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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. A full point to make up here. :popcorn:
  2. From the inside out, we spread like a virus till there's no choice but to surrender to the dark.
  3. [Successful] lack of action does not make accomplishment. You've done nothing, because you are nothing. Certainly quite proud to have accomplished more than living in jest and mediocrity in the shadow of .... JudgeX .... lol Yes - I'm very proud my Sith.
  4. At least we accomplish objectives. What's the last thing STA even successfully accomplished? Shit - I'll give you a fighting chance to answer. Let's remove 'successfully' from my question. What's the last thing STA even accomplished?
  5. And we do our legwork manually :awesome: :facepalm:
  6. http://www.newsithorder.info The Dark Side is quite compelling. Especially for the active and outspoken.
  7. But my Nigras promised me the world for a small fee of $3m :v: Edit: Also - when did people become too daft to peak at war screens before sending aid to someone on a mirco????
  8. [Take 2, damn backup lol -- wish I could remember everything the original said] Some alliances are still lucky to have a good amount of both activity and intelligence - and thus run into issues with people not being able to advance into gov. We just recently had a couple active, involved and capable people fail [multiple] challenges to ascend due to the competition. We've even been able to get new players into our system and start to cultivate a new generation of competent leaders enlarging that aforementioned competition pool. I have to agree with previous sentiments, though, that the number of alliances doesn't affect the larger scheme of things around here; it's when they break off and sign multiple treaties to protect themselves and entangle the web and then go silent [comatose, as I saw referenced above] that we run into issues - or just become vassals of those they separated from to begin with; the quantity vs quality issue.
  9. hahahaha - no one has any reason to hate SF/XX other than to deflect hate from themselves????? That arrogance is EXACTLY one of the reasons to hate the lot as a group. Thanks. Needed that.
  10. The 6m War situation was more of a we-made-our-bed-we-lay-in-it situation moreso than 'protecting' our allies (whom did want to enter, yes). Heft, Emperor at the time, made the clear decision for the aid to be sent without consulting allies (or perhaps he spoke with one or two, I'm not 100% certain as I was only 2 weeks into my NSO tenure when that war kicked off) and thus, the respectful, took full accountability for it. Much like the Tetris-Legion war, that was originally our bag. One of our gov members unconsented, and one of Tetris' leaders, continued it and so we stepped in and took as much accountability for it as we could considering it was originally rooted in our actions (Big, bad Legion thought to make an example of Tetris after letting us walk all over them). The 'hide like cowards' comment was more towards alliances whom are, for all intents and purposes, treaty whores - nothing to do with Neutrals (you still 'play the game' in a similar fashion that Switzerland still contributes to the real world .. My thoughts of neutrals don't fall within the confines of this discussion). Build a large number of treaties, and then sit and do nothing politically or to contribute to the game and just sit behind that protection. The fact that you may see less people assist the attacked, is where the game gets more interesting. That, again, falls back to the required work that FA departments would have to do. It may mean some alliances who may not necessarily step forward because they're afraid of the 30000 'x' alliance is holding, and hope they did due diligence in assuring their ass is covered. Yes de facto treaties are still going to exist in a manner of speaking - noting as I said before, using a previously mentioned relationship as a consistent example, NPO and NSO wouldn't have any less of a relationship and you could count on the other being there if you hit one. The world as it is now (including the way it worked in the 6m example), as I'm reading in some of your post, is more of a world where every single treaty is just purely optional and not mandatory. A far cry from 'paperless' still. I can't even quite follow the rest of your post at the moment lol I'll try after I get a nap (shift 3 sucks) ...
  11. I'm not suggesting the layout will ultimately change. Of course just because treaties would be gone, I'm not gonna instantly turn to Farrin and say 'ok fuck you good bye no more treaty in this here world' .. We're still going to maintain our relationship, and we're still gonna work together, and we're still going to 'play the game.' That's where it increases activity all around in the game, makes the relationships more important. Why would OWF announcements be gone? Just because treaties aren't being announced, doesn't mean alliances still don't have announcements to make (beyond the rah-rah-milestone announcements). Talking would certainly have to increase, so I hope people in CN talk.
  12. These are all the pro's to it right here .. Make it all a game. No one can hide behind a wall of fucking paper anymore like cowards lol .. Make it a game again, as opposed to the obvious pre-determined chains we have now. First thing every leader does now when they consider taking an alliance to war, is follows their paper trail back; and then decides what course of action is worthwhile. This just means less action. It would make the FA teams have to work even harder as well to establish and maintain those connections that won't bitch out on you when you need them. Works for everyone except the apathetic who just want to collect taxes and chat4lyfe in da community -- find a chat room, not a game.
  13. And without the papers to publicly protect you (obviously not 'you' specifically), it comes down to a real power play to see who will come in still for you .. Not knowing for sure if you are going into a losing war or not.
  14. That's a powerful cancellation clause ... Extends beyond it's own doctrine :blink:
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