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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Lose adolescents? Sure, they grow up eventually though i don't think we had many to begin with. What are you trying to say? Oh i know, even if it means ignoring facts to avoid fighting "for" us. Because, you know, your treaty partners you shit on in Pacifica in that last war had zero to do with the build-up to that last war while you sucked hard on the NSO-is-the-sole-cause propaganda teet they had bared. At least you showed up for that war unlike our last as allies where you avoided fighting for us by trying to sign treaties with the enemy.
  2. Don't worry, they'll make their token appearance and you won't hear from them again.
  3. Suddenly being LoSS government is a cold and uncomfortable seat ..... lol
  4. And then your tune will change to how destabilizing they were and how they were false "leaders" .. Just tell us the quickest way to shut you up. Treateies and hegemonies don't matter without this.
  5. I suggest nothing of the sort. :| (But if you PZI him I will too -- for scientific purposes and higher education of course :awesome: )
  6. As long as they don't PZI him he'll white knight their "ideology" as the ultimate arbiter of stability till his lips turn brown.
  7. Looks like a semi-well coordinated "mistake" .. NalkorKochi hit TJack Nickkk also hit TJack, and bold ruler Attean02 hit bold ruler and Criminal mannx hit bold ruler
  8. Obviously you're smelling your upper lip and confusing it with your ass. Pull your head out a little more and you'll find your asshole again.
  9. The fuck are you on about? That's a link to my Declare War screen.
  10. North Pole is this way. Bring a friend.
  11. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b0ftfKFEJg]Ah hmm[/url]
  12. What the hell? At least make it worth our while.
  13. lol Acid, yung. Seriously. You two really need to take off the tear goggles. They're blurring your vision worse than beer goggles. WD and OP are friends. We get along. We don't whine, we don't complain. We're up front and honest with each other. This makes it easy to work together. This doesn't make OP government my or my fellow Dove's boss. Nor does it make our gov their memberships boss. Simple matter of a fact, if you all stopped with the crying and just had some fun - a lot of this 'rivalry' shit wouldn't be so bad. The problem is you keep instigating and pro-longing events. Like this: "I moved on, you haven't. I am gonna sit here and call you out though and aggravate you --- but I moved on so you should" Get over it. Simple. Have fun, and don't doddle over the thought.
  14. No one is pushing Misfits to disbandment. No one is pushing any one to disbandment. Misfits troubles within Misfits are because of decisions made within Misfits. The wars against Misfits are in part because of decisions by Misfits. Don't play the victim card.
  15. Them .. Us ... What's the difference? .. Apparently, "no difference." Yung, that's your own member you're quoting that claimed it's because of Paul('s bullying). Paul did not claim they left because of him. No one even attempted to take any credit for them leaving, all the credit is well within the Misfit's own camp. You should go back to avoiding the forums, seems to be better for your position.
  16. You know, you should really ease up on the use of that word 'bully' .. You're really botching up the meaning of it with every tear you spill on it. Obviously it wasn't a 100% unanimous 'yes' to hit WD; sure you may have had a majority 'yes' - but clearly voting is still being done with feet instead of voice.
  17. I didn't miss that point about that - I don't think anyone has even argued it although you keep defending it like it's on trial. But you definitely missed mine. Unless you're admitting that you attempted to stab OP in the back; I was referencing your movement on the Doves. Either way, as Paul says, clearly not all your members feel the way you say when a quarter of your alliance deserted you in the middle of your war.
  18. I never heard of an oA until Tywin founded NSO.
  19. They declared on Day 5 of 9 on the 'winning' side. Clearly they're a primary.
  20. Null vote. Would rather vote on a thread about FAN hitting UCR.
  21. I approve. Congrats my friends, a fine treaty.
  22. The only people who need to complain are those poor members of Misfits - the one's who haven't already quit the affiliation - that are being beaten on to the point they're refusing to fight back. All because their fearless, tactful and most importantly intelligent leader decided to pull a bitch move and try to stab them into someone's back while they weren't looking. I think it's safe to say Misfits are about done for the round. See you in r30.
  23. Friendship .. Secret treaty ... What's the difference? Oh yeah - for the first; you usually need to not be such a whiny, annoying bitch. That's right. Almost forgot that nifty little difference.
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