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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. I think you're grossly misunderstanding my statement as much as your misunderstanding the entire situation in the post I originally quoted. Polar "intimated that Pacifica had nothing to do with [i]my[/i] plans on Polaris" in their DoW, along with NG's lack of intentions. And they all attacked us, NSO - "the ring leaders". As covered in another discussion, this is quite obviously a propaganda line (see the newly posted IRON logs to NG, MD partners where IRON drank allll the kool-aid, "You had two options, let NSO burn or jump in with both feet" as their excuse for not honouring their MD treaty, granted they were also plotting against NG/NSO for months while hiding behind said treaty, but I digress and return to the declaration discussion ....) as all three of us are equally responsible for [i]our[/i] collective actions. The reason NSO was attacked by Polar/TOP/Fark, and the very same reason neither Polar or Fark received counters, are due to treaty connections.
  2. Good work IRON :popcorn: Exodus much?
  3. Have you visited Wiki lately?
  4. And yet you question why I didn't. Larger picture, NEW had allies fighting on the eQ side of the war and it would have been pretty dumb when that's the side of the war all our allies and even ourselves were on. But that new information I didn't have then, and do now -- Vibi wanted it. At any cost, was begging for it. ["any possible war, I will going it; just create war; this is my reason aided kaskus; lol" - excerpt from logs with a then-ally of NEW] Until I approached her, then got the different stories and dodges to avoid it.
  5. Peace talks going "dead in the water" are quite normal in war. We're dead in the water in our talks with Polar coalition, maybe you better drop some aid and work that sweet, sweet magic of yours. You had a major gap in your knowledge and understanding then, and it's clearly still empty.
  6. I talked it out with Vibi, and was assured NEW didn't want war with us. Attempting to talk it out with DoorNail was more similar to dealing with Kaskus leaders in the build-up, and so TSL got war like Kaskus did. However, if I knew then what I know now, I probably would have given Vibi that war that was apparently so wanted. Vibi really did try to make that happen, and wanted war at any cost.
  7. Your actions of stepping up, of dropping them aid and of getting yourself involved on their behalf was 'defending' them. We recognized and formalized your defense in the military sense, but you had already put your hat in the ring - and set forth a series of reactions.
  8. TSL got rolled because you intervened in the losing end of the war. Doesn't make your entry right or wrong, it's just how it was. In the previous war >NSO hit Kaskus >SL defended (of their own will, I'll include as a pertinent point since it's such a big point for you regarding your own entry) NSO >You defended Kaskus In the current war >Kaskus hit SL >others defended (at who's will, I don't know I have no contact with their organization) SL >etc When you sign a treaty with someone, it's like marriage. For better or for worse; in sickness and in health (and SL are some sick fucks). Those defending are doing what's right, regardless of the initial reason and how/what makes one feel offended enough to start a war. Kaskus chose to pick them out, Kaskus chose to endure whatever repercussions come of their own choice. Kaskus allies are more than welcome to intervene if it matters. If you've got a problem with people sticking to their word then you should stay off the treaty web, or maybe talk some people into reducing their mandatory defense clauses to optional defense clauses. Good luck.
  9. I think there's a cream for that
  10. Have you looked at your own membership? :P
  11. Indeed you were in Zulu. That's the whole point of the exchange your King and I had :rolleyes: . And in order to renege on a deal, it's gotta be agreed on first. Otherwise it's not a deal - we don't need to traverse that road again this moment, however.
  12. As he returned to this world, his first acts - the first dealings between Baratheon and Sith Order since Roland - were to create issues with us and our allies (not even from within Baratheon while doing so though claiming his status as your "foreign affairs expert" and the shot-caller), to step up and tell my alliance how bad they've become and how he's a founder and has more pull than our allies, etc etc etc .... He came to us .. We didn't seek him out, we wouldn't have given him a second glance or notice if he didn't bring attention to himself.
  13. That attitude of only giving respect to those who deserve it? Sure ain't gonna give it to someone who doesn't. The couple messages between your King and I, his one response and my three sent (two before his response) were far from 'obnoxious and arrogant.' I was quite civil with him, not a single insult thrown in either direction at any one. I asked him if he was aware Tywin's actions in the first message and included some examples of my reasoning for asking in the second, he said no he wasn't aware of or condoned his "clandestine hobbies" and that he'd talk to Tywin to which I responded that the hobbies bit was an understatement and asked him if he was truly aware of the growing widespread disdain towards Baratheon due to (and pretty much limited to) Tywin Lannister. I missed his follow-up messages when he tried catching me on IRC. Tywin has, thus far, been the only Baratheon to receive any ire. If you want to get down to the respect thing, respect for Baratheon is why Tywin didn't get the Smurf treatment.
  14. Yeah, except this isn't the first thread you've derailed by referencing it in an attempt to sway the topic away from your shit posts. The senate is under-developed, but instead of making use of it so there's something to build on - you want to see it entirely removed (and put in place a new feature around senates). Try using what's there, try a little imagination. You want someone to vote on "laws" for this game? Start a U.N.
  15. Our civility, much like our respect, is given to those we feel deserve it. Whether you care or not is irrelevant to the next point; House Baratheon had that civility and respect until Tywin decided to make a mockery of the Baratheon image. And until Tywin decided he wanted to try and bring war to our doorstep (unbeknownst to your own king), and till he wanted to tell my government how we should be operating and take his claim over our founding among his other shit - the list could go on and on, and he's was only reincarnated a month ago.
  16. I didn't say anything about YOU or about POLAR or about ANY DIRECT ALLIANCE in any of my response. I said "it's boring restructuring trades" is a poor argument towards a lack of use of the feature. Congrats on holding a senate seat .. forever. PS. what the fuck does my signature and your comment about it have to do with sanctioning?
  17. And so the argument (d)evolves to "it's boring to restructure trades and so it's bad"? And "Admin didn't make team colours more important so this feature shouldn't be used" ? Poor arguments for it. The same were made about the damage of nukes by the stat collectors. It's another avenue to keep things active, to keep peoples attention active, and to create more drama in this world (bitch and moan about drama all you want, if you're not in a neutral alliance than you're wanting it to be able to war someone).
  18. You should be less concerned with me and NSO (glad to see you edited that sig of yours, did your king order that?) and worry more about not continuing the stupid bullshit that will have your alliance rolled by someone. Keep your "clandestine hobbies" to yourself.
  19. Which by that time the sanctioning alliance has most likely achieved what they set out to do. Mission successful. And makes the sanctioning not permanently detrimental, just like any other war damage.
  20. "When he's being a dumbshit he's not ours and doesn't count" So just expel him, or remove him from government. Because he's a dumbshit every time he opens his mouth.
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