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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Pretty much sums it up. Congrats R&R
  2. Heh - funny to hear from you :P
  3. It's good to see someone in OG pulled their head out of their ass and dropped the "We're OG, we don't need protection - no one will want to attack us" mindset.
  4. And people call us barbaric :psyduck: Congrats - like the graphical dress-up ..
  5. Thank Admin Walford failed every time :psyduck: Then again - maybe we could use another resurrection ... Where's he hiding now? I saw him post somewhere in the past month :P
  6. Our charter says nothing about it, but our policy is very lenient. 2 is up for debate to open more than just GA for XP raids
  7. The full discourse was on real-time play-by-play in our Off-Topic forums lastnight, come by and visit :awesome: FYI: Casualties directly correlate to how much you've actually accomplished; anyone whom has created themselves a Wiki entry, is an egotistical asshole; and choosing to swear immediately infers you are sub-intelligent ..
  8. You mean the effort of planning by beginning this discussion, and listening to and responding and being a part of it as Admin has? Yeah - there hasn't been any, thanks for taking the lead on it. Oh! Mustn't forget! Thanks for the barrage of OOC insults in PM, Hime. You amused many with your feeble attempts to demean my person. Next time, man up and try it in public if you really wanna dance with me.
  9. That's the kid that still feeds off his momma's teet (season 1), throws a tantrum wanting to see 'the bad man fly' .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_FDEj4paHI
  10. I'm just the half of a brother, your not as special to me :awesome:
  11. You guys don't give a shit enough about the game to actually do anything except sit and pay bills/collect taxes, barely even peruse your own forums let alone the OWF - so why keep raising a stink for a couple pages of the same thing over and over? The alliances who do actually give a shit are the one's who seem to like this addition - and have taken steps to prepare for it. I see Empress Theodora is already on the list, so now OG is safe from the turrible, turrible chaos. Let the others fend for themselves, or go get their attention for them instead of beating a dead horse here while they (if you actually give a shit about 'they' and not just about raising a fuss in their ignorant stead) sit in threat of losing their AA till they register it themselves.
  12. You're over-analyzing the situation, and telling [i]us[/i] to 'embrace it' ..... I'll lend you my pen, you can connect the dots yourself.
  13. You do realize that House Lannister is basically all NSO and NG (with special peoples), right?
  14. Wow the aggro; destroy the kiwis and kill us :psyduck: Beware the Imp.
  15. This is a little outside 'typical diplomacy,' and directly provocative. "Regardless of peace or war".
  16. When I open my eyes from this dream, and find myself back in Kindred Nation, I'll be wishing I could see these fires burn there too.
  17. They're ganging up on us. We're drowning under the swarm. etc etc.
  18. A tasty menu, thank you my subterranean friend :ehm:
  19. If even one single person out of these other 40 alliances can't find any piece of information about the upcoming change, or hear any single piece of word from any 'ally' in discussions (I know our embassies all exploded with "What do you think of admins new changes?", we most certainly are not the only active forum by any means - so safe to assume it's happened in countless other embassies) - then perhaps the game is better off with them on None. Shit - as inactive as you guys are, you still found your way here. How did you find out about this thread?
  20. If I recall your other post correctly, you basically said you dirty neuts were already further along preparation than half those still bitching about an already resolved possibility. Paraphrased, of course ;)
  21. In a world of less than twenty thousand, how are you finding multiples of 10 thousand whom are homeless? :facepalm:
  22. The arrogance is too encumbering for a relationship. For all the disdain thrown at us - Polar is more akin to the 2009-2010 Sith level of arrogance than we 2012-2013 Sith are. But, less balls to go out and make a splash - would rather sit back and let it come.
  23. .. Or you could continue governing yourself as-is and whomever does your forum masking does your AA masking .... Not that different in that particular case ... Or is this forum masker really your leader who isn't a leader?
  24. Polaris, so shitty it's the only target desired - not feared.
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