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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Looking in the thread, the one's who have posted have all been with us since at least October (earlier in October than war start) .. Others for years ..
  2. Get over yourself, that was a response to Tywin. The italicizing of 'party' was to visually imply a double entendre of sorts towards the ROP. And the dick comment was towards the lack of surrenders in the thread that Caliph was complaining about. Again, get over yourself.
  3. So then Fark must wave their dicks to prove something? If you wanna tantrum over my government removing you from our forums for your posting, then keep it in my PMs where I can ignore it and you won't annoy the rest of CN. No one here cares we removed you, we don't care. You were given opportunity to visit as we welcome all, but [url=http://i.imgur.com/QYoWI88.png]when you're making such posts and declaring such intent[/url], they're not likely to be too keen to put up with you. 17 posts, must be some kind of record though. Even Tywin made more than that before we booted him.
  4. I copied the Oct 31, 2013 - Feb 6, 2014 stats on to ours boards, some of my guys think their numbers are inaccurate.
  5. Not everyone needs to wave around their dick to prove they were a part of the winning side of the war, sometimes the history books are good enough.
  6. OP sneak edit: added Kashmir defeat notice to Paradox :psyduck:
  7. Defeat is relative. Peace is a lie. We lost this war. We'll see where the next party pops up.
  8. New Sith Order hereby admits defeat at the hands of The New Polar Order. /s/ New Polar Order Emperor - Dajobo Imperial Regent - EaTeMuP Imperial Liaison - Quantum Leap Minister of Peace - Vindicator Minister of Truth - WarGod0001 Minister of Plenty - Mompson Minister of Love - sounion Deputy Minister of Peace - Lestat Deputy Minister of Truth - King Ryan IV Deputy Minister of Love - Irish Republic Deputy Minister of Plenty - Bleeker For the New Sith Order: Rayvon Emperor KirstenMichelle Dark Lord Hereno Sith Lord Adolph Mussolini Sith Lord [hr] New Sith Order hereby admits defeat at the hands of The Order Of Paradox. /s/ Signed for The Order of the Paradox, Centurius, Grandmaster iamthey, Grand Chancellor Salajol, Grand Hospitaller For the New Sith Order: Rayvon Emperor KirstenMichelle Dark Lord Hereno Sith Lord Adolph Mussolini Sith Lord [hr] The New Sith Order and Farkistan agree to white peace. /s/ Signed for Farkistan: 905 - Submitter Mr. Vicarious - Squirrel One_Eighty_Two - Speaker of the TotalFark Council Cable77 - TotalFark Council Stargatesg1 - TotalFark Council Rampage3 - TotalFark Council Rollo Gigante - TotalFark Council For the New Sith Order: Rayvon Emperor KirstenMichelle Dark Lord Hereno Sith Lord Adolph Mussolini Sith Lord [hr] Kushmir admits defeat at the hands of The Order Of Paradox. /s/ Signed for The Order of the Paradox, Centurius, Grandmaster iamthey, Grand Chancellor Salajol, Grand Hospitaller Kashmir consents.
  9. Our coalition can not have a coalition close, we must have a 'fronts close' situation per Polar Coalition. Neither we nor Polar Coalition need to confirm anything with Pacifica, Pacifica is in limbo per their agreement with Polar Coalition awaiting Polar and co to close out all the other fronts. Where you feel or understand that Pacifica must sign off on all the rest our treatises, I don't know. I have no issues closing out without NoR, correct. We're on a font-by-front basis as per the rules of engagement laid out by Polar Coalition. Our loyalty in that part of the circle is to NG, not to NoR. As long as my decisions in that regard are contented by NG, then all is well. What happens there, is for the NG-NoR relationship. I'm not calling any animosity towards Polar Coalition on this waiting (yet - as I said, I don't know their reasons yet, they've not been communicated and I'm not a mind-reader), I'm just pointing out it's not all on our side of the fence.
  10. The 'Export for Forum View' button didn't work for me, but otherwise awesome :awesome:
  11. You have my lightsaber :awesome: Good good, start the back-peddling now to save face for when you don't step up and do shit but run your mouth in your little affiliation.
  12. I've been waiting four days for "paperwork" from Dajobo, we've got two of our three fronts agreed upon already pending Polar signatures. So there's one at least that Polar is currently holding up (for whatever reasons are their own, I don't know them - I'm just saying it's not [i]all[/i] on this side). Are you guys communicating over there? Between Goldie not knowing the terms that are being agreed to and Sengoku not knowing that your coalition has one or two pieces of responsibility still.
  13. *shrugs* My preferences and your preferences have nothing to do with NoR's preferences. They're not connected to NSO except through NG, so it's of no real concern to me. I just pointed out the terminology used in the agreement with NPO.
  14. I have two agreements already in place. One is for White Peace, one is for an Admission of Defeat. The third, I'm still waiting for the desired vernacular. I wasn't trying to make any point except to correct an oversight, but I suppose if you want to find a point in there somewhere - it's that you are wrong, again.
  15. Well so far, only 1 of 3 is looking for an admission of defeat. None of the three of have asked for a surrender -- unless you want to argue semantics of 'admission of defeat' versus 'surrender' to make your point.
  16. Sounds eerily familiar, just slip in Sith references for Vox.
  17. Suffice to say you've proven you cats got more than nine lives :P Congrats
  18. Hey - I got over 100k casualties in 28 haha :gun:
  19. We's been trying to in a couple threads but you's been derailing them everywheres. If you're about done, as am I. "If you know what's good for you."
  20. Is it? In every thread, right? You don't like it?
  21. Rawr - no Hodor next round, maybe I'll get those top spots in 29 Ho ho ho (also the 'G' is capital lol - SurenGal)
  22. Blah blah blah - figure out a way to get yourself inside and fix all our "problems" or shut the $%&@ up and quit bringing me up all the time. New Sith Order is not some little red heaven you wish it to be, we're the alliance we wish it to be. We're far !@#$@#$ stronger than anything you could begin to fathom. You hadbut a mere peep through a !@#$@#$ window and think you know the full story. We are not the IAA, we are not gonna fall apart under !@#$%* and incompetent leadership.
  23. If the consequences of posting around you is that you'll keep posting, I'm putting every freaking Sith in a muzzle. Fuck having to read your shit over and over. Please stay the hell out of our thread when it goes up if this is the nonsense you plan to bring to it, a request I'll take right to your very top if necessary. Just, shut up already.
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