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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Yes, because winning a downdeclare in the <10k range is truly something to brag about. :v: (you might be one of the 'several wars' I mentioned where I got my ass handed to me, just maybe I might give you that credit ... You brought another downdeclarer along with you, of course - wasn't just you I "rolled over" for .. )
  2. Wow - you really stated he turtling in this war with me?? Did you just get that from me already saying it? Or did you look at his nation first to be all s.m.r.t. and edumacated?
  3. I accomplished what I came here for already. Gotta keep tipping that global stability so Tywin has a reason to stick around.
  4. [OOC - why does every damn thread always have to go OOC? No wonder there's no !@#$@#$ fun on the OWF .... geez .. And 'kiddo'? Have you any clue? Keep it IC for at least one full exchange of 'words' in the damn game, this is what we're here for .. And drop the OOC 'angry' attacks, it's a GAME. PLAY IT. We're not all passive GPA'ers in-game, and it sure doesn't mean anything about who the player behind 'Rayvon' is, who you seem to wanna make everything about instead of being about 'Rayvon' .... You managed to send CMs and read the messages though, so that kinda blows that 'no access' out of the water ...] Feel bad? I got my ass handed to me in several battles. Smontag, surprisingly of all people, put me through the ringer. Yet, here I stand ready and willing. Difference between the Kindred and the Burbanks, the Kindred have a strong resolve and don't give up on their brothers. Take a breather and jump straight back into the fire. I've had my slots filled with down-declares for the first month and a half of the war and randomly throughout the rest of it. My ~$400m I started the war with - spied away in the first couple weeks [ooc: that spy attack is a bit strong, I think but lol]. Look at my aid screens. I've fought more than 17 wars. And no, I haven't spent 'half this war' in PM, 5-7 days at a time and I've been in 3 times this war. That's, using the high 7, approximately 21 days out of over 80 days of war. Edit for your edit: I declared on the 17th and then bought soldiers/tanks .. Those lines are pretty damn close for the previous few days for being 'double your NS' - not till I started putting you down did I get to twice your strength .. And if you had of bought back instead of just CM'ing then the difference wouldn't be so big. That's your doing, not mine.
  5. They are! .. Till they grow up :ehm:
  6. Blah blah blah excuses .. Y'all are great at making them ..
  7. Down declare lol .. we were separated by a few hundred NS and 60 infra ... I'm such a beast .. Besides, who's bragging? This is called a call-out .. if he ran his army like he runs his mouth he should cakewalk over me and this wouldn't be necessary. He had more money than me when i hit him too.
  8. Run a big game with your mouth, but you turtled instantly when I hit you? From what I understand from others I've talked to - you've done the same fighting them. Man up. :popcorn: Or perhaps you need a skirt for your cheerleading? No worries, the Kindred aren't terribly inhumane - even under the guidance of the Dark Force. We've saved one of your young. We hope to learn much.
  9. I get a free offensive slot tomorrow! Coal! Coal for all your children!
  10. There's a 'g' missing for that US, but you've already been displaying a marvellous understanding of Engrish all day so I'll let that one pass ..
  11. FFS STOP the [ooc]OOC bullshit[/ooc].. Rey - enough.
  12. Rayvon

    Pacifica Sphere

    Seconded. This is way too dumbed down and stripped to be of any relevance.
  13. Just fucking stop already. God damn. You haven't a damn clue of what you're talking about, you don't know anything about a single party involved. I took it to PM and out of the thread for a reason. STOP.
  14. Edit: Sent to PM with a big '$%&@ you' attached Let's not forget, POT and Symphony were both born of Viridians who left specifically because of [i]you, Goldie.[/i]
  15. Never without incident, good to see this done.
  16. I'm not talking [OOC]OOC[/OOC]. I'm talking about me, Rayvon. On the 'big boards' and in varied political arenas [see: IRC, embassies, etc] [OOC: Ever since Impero and Goldie decided to be pieces of shit OOC when I was last Viridian, my entire OOC has been completely separated from 'Rayvon' - I'm here to play a game like everyone else; He's chasing around 'Rayvon', I'm not making OOC accusations against him]
  17. Aww because I play a little role on the big boards? Those who matter, know me better. In situations where it's required, they get to know me better and see a different side of me. The fact that you're upset over the way I act on a global stage, worries me none. You mean nothing in this global scape, and I'll never meet you any where of consequence where you'll see me. You chase me around with all these attempts at defamation like I'm the only brash and outspoken personality around. Just !@#$@#$ give it up already. It's a whale you're not gonna catch.
  18. Yup you got me pegged, don't ya. You know everything about what I say and who I say it to? Bloody genius, ain't ya? Aww woops losing control. *ohmmmm* Center. Ok better. Respect gets given where it's due; Tywin was given it when we first met, he quickly eroded it. You, aren't much better anymore either.
  19. Aww oh noez I swearsesed again and offended your pwetty wittle sensitive ears. I so bads. Read back through my last how many posts? I told you, quit chasing me around - you can't catch me. ( Here - I'll help you .... http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&section=search&do=search&fromsearch=1 )
  20. Think you're Ivan or something? Don't be such a fucking pussy and buy some infra if you're gonna sit here and talk.
  21. Aye this - unless we're gonna focus on Tywin instead :ehm: Buckaroo was fun cause he kept coming back, even if he was dense as shit.
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