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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. The so-called "rage-quit" There's been multiple conversations since this.
  2. Hacks. Smurf always knows what he's talking about.
  3. NPO's behaviour was to defend NSO when we were attacked. Everything beyond that was of Polar Coalition volition.
  4. The Body Republic =/= Equilibrium Coalition And again, does this mean that Yeru shall be held solely responsible in the coming months for any fallout from this war that may befall any alliance on their side?
  5. That's because they've been in PM since the war started and all the targets they could have come down went down without them. The whole extended PM deal, as one example, was Dajobo's idea - but Yeru is the one who's presenting/speaking everything for that coalition to Farrin. Should Yeru bear the brunt of everything that happens next war due to his speaking position? This isn't Sparta, the messenger isn't solely responsible for their words - the source is just as responsible.
  6. The only debacle here is your posting. As for your exchange with Lysergide, it has nothing to do with explaining the leap in what Hereno said to what you apparently read; from 'dreadful they made an appearance' to mean 'they're bursting at the seams with unsavory players' .. It's quite an acrobatic leap. Granted not the biggest leap I've seen in my short 8 years here as a new player.
  7. Neither exactly, but partially the first.
  8. Heh. That was bad, but so funny.
  9. Every single alliance must adhere to the exact same methods of growth and organization? There can be zero deviance from any alliance in their methods and activities? Conform Pacifica. Be like everyone else.
  10. You're going down this road to gauge intelligence? .............
  11. That was quite a jump from what he said to what you read, Spartan.
  12. Heh - we're in the TE forums, it's SurenGal speaking here :P Wow - poop on a few windows and suddenly the entire community is on a bird hunt. Hitting the top end nations of an alliance that largely outnumbers us, logically means that our larger nations are going down with them into a larger pool of small nations to fill our d slots. Putting ourselves into the ringer, so to speak. Your younger nations, look at the funds you have to keep your nation afloat above our 20+ day nations who are nearing bill lock. All we have going for us is momentum and the fuel your tears are filling our rattled tanks and hole-filled planes with.
  13. Wow when do the OOC attacks end? Can a single one of you get through a joke/IC/fun thread without attacking a player rather than their character? :facepalm:
  14. Reductio ad absurdum A good try though.
  15. lol - you just quoted me talking about a lack of insolence in PMs, about discussing with your gov members about getting you silenced (something they wanted as much as I did) and then you ask if the posturing remained only in those PMs .. I think you missed a dot .. If you wish to discuss posturing over you personally? Sure. I'm sure somewhere around I have, and I will again. You'll get your turn. If you ever build your nation. Oh wow - and your in a thread talkin smack where it's titled 'all talk no walk' .. Take a walk, son.
  16. The posturing was in your head -- if you're still trying to talk about me posturing over HB ... After what you just quoted ..
  17. HB was never in danger. My discussion with Kesselring was merely regarding you, and there was no insolence between us. In fact, other parts of HB government was so concerned about your negligence in action that they also contacted me - without insolence in either direction - looking for information to have you silenced by your King (which did happen, that you were given muzzle orders). So that you had no fear for HB, is quite fine.
  18. "I hate to be ignored with the hopes said issues will just 'go away', I've started (and finished and won) two wars over it (OV-USA and NSO-Kaskus)." That's not chest-thumping. Nor is it non-factual. OV-USA war, one of their nations rogued one of ours. Tarikmo told me straight up, he hoped if he didn't respond I'd go away. I didn't. And OV-VE kicked USA's ass. NSO-Kaskus war, they played the ignoring game hardcore provoking (and later admitting) they just wanted war. They got it. NSO and co won. And I wasn't pleased with the 10-11 days I had been waiting for a response (shit, for the message to be read) from HB government at the time. It is pretty hilarious too, isn't it?
  19. Oh yeah - so butthurt that he's turtled and I have to come here and call on him. It is a pain in the ass to do .. That was quite hilarious.
  20. We've got our war. And we aren't feeling bad about how things are right now. :)
  21. I claimed no such thing. Whether i talked to one, five or all 17 of his dance partners, or whether i talked to 'a good portion' or 'a small portion' of them i did not claim. Only that others said the same. Facts you can live by.
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