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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. It also gives the information obtained in spy reports some use and purpose as well. If I'm not looking to sanction someone or slow down their efforts to be of danger to me and mine, why do I care who their trade partners are otherwise? What purpose does this information in a spy report serve. Can only sanction five people at a time (or at least that's what we ran into when applying the Kaskus sanctions), so the dick move of sanctioning an entire alliance is off the table, so you pick out 5 people from 5 different trade rings at the time they're actively fighting - and you've created a hole in defenses. Makes the trades system change to be able to switch resources that much more important too.
  2. Failed. Sure. We're at the very epicenter of the war which we were working towards, who are you to argue on what terms we wanted this war (hint - our defensive chains are stronger than our offensive, you do the math)? As I said, 'politics' are the reason for this current war - not that it has anything to do with anything in this thread. Anyways, until I posted, it was a whole whopping ONE government member (Hereno). I drastically increased this government presence by doubling it to two to answer your question about why NSO is in this war. So sorry for overwhelming numbers.
  3. How can anyone protect their own affiliation let alone a second they create? Also, Legion didn't attack any POWs in that war - but if they had of, if they wanted to attack their former members, I would have given them the thumbs up. Again, that's resources being directed away from the war effort. If you don't have the ability to put the effort to protect the defectors from the alliance they're defecting from then don't accept their surrender or send them off to some other alliance (and hope they don't come back). If some other entirely unaffiliated or involved alliance came along attacking said POWs, then I'd agree with Manis.
  4. It's called politics. Any one with half a brain knows that NSO was not acting alone in such measures. Any one with half a brain knows that hitting either of the other two parties directly involved would have had a larger impact on their ability to control any direction in the war and lost them certain allies on their side. Any one with half a brain would know the the best propaganda line to chase when attacking the three of us is to go through NSO. This leaves them with the line, as they approach potential alliances to our side, "Do you really want to defend NSO?" as opposed to the reality of them actually defending their treaty partners (IRON government proved themselves to be lacking in this field). You fit perfectly in the demographic that Polar et al were looking for with their lines. Also, any one with half a brain would know that when RV opens his mouth, he's always speaking for RV. Just so happens he's fairly often right and a fair share of us agree with him.
  5. So you'll have to find another way to win the war you started then. You can't rely on people surrendering to you.
  6. If it was one of their own that defected, let them waste their resources dealing with him (most people round up their deserters after the war instead). Otherwise those resources would be turned on your Kaskus alliancemates. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  7. You deserve it anyways ... For whatever imaginable and made-up reason anyone can come up with .. For that matter, you can consider yourselves on NSO's PZI list too. Take that.
  8. That'd be nice. A little something-something to resurrect 'action,' 'effort' and 'play' in this so-claimed dying world. Don't rely solely on your allies and their strength, build yourself and take some control.
  9. Surprised it took d34th as the last post on page 1 to bring us up :P It's a feature in the game, it's a "political feature" .. In the real world, sanctions are used to slow down war efforts by those "strong enough to enforce them" (not to be directly interpreted as a 'might makes right' statement - but as a recognition of the requirements to be able to achieve/hold/maintain/utilize said feature) - it's just been translated into the game. Unfortunately with restrictions to how many a senator can sanction though. It gives a good reason to work out that battle for a senate seat, and brings back its importance and weight as a tool in relationships and political strength of an alliance.
  10. Bunch of fucking idiots over there ... That's not even the worst of what you'll yet see James :mellow:
  11. "Completely uninvolved" by mere hours. They were basically preempted as their support was already garnered for the "other" conflict. It's a pretty silly argument to make either way, there's clear and unarguable parallels and connections as well as a clear disassociation. Just let be what it is, and find something else to bitch about other than a map.
  12. I got gifts for whomever is lucky enough to get Tywin slots.
  13. TOLWYNN "You don't know the stoy." (.. or am I now confusing my tards - they all look alike after a while)
  14. You can pretty much single-handedly thank Chimmy for that. For the most part, we like the rest of you - and some of the OWF banter makes it that much more enjoyable (hi Doch). He's just never should have said a word towards us (especially the chosen, uninstigated words in the venues he chose to use). As Cairna said, he's not that proficient as a 'bad guy' -- he's just a bad guy.
  15. This is .... Supposed to mean something? I can hit up Polar in mere seconds for commmunications too, YAY US ROTA! YAY US!
  16. gtfo .. The map is fine except for the small colour discrepancy.
  17. If you want to have this e-lawyered debate about obligations, perhaps you should hit up IRON gov. I think they need more of a lesson on this than US.
  18. Why's Kush separated out with a different colour like that? If Kaskus et al is being coloured to match the rest of the conflict, then SL/Kush/RIA/the Left should be gray and Kaskus should be green.
  19. "If you didn't like your coalition building a coalition to fight our coalition, you should have joined our coalition to fight your coalition"
  20. Hornguard is one of only two or three respectable Viridians left ... Although he does still enjoy his kool-aid a little too often :P
  21. We are to be feared, Polar said so themselves :P
  22. These details don't matter on your side of the war.
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