "Yeah, you members - you don't do stupid things like ignoring orders while we your leaders ignore the very orders we expect you to follow because we're above those orders" ... No - our nations are nations. I, the person, am the leader, not my nation. My nation does zero service as me. My nation is just another nation in the Dark Army - subject to every rule and penalty as even our newest members. You can see clearly my memberships feelings on the subject, feel free to speak to any of them of the matter. When you're ready to stop bawling about peace mode, let's have this war. You've got TOP and Fark to lift for you against us little ol' dastardly Sith.
  17. By all means - find some way to make yourself useful. Play with those lists. Haha I love the attempts to divide. Keep trying. Paradox on Shrooms, a hilarious sight.
  18. Aw tears. "doesn't fight" like the war is already done? You just declared moron. You think a single one of our nations is gonna spend this entire war in PM? We're gonna be at this a while. :)
  19. Was it? "Please do run to your allies and call upon their energies to bail you out" While they run to their allies and call upon their energies to DoW us alongside them? :popcorn:
  20. My lone words scared them enough to believe it was still so. And my powerful signature art, 'twas only a matter of time.
  21. You offend my honour. Tell me, will it be the NG or NATO portion of the coalition that hits us? I just need to know where to re-allocate my resources.
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