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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Also loLegion Maybe you don't, but some people do. Just like in the real world, you wouldn't go selling your countries secrets to the Russians. But some people do.
  2. This isn't the place for that indeed. I'll return Polar's embassy to public, you can pick up where we left off ;)
  3. If he wants to keep going around calling it a tech raid, let him. Clearly he knows his own actions better than ... You.
  4. [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115870-a-brief-clerical-note-from-fail]Almost a month[/url] since he stepped out and recognized his alliance as a state of war seperate from MK (2 weeks prior to peace being granted across the board). It's been [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116073-an-invitation-from-fail/]about a week[/url] he's been lobbying for peace and trying to contact people. Thanks for keeping up though. The outcome of the attempted talks is obvious in the war screens, but your "he's ridiculous" comment as to why he should be kept in war - is equally ridiculous. Perhaps worthy of putting and keeping you in war? Since 'ridiculous' is a worthy CB and all.
  5. And so he must be forced from this world, right?
  6. You mean parchment so old it crumbles on contact with skin ...... Which single alliance, off each side of the war, would you like to see skinned alive for the way they carried/handled themselves?
  7. Heh - good job btw - how's that folder looking? Gettin low yet?
  8. My data on NEW hasn't been updated since early January, unsure of natural changes over these past two months but I just counted 20 deletions of the 81 nations they had then.
  9. This is also correct -- my econ knowledge is lacking and outdated, but I believe it can max out at 2.88 or some shit like that (tech level and other factors) .. Not sure the exact number, but it can get over 2 ..
  10. heh - It was disolved January 2010, I joined the Order in August of 2010. A week before Six Million; and my much desired chance to round a few Viridians (albeit not the ones I wanted haha) ;)
  11. March 5, 2009 ~ Forever As the Sith watch the nations of this world plunge themselves into yet another world war, we take the time to remember who we are and just how far we've come. As we rebuild from the Kaskus Insurgency, and our eyes looking hungrily towards what is known as the Equilibrium War, we remember. We remember our birth, the road we traveled to get here, and ponder our future. The New Sith Order began as a reaction to the world it found itself in. We believed that the rule book needed changing, and the man to lead that charge was one Ivan Moldavi. Although he no longer walks through our halls, his legacy endures. We make our own way through the Cyberverse, and we’ll be damned if anyone can stop us. Our alliance, like all others, has faced its fair share of hardship and adversity, but where others fell we overcame. Every time we were down, we got back up, laughing as we did so. We reminded ourselves of why we came into being. We don’t believe in leaving allies out to dry, we don’t believe in sucking up to whatever Hegemony is in place at any given moment, and we don’t believe in compromising our ideals in favor of our stats. The Sith believe in standing by your friends, in placing value in your treaties, and at the end of the day: We believe above all else that Peace is a Lie. Four years is an amazing feat for any alliance, but even moreso for one such as the Sith. Today the New Sith Order; an alliance once derided as barbaric and immoral, an alliance whose destruction was called for on a multitude of occasions, stands strong after four years of struggles against erroneous falsehoods and poor circumstances. We owe a debt of gratitude to every alliance past and present who has stood by our side. The New Sith Order would not be here today without support from our friends, and detraction from our enemies. Although our paths may not currently be intertwined, we cannot emphasize enough: We have not forgotten, nor will we ever. With these years in mind, only a month a bit shy of a full three years, we've come to terms with a parting of paths with The Phoenix Federation. Three years together through some ups and downs, unfortunately the downs have come to bear too heavy a burden. I'd like to take a moment on our day and, despite the graveness of the note, thank them for being with us for nearly the entirety of our existence. Happy birthday to us. Commence the hailing. / Signed / Rayvon - Emperor of the Order Dilber - Dark Lord and Savior Doppleganger - Sith God of the People Holton - Voice of the Order Youwish - Retired Drunkard Lintwad - Retired fine gentleman Heft - Still counts as NSO Heggo - OOOOOOLD Ivan - Yes we still sign your name on shit Griff - The Order's most likely future serial killer Longshadow - Darth Whiskey Esial - Hate Machine rabonnobar - Sith Lord Extraordinaire Kirsten - Sith Lord Almighty Tech Monger Anthony - Psychedelic Prophet returned from the rabbit hole Morthos Haruhi ncc - might as well be in NSO Suiseiseki - Ghost in the server Spartacus Cairna - The Pretty Sith Furqan - Queen of the Order Twink Nigro - The Queen's Entourage Wolfg4ng nightreaper Adolph Ironchef Joe Stupid - That guy .. (don't be that guy) KainIIIC - Darth Gargamel Emperor Mike Guskb Pyroman - Sith Senator the White iKrolm Walker Texas Ranger AngleofDeath2 Tiddles porojussi Selindryl Biff Hooper Simon BigBrotherKalo oakeshott stud2955 Rictifyer AngryMidget Darth king alaric HappySack Zerk2 foodsleepgame Hades MonochromeF3ar Thane Palludore TheGreat1 Toxic Water Adolph Mussolini Tony Greyfox dethm0nk Ruhani CommissarThomas Duke Thero ricky wishon pantheron TomSF Mr Garcia Frigidweirdo mior1 markpalm1 Gundwulf Xeuleux Hester K Zobon I David Y Zhou papperation Cerberus Temptation Samuly zzbitz Queen Chloe Lily Allen Thomas K enndy DeFactos Florida Briska Merihell Malicesin Free Derry E10hS5a Cowgod DeathKnell Volkros Helghast IrishDave EmpressDanica Beijert Gladly Harsh Big Business chono Grilled Evan Terkmc Sincros JacobStill fizduck PresidentBlank HerpDerp cat strangler Drone Strike I know child, so graphic heavy. It's our history.
  12. I'd get rid of that Patton guy ...... Bad news :P
  13. It's probably best to quit repeating it and trying to make it right, considering its contents. :mellow:
  14. Yep. It's about all the two little incidences were from Kaskus. "Mistakes." I'm gonna give as many fucks to the 'mistake' of my member as your gov does for yours. Shoes feel a little uncomfortable, not used to such a slimy interior - but hey, gotta walk a mile in someone's to know what they're about. No?
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