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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. lol Hereno what? What he was trying to say, is 'NSO Coalition' is a coalition of equals. Several times from 'Polar Coalition' it's been "baw baw Brehon tears words etc forced peace over the whole eQ coalition" .. After you catch your breaths from that one, you're onto Farrin not accepting peace this coalition doesn't want in a war that "isn't even about Pacifica." Farrin is not holding up peace; his allies don't agree with the terms as presented and have yet to hear a counter-counter to the White Peace we've given.
  2. Rogue's seem to have a strange "romantic allure" to them. I found myself working with a couple OBR members 2 or 3 years back.
  3. And like a fool you continue to blame their Emperor for it continuing.
  4. But if there's no existing war, then it's an offensive movement. The first action, whether it's justified by months of harassment or whatever past transgressions, is an aggressive action. It's only defensive when it's countering an aggressive action. 'Future acts of aggression' are just that, 'future'. They haven't happened yet, and possibly may not. By taking that initiative to head them off before they could possibly become true you would be aggressive in action (see Polar declaration on Sith).
  5. Indeed. We've had two wars under my Emperorship. We won one, and we're currently fighting the other. Whether we lost it or not is entirely subjective as the war has not yet ended. So technically, we haven't lost any wars under my leadership, I'm currently one up on many leaders. :awesome:
  6. Clearly you don't understand how the intricacies influence work. His little project only got 2 weeks off the ground. Also - how this makes me a traitor, I'll never know. Clearly you've forgotten what it means to be a Sith; to follow passion, lead with strength. His strength and passion were gone. The strong survive, the weak perish. I continued to rise. I'm still standing, the Sith are still standing. Who .. Who isn't? Who fell? Other than you. We are still here. We are still strong. And we still have a lot of pathway to trod. You can't even find an alliance to stay in, no one wants you when they get to know you. Only 43?? :(
  7. lol you just get fucking dumber and dumber. Rey, enough with him here - this is getting too stupid, he's trying too hard to bring you down to his level.
  8. From my understanding of today's game update, the +25 days inactive nations should be completely hidden. We've had a nation go inactive pretty much along with this rollout, but he's still visible. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?Page=1&Order=ASC&Field=Last_Tax_Collection&ID=10070 Is this going to remain like this? Or is part of the update still propagating through the servers?
  9. Your post makes no sense. We aren't Sith any more because I prevented Ivan from controlling the thoughts of our Acolytes? And this somehow makes us bad imitators of Alien God worshippers from many thousands of years ago? My Sith are stronger with minds of their own than controlled by one single person clinging to whatever threads of relevance they could. Not to be taken wrong, I like[d] Ivan. But his prime was long since gone, as was his desire. He was going through hollow motions when he was able to find the time with no real goal other than to make drones in his likeness. But again, this has nothing to do with this war - or about when this will end. Just another one of your feeble attempts to try and stick us with the pointy end. Your Needle is dull and far from the mark.
  10. Pre-Legion War internal incidences mean nothing here and now; !@#$ - both Krunk and Chron still had nations and were active (and part of his little regime) it was so far back. Couldn't care much about your belief of incidences either.
  11. The only thing stilled owed in debt, is towards your interference and attempts to bring war to my doorstep. A Sith Emperor always pays his debts. I struck down Moldavi himself when he attempted as such.
  12. "Enacted when requested" I said. This would be within the same war of course. If it's after the war/situation where the alliance needed defensive assistance from their ally then they're enacting an oA to hit that alliance together. That's not defensive. Basically, any day from Day 1 to Day 99999 of war, the treaty could be enacted. After Day 99999, no. Grudges and effectiveness are relative.
  13. I believe the general response from your side would be "these tears are delicious" ..
  14. A defensive treaty should be enacted when requested. Whether it be the day of, the day after or months later - it's still in the interests of the agreement between the mutually relevant parties. The M stands for Mutual now afterall, not Mandatory like it used to (as Stewie points out). The big part of these situations is unrelated to the treaty itself, it's how the situation is presented that causes the next set of happenings - and whether your decision is globally/internationally accepted. Granted, for the most part, you shouldn't be concerned of the so-called peanut gallery as long as you're not manufacturing bullshit for your cause.
  15. Don't even bother, taking the time to reply to him is more tedious and frustrating than chasing your 4 mth old puppy around the house trying to get it to stop peeing everywhere. Eventually someone will catch up, and he'll get that swift boot across his ass that will remind him to sit and wait his turn at the door next time. Indeed - if Pacifica concedes to this attempt at bullying now, how many other times are you going to be subjected to such treatment for enacting a treaty? Where and when will it stop? Will you ever be allowed to honour a treaty again? Will other alliances be bullied as such [as in, more so than the claimed "target", their friend they're defending] for honouring a treaty?
  16. Well, to expand it out a little more and give some context -- the offer that was brought to Farrin from Dajobo came after quite lengthy period of waiting for it to given to us 'officially' because no one wanted to take point over there apparently. And so we had already had that time from when we were backroom-informed of the terms to discuss them among ourselves; and Dajobo ended that discussion with Farrin without giving him much more room to speak, just a simple 'go talk to your allies' and no real interest in further discussion ..
  17. Good, as it should be - I was clarifying the assertion of "they are extending the duration of the conflict and scuttling an existing peace process".
  18. hahahah - yeah that's just fucking rich .. Wow .. Xiphy wants limelight with .. our coalition? Or with yours? ... Or - perhaps it's just about their ally? They don't give two shits about the majority of either coaltiion or anyone else. Are you also asserting that peace for NPO will now be held off longer since GOD is defending one of their allies whom y'all attacked?
  19. Stick with what you know, don't stray into unknown waters.
  20. I don't know what else to report it as but a glitch .. Tournament Edition: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000100 [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  21. Admin almighty, I shouldn't have smoked a bong before reading that. I can't shake this paranoid feeling now.
  22. I don't see a failing coalition over here. Every war starts somewhere, we were just an excuse for the start of this one.
  23. We know it's a difficult concept for you to grasp, but this is exactly what is happening here. Except to the displeasure of your coalition, it's the 'others' that are taking that step back advocating the interests of the 'alliance' at question.
  24. I'm quite aware. Keep chasing me around, you might catch me.
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