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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Wiki shows Legion didn't beat us :mellow:
  2. You let them down so badly they have to come to the OWF looking for help?
  3. Then do you require someone who is not MQ to declare it since someone who is doesn't qualify as a subject expert on themselves? Is this where the legitimacy issue is on hold for you? I don't recall any other alliance requiring someone who is not of their own AA to declare their legitimacy for them. Afterall, in any other case, it's just their own word that they're representing an alliance.
  4. So their own attempts to declare a structure are thrown to the wind and claims that they have none are 'true' because ... "It just isn't clear" ?
  5. Several times it's been said 'talk to Tamerlane' - I would think this would indicate some minute semblance of organization towards a control source and structure.
  6. Jesus fuck Birdman .. Update was minutes away ..
  7. Freedom called collect. :gun: :awesome:
  8. You've got the wrong glass of punch. You'll be keeling over any moment now.
  9. You mean that one time when you bandwagoned RoK's war? Out you go, RoK. There were good times: [spoiler][/spoiler] Not so good times: and better times: They were all fun. Cheers. *edit: goddamn that image is larger than I remember, spoiler'ed the first one lol
  10. Keep trying. There's still a clean spot on the fan.
  11. That would be the opposite of neutral. GPA owes GOP shit. GOP owes GPA shit. TDO owes both of them shit. Each of them owes TDO shit. And so on for every other neutral we have (fucked if I can keep up with whom calls themselves neutral). No one shit's in each other's pile or takes from another's pile. No matter what pile of shit you look at, they're each 100% separate piles of shit. This is neutrality.
  12. Yuurei, I applaud you for realizing - and living up to - a right that intrinsically belongs to all in this world. But this doctrine already exists in such a fashion that you're blatantly plagiarizing right down to the title. I anticipate you'll also be wise enough to give proper credit where it's due. **Edit: fucking size tags - ugh
  13. As much as I love Ardus, this isn't exactly true. He's just one of the most visible because he's well known.
  14. Ugh CMs :v: Congrats on the 3m milestone - hopefully you get to see 4 before bombs go off :awesome: o/ RIA
  15. We seem to be in some good company in our standings
  16. Stupid. Idiotic. Moronic. Retarded. Heads-up-asses. Etc. But, sure - not cowardly. (I mean c'mon - who tries to sign a treaty with their treaty partner's war opposition [i]during[/i] active war in claims of trying to end hostilities?? Just stupid, and misguided.)
  17. For all the shit she takes (and I know some of it is deserved), her re-roll really did quite well for us and our Econ for a short time while hiding in our ranks.
  18. Had to wait for someone to drop down to range - and have open slots
  19. We declared more wars on them than they did on us (at least 3 declarations still on the war screens to their singular) and it was their war :P And, iiuc, it was their gov that came to ours looking for peace.
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