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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. I pulled this off RI5 for some breakdown .. 54k infra over the last 2 days as well, looks like some coinciding infra jumps (maybe??) and some land, but the land obviously won't affect NS at all .. Edit: err - 2 updates, looks like there's two updates there for May 19; early and late day ..
  2. You should probably be the first to take your own advice, stop stepping up and slamming everything into faces. It's rather unbecoming and not resembling goodwill towards actually letting it die ..... In which case you would stuff it and let it die ....
  3. Heh - [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/121610-non-grata-its-time-for-you-for-fun/?p=3255573]slightly[/url] .. Why the edit? Couldn't be slightly friendly in the wake of your Lord being a dick? You and I were friends once upon a time, he's never known me beyond hear-say before ever opening his mouth about me. I am well, thanks for *almost* asking.
  4. Aw glad to know you still look my way too pumpkin. I miss you. This is why the Sith will never die, even when we draw into silence and leave others alone - we are still able to take focus away from a thread to be the bigger deal. We're implanted in your heads, deeper than an idea.
  5. He was talking about the challenge system, he's a few posts behind still. Can't you smell the eggs burning?
  6. Considering the names on the list, I'm not surprised you'd be leading the poll ... You, Furq, Holton, Shirunei and Rota ... Furq already recently tried and was denied (revolving door shut after his 3rd or 4th attempt), Holton just left for his 2nd-3rd-4th?-last time ... Rota and Shirunei, well that's just obvious they won't be back (after so long of no contact, and with no reason to suggest it, I'm not even sure how Sherry got added to that list even in the jest the entire poll was intended in -- granted it's also in our Poll of the Day forum for the sake of clarity on it's spamminess) ... heh
  7. I've received all of 5 phone calls today, that's not even a call an hour -- boredom is the only item on the menu. They're just appetizers. In all seriousness, neither of them could make it through the front door - even by force - let alone climb the ranks and take leadership. And, as you know, nothings 'given' in NSO - only earned. Holton (or was it Furq?? lol - drawing a half blank) learned that the hard way losing a challenge to Empty Seat ...
  8. So make it happen, buttercup. Go find someone to use and manipulate - because we all know you're 'just a piece of paper in the wind alone' - and bring the forces down upon us. Test our strength.
  9. HAHAHA - you were too !@#$@#$ weak to even survive ambassadorship to my Sith, let alone to attempt residency and to take my lead of them. Your only strength, and the strength of our 'former greatness' is ignorance. We're beyond that, stronger than that. A more cohesive internal unit than you are capable of wielding. Silence does not equate to weakness, nor does it signal a lack of desire.
  10. If either of us wanted to fight, it'd take more than "stealing" an unregistered channel (because clearly we cared oh so much about that channel and used it so frequently that MI6 knew they'd be slapping us in the face and pissing on our mothers) .. That's not an act of war, or an attempt to pick a melee fight. And lolHolton - what happened there wasn't "poaching" .. Clearly you know so well what's going on Rota. They have some people we really don't like, we have some people they really don't like. That's as far as it goes. In all your bravado and attempts to shit on me and NSO, you're missing some key points to "having fun" ...
  11. lol - did you have a point to make? Or just speaking to hear yourself? I don't believe either of us have challenged the other. We exchange words, but your precious global stability is in safe in our hands passing between each other like a hot potato.
  12. The path to the Dark Side is full of many surprises, let your hatred fill you. Consume you. Burn you. Rebirth you. Take root in your passions, take strength from your desires. Question not, but follow the path before you.
  13. Yeah - and who are you gonna run to to fight your battle next time you don't like something?
  14. I know, right? They should have brought someone else along.
  15. Ummm no. It wasn't "proven" ... They had symbols that, in the wrong context as Rey says, CAN definitely be categorized as Nazi -- but the main issue that Norway had, was that their national anthem was being used in conjunction with the questionable imagery. ... Hurt pride mixed with their poor intelligence (the military branch, not calling the entire nation idiots) they thought it was an legitimate Nazi cell forming behind this imagery (rather than just a group of like-minded Nazi individuals and non-Nazi individuals improperly and inappropriately utilizing real life content in an online role play game).
  16. So grow some tits, be a woman and get out from under Tela's skirt. Blowhard coward. Trying to drag them in to protect yourself from your own actions - Tela told you she won't play world police for you.
  17. Sure thing, have at it .. Chalk it full of misinformation just like the first part ..
  18. "Was" is the key word (and also irrelevant 'where' he was - his actions were his not his alliances), till he got kicked out for his bullshit around that situation. And Rey remained with us, Tywin's "hard work" of brokering someone else to do work for him under promise of payment failed and no money moved. Tywin failed on all accounts in that matter, nothing he ventured to do had any success. He lost.
  19. Obsessed much? Of his unethical behaviours before and after this event - this isn't one of them. Get over it. You lost.
  20. I think for the most part, it is so ... I've often told many to come visit us and find out for themselves just exactly what we're like as a whole .. We have a vast array of personalities and a much higher activity level than my single presence on the OWF appears.
  21. Indeed - you know me oh so well, about as well as anything else you know in this world of ours. By the way, ummmm .. While you're ass is audibly leaking again, to which way did I embarrass myself here in this situation in which I have zero involvement? But alas .. At least I am capable of having an affect over the international community [in the almost 3 years I've spent in stable and consistent Emperorship of NSO] rather than being a gnat buzzing around the power structures in jealousy and awe. edit: almost/over
  22. I thought it was the lack of motion
  23. lol ... Uh .. Huh ... Alrighty .. Then ... :facepalm: You're drinking too much of your own koolaid.
  24. You mean you reached deep, deep into your ass to find that little spot your brain stores memory and logic, and you reviewed history - and you saw that after every global war comes a period of global stability - and you laid claim to the very words of prediction?
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