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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. One mind denounces the individual defining the alliance (when it comes to his words/thoughts/actions). One mind promotes the individual defining the alliance (when it comes to his words/thoughts/actions). BiPolar much?
  2. Sure. Whoever 'they' are. No one lost me, we "lost" Rota, if you wanna call it lost. I personally feel we gained.
  3. All the efforts by those like Grub to say that the individual isn't the alliance, and you now want everyone to assume the individual means the alliance in this particular case? Sure, you can fight (hearsay - dunno you), and a handful (or more) of others I know can - but that doesn't mean Polar can.
  4. I'm glad I don't have to read that shit on my forums everyday anymore :gag:
  5. Praetor - Syzygy There's someone I kinda miss around, he was good people.
  6. Wow - was that a threat against the texticular nations for something that may or may not have really happened in the 3d world?
  7. So many useless words to hide behind for a simple 'u mad' Grub.
  8. Da fuck - drop Rey outta there and post that shit over here .. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/117691-dream-team-governments/ :smug:
  9. Server almighty, looks like someone came to join the competition for WPE with broncoskidstain. Watch out for his friends!
  10. I definitely wouldn't call the kid a troll - he's not 'trolling' anything; shit - can't even say something he can stand by - has to edit every one of his posts (up to an hour later, or even after the next poster responds), sometimes two or three times to entirely different messages. Are any of you able to say something worthy of standing behind on your first try?
  11. Wow ... Broncoskidstain, Secret -- you guys get all the hard core big shot posters against you. Yer cleerly dooin it write. Keep it up. ;) Grats on the gov posting, LK :gun:
  12. I could edit all my posts to make them better, if you think it might help?
  13. Memoirs aren't the place for surrender terms. Duh.
  14. I can't figure it outeither - hasn't been a good member there in years..
  15. Gee golly wilickers! That one there hurt. Quit yer learning - we can't keep up with your wit. Congrats Rey - what happens if I pull this little cord in the wall over here?? :popcorn:
  16. Talk to your doctor :psyduck:
  17. Yet another barrier passed ... :awesome:
  18. Proud to have been a part of that first Duckroll back in Ordo Recolitus under TORN and Momma Woody's protection. o/ The Righteous Good luck in your endeavours where the seas take you beyond Valhalla.
  19. And now magically it's all aligned (in most places)
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