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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Weellllllllll sorry to burst your bubble here, princess. But that's quite the equal opportunity event. Beside's, per this accusation against us, Buckaroo made a concerted and proud effort to draw our attention. He chose to be antagonistic towards us. His wild claims that he masterminded the whole Polar attack and the shift in story that he was the distraction, etc etc .. He efforted to put himself in front of us in the most ridiculous ways over the past few months while everyone in every corner, not just our coalition, told him to lay low and stop making an ass of himself. Kinda like, kinda like you - when you open your mouth. Nice try at demonizing us, though. No one's claimed that he's disloyal - the problem is he doesn't have any discipline or self-control. Again, kinda like you. Comes out, makes stupid and annoying little posts poking his finger in peoples chest's for a reaction, then doesn't understand the negative backlash. Kinda like you. Perhaps the only answer is for him to join the royal court.
  2. Oh please choose Polar, TOP or Fark :war:
  3. Quite true. Probably the worst stain on the history of our game. Even I couldn't pretend to reach those levels, and they reached them naturally/OOC.
  4. It's got nothin to do with me or my 'personal army.' Sister. They ignored a treaty, fact is fact. They made the choice, thus they bear the consequences - even if the consequences only end up being the mere words of random leaders towards their folly. You can try and spin that any way you wish, but it remains as such.
  5. The existence of treaties doesn't exactly mean much to RON though.
  6. She was a recruiting machine lol - we were over 100 members before I left to go to VE iirc .. Almost reminds me of our Sith Lord Kirsten .. hmmmmmmmm Spitfire was the one responsible for recruiting me to Oasis :awesome: (I don't know why Balthazar chose me over any of them when he left though, considering my tenure and inexperience with CN)
  7. There's a reason GOLD wasn't being mentioned anywhere :P I remember them; one of my first political conflicts was with them, VE [Egore] and a couple others due to the tech-scamming practices of Silent_01 via Oasis circa late 2006 ... Got me kick-started in the ways of CN gov and I never looked back ...
  8. There's a very large difference between being known and being relevant.
  9. Do you have to watch your ally get kicked around for another week, another month or another year though between those two peaces? Makes a big difference to how it's approached.
  10. That can be attributed to the communications between both sides, I think .. With the standing lines from your side being that you outright refuse to discuss coalition peace, while our coalition refuses to accept piecemeal peace. Makes for a standstill. I sincerely hope no one believes anything of the sort towards an 'elongated indefinite' [or 'eternal'], but 'indefinite' is a very appropriate word on its own under the circumstances.
  11. No one in our coalition blames them for holding up the war, that just fits your agenda.
  12. Umm - I think you might want to re-read that ... It reads more as 'an attack on one is an attack on all' as much as many people hate that phrase. Yes it does refer to if an attack goes against a single AA inside the group, but it specifies that if this happens the others consider themselves under attack by said aggressor. With a supremacy clause to boot ...
  13. You're the one who made it about me when I did nothing but reply within the thread like a couple others. I wasn't even the first to respond to their bitching about the wording, just the one worthy of your adoring attention.
  14. I didn't say a word till late on the second page AFTER Kaskus was already bitching about the wording and in response to their bitching. I'm not stirring anything. You can find some where else to stick that finger instead of pointing it at me.
  15. Comparing apples and carrots is quite useful. The Legion-Tetris war situation was nothing like this one in any way, nor do you have a fucking clue what went on in them or why. From inception to discussions to ending. Hell - I even still have respect for Alexander, and haven't forgotten, his dealings with me in those discussions. As I said before, if you feel so wronged that you have to come into this peace thread with Kashmir and !@#$%* at Kashmir about the wording - then either declare on them or shut the $%&@ up. You continue on to insult the man, and degrade him -- why did you make a "gentlemans agreement" with him if he's such a filthy liar? What were you hoping to accomplish?
  16. There's a lot more than curiosity back there among those tears of "whyyyyyyyyyyy Williams Man did thou changest the wording and smite us doth duely" ...... I don't bitch about your English, you don't bitch about mine.
  17. While for the most part I agree with your point that terms are "boring", this part here I think needs a little ironing. This is why alliances spread the workload. The first point, 'rebuild their nations' would only be an affect if the winning alliance(s) are receiving reps. Otherwise, their IA (or Econ) dept scuttles off and works on rebuilding methods. New relationships are a constant go, there's always time to visit a forum or say hi to someone on IRC. And again, there's an FA council available through most alliances to do this. Same with the 'groundwork for next war' that's usually handled by special envoys or just simply by 'upper gov' levels ... The world keeps spinning in these regards .. And this would apply to all peacetime, I would think, and not just to the immediate post-war-peace-term-enforcement period. This is where "culture" and other bits of the like we've adopted to our game come to play, to retain those players and help them see purpose.
  18. On a more personal note, why the fuck do you have to bitch like a little baby over a few fucking words? Either hit them for their "poor and offensive wording of the peace terms" or shut the fuck and go back to your other wars.
  19. You try so hard to put this all on their shoulders. Y'all couldn't be honest in the beginning, with those !@#$%^&* lines in your DoW on NSO about how they aren't the target yada yada rainbows and ice cream - and now everything is all about getting to beat on them. And your lies and skewered realities still continue right to the face of those who know what NPO is facing over here, thinking you can tell anyone here something they don't already know the truth about.
  20. lol true enough Aye - the rarity was part of the point, it's not a light task to go find examples among the incorrectly labelled 'white peace's ..
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