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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Yeah I played with all that to see what it would do .. Changing it set the time back 2 hrs from now instead of the 1 one it's showing..
  2. [spoiler][/spoiler] It is 5:30 right now. The time zone is correct. If I turn DST off sets the time back to 3:30pm (of course). My comp is also on the same time zone setting as the forum. Help? :wacko:
  3. Original and witty. How is Polar ever surviving without you?
  4. Awesome. You really know your ... Shit.
  5. I suppose MI6 is next then. But - will you guys last long enough before you disband?
  6. The fact that you don't understand why we wouldn't suicide our alliance to achieve a goal and go the smarter route instead, makes me worry about you as an alliance leader. We intend to still have an alliance on the other side of whatever happens, win or lose. Walk BoS into TORN.
  7. I don't see it really changing how we're gonna handle them at all; approved or not, if they're on the other alliance AA - they'll be pursued in the same manners. The only thing that mattered, was on the AA or not; that is still the case. 'Approved' or not is just a case of how long the aggrieved party took to contact said harbouring alliance about the ghost and if the harbouring alliance has had time to process them or not.
  8. The flag that Holton is flying, I uploaded as our war flag cause I was bored and playing with new toys (it's just the smiley gif directly from our forums sized and converted by admins script). We don't have a war flag, except the TCP one.
  9. 3 years ago I was leading Symphony not the Sith, and I believe I said a couple posts ago that this wasn't about me ( http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117471-dos-equis-on-ice/?p=3149551 ); it's the voices of the many .. The problem still exists because you've never given an attempt that we felt was worthy of acceptance, and because you continue to prove you're everything the Sith have said you are since we fell apart. The issues started with you, while you call me a shit leader. The issues continue because your following leadership has failed to clean up your mess in a satisfactory manner. You don't care, that's fine. And so this will continue until we feel resolved. Don't act so shocked or appalled. You don't value anyone but yourselves, this is why we're where we are. haha - incompetent cause I won't take my Sith 1v1 against Polar? No - I have a brain. And I'm not that arrogant. When I know you've created the same trashy perception of yourself among other alliances as you have ours, then clearly the smart thing to do is find others whom want the same damn thing. And, to little surprise, you're right - there's no shortage of Polar-hating alliances out there.
  10. Oh no worries - we know, you'll be sitting and waiting. That's not unusual.
  11. I thought it was pretty clear what we want, I thought it's been pretty clear for a couple years what we want. Our chance to have at your nations. Which, win or lose one way or another, we will get. If your gov wants to come along and play the "we're shakin in our booties" card and attempt to dress me down for a "baseless and no-need-to-fear threat" then they're more than welcome - it's an arrogance everyone is used to seeing here. We want to deal with our own shit, not bay like sheep and fall in line when others tell us "they've had enough" or "that cards been played over and over". We're sitting with a full deck in our hands still, I'll spell it out yet again - we do not care what other alliances have done, we want our own resolution of the situation. We do not feel the bullshit Grub fed us was legit and it did not appease anyone as anything more than lip service. The fact that he doesn't apologize often is completely bloody irrelevant. Apologize often, or apologize never - we didn't feel what he gave us to pass as an apology was good enough or real enough. And it certainly did not resolve anything.
  12. Hyped up? No. I'm quite calm, read into my cursing and put your own emotional spin on my words as you choose - but You know I curse nearly every other word (it's worse verbal, it's not anger and it's not a lack of intelligence [Hi Himey] - it's ME. I shed no tears for how people view it.). I laugh quite heavily typing this shit out over and over and over and over. Again - I don't give a shit about any other alliance and how any other alliance has dealt with their issues with any other alliances and moved on after *gasps* DEALING WITH IT - which is what we're talking about. To say a grudge will only end if we're victorious is pretty bloody narrow-minded and again showing how little you know us. We just want to deal with it like everyone else, and get our own. And - le gasp again - move on. Clearly you think you have it all figured out. But I know you don't.
  13. If you think it's anything to do with me, you're among the many people who just don't have any fucking clue who the hell we actually are. Between our Polar and VE issues, apparently you both don't realize how subjectively horrible the views of you are among our mass. I share the words of those diva's singing behind me, the bullshit lines and empty placation's that Polar has come across to us with, have not appeased them. If they aren't happy, I'm not happy. You can tell me what I gotta do all you want - realize that what you're telling me to do is exactly what we're trying to do. We don't give a shit who else has done what to Polar or how any one else does shit. You can be like everyone else if it appeases you, but We are not everyone else, We will deal with our own situation. We intend to 'fight it out' like you keep saying, and if you really had any fucking clue what you were talkin on this subject instead of sitting here toting their party lines, my old friend, then you would know that's what we'd been trying to do for a couple years now - to get our chance to work it out. We got chewed out for years about 'leaving Polar alone' cause 'we need them for the upcoming war' [aka eQ]. Polar makes themselves very easy to hate also, Grubs.
  14. hahahaha what?? You mean that post where you came over and told us 'too bad, so sad - I'd do it all again just the same' ? THAT was a SINCERE apology?
  15. There can be only one lol .. (I don't have any other screenies anymore other than the sig edit I made for him) Aye - the script changes all uploads to a jpg file .. I've gone as far as reducing my image to a jpg 60-80% and they still come out with artifacts.
  16. Your latest? No, it isn't. Nor did I say it is. More worthless rambling and putting shit at us. lol .. I said it starts there, and it's not been repaired since. Thanks for proving a point, though.
  17. The ancient BiPolar war - it's been drug through the mud enough times on these forums, you'll see the same discussion re-hashed in multiple threads if you go digging a little.
  18. 3 AA's* I won't speak for NG and VE, but we're not stuck in a rut, we just don't buy into Polar's absolution at the hands of others (this 'Grudge War' you whine about not going your way while telling us to shed our diapers) while you continue to blame us for the incident that created all the troubles between our two alliances.
  19. I would think signing names to a treaty would indicate obligation to each other .. Just me, though.
  20. Rare I find myself agreeing with Solaris anymore, but I suppose even he can be right once in a while.
  21. Mmmmm artifacts :( No png?
  22. So - the trade off is Gopher's nation for all the lost raids? :P
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