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Everything posted by Rayvon

  1. Is this where he realizes how alone he really is after all the bluster of how much more powerful than Little Rey-Rey he is? Seems his sails have lost a ton of steam and his ship its deck ..
  2. Hakai piper packed a pipe of peppered pipers
  3. Reading that out-of-context [ie. outside the fact his name is Genius], sounds absolutely oozing with sarcasm lol
  4. So then why are you trying to use Rey as a negotiating token as well?
  5. I don't even wanna leave this here - someone more appreciative might serve these better, I just had a momentary spurt of inspiration ..
  6. They're an alliance - you're an individual [highly unlikely stone's gonna be of any use to you, and those other two? lol] ... With lots of nations to help rebuild them ... With lots of friendly alliances to help rebuild them ... I personally have several nations ready at a hat drop to bring them back up .... What severe damages you're believing you're doing to them - will be rebuilt before you can even finish calculating the damages ..
  7. You're still far over-arching your self-worth if you think they're being "drug down" by you over him ... I assure you, they're in a far better place than yourself.
  8. No one's more worried about us than you .. I think you should worry more about your obsession with Rey and less about us .. Clearly he's on your mind pretty heavy .. We're ok. Don't worry about us. Just take your meds, lay back and be silent.
  9. Glad to be of service lol I'm at work without photoshop access for another 5 minutes ... That's the best I could do .. Though my ego is still tender after Malkavian's flag thread yesterday, I'm not sure I could do any better till that heals ...
  10. lol you're cute when you're flustered.
  11. lol again I think you're responding without reading ... And I think you've missed a lot of our actions if you think we're "afraid" of larger entities?? Not sure what this has to do with offering help to the kid ... Trying to stop him from getting more people irked at him .. He has $%&@ed up a lot already, this isn't talking !@#$ - it's saying the same thing everyone who's been watching him on the forums will tell you .. Go ahead and put that blame on my shoulders though, I can handle it. Digital weight is weightless when I step away from the monitor. I haven't tried to talk him out of it this time or his other attempts to form one, I'm still trying to offer him support to go ahead with it and still insisting he'd get more learning from joining an alliance; so your entire second line there makes no sense .. If you think asking him why anyone should join him after his tirades is trying to stop him from doing anything, then uhhhh ... Ok ...
  12. hahaha oh god .. Oh alright, troll away .. I guess this is actually You then and not "FoxFire" considering your stance on that IC-type of posting here in OOC-land .. I'll keep that in mind if our paths should ever cross off the OWF .. In-character, at least NSO is consistent/upfront/honest in our gameplay .. Out-of-character, we're all just trying to pass life's time and make the game enjoyable for each other just like every other alliance out there .. The kid isn't gonna get this thing off the ground and even be able to make use of any flag if someone isn't still willing to stick their neck out for him, and he's not going to get to enjoy whatever he attempts to do when he gets himself involved with people trying to manipulate him for PR gains ..
  13. You're so right. I'm so sorry. I rescind my offer for help. I'll let him continue to flounder around aimlessly and cross people multiple times. And I'll stand back and just watch it happen, and do nothing. Then I'll be contributing to helping the community last ....... owait ...... Then when another nation leaves this world, I'll say the same thing I say every time .............
  14. Are you even reading before you start responding? Your excessive, uncharacteristic slur of typo's suggests a degree of frustration.
  15. I know, I'm such an !@#$%^& for offering help and habitually posting in-character in the OOC forum .. There's no IC in OOC room .. :frantic: Anyways - as I was saying, despite his past !@#$%^&* of throwing past help in one's face -- there's still some out there willing to help out the noob (who aren't looking to manipulate him) if he's still intent on continually running into the exact same wall ...
  16. Rota is 8 days into UPN ... Tywin still in LoSS ..
  17. I can read just fine, but because you make a demand on the OWF it doesn't mean it will be adhered to, you spent a couple too many days around Methrage. Consider that a freebie. Especially from someone who might even consider giving you protection ....... Even if only for their own sheer amusement in spite of the way you threw past attempts to help you in their face .. N---------------------- N| I | N| am a | N | wavey | N| flag on | N | a pole | N--------------------- N N N
  18. Imagine what would have happened if you joined an alliance first to learn where to start without tarnishing your name ...... Who would [i]want[/i] to join you?
  19. I'd consider most of those actually signing with people we developed relationships with; most of which still continue in one form or another still. We didn't cozy up and treaty any of them for security though, nor was it "to be on the winning side" (as obvioused in your remark about how we seem to lose so much) .. We aren't out looking for the biggest kid in the sandbox and buying off his surrounding friends .. Ordo Verde was not the cause of Karma, that is still !@#$%^&* IMO .. Those accusations of accepting the screenshot started against me from Momma Woody and TORN prior to [RL snatching me up suddenly from the world] and the accusations inherited into my Deputy MoFA Seth's lap as the one accepting them while someone else looked to be the 'cause' of Karma .. Whether or not he did receive any, I've still never got clarification since returning - but I know I was being accused before he was which puts a different light on the fact that someone is turning around offering/accusing him .. But I'll digress on that ancient topic ..
  20. So for all the bravado Cockrage is throwing around here about how his nation can be rebuilt and immortal, but Rey's nation is being so utterly destroyed and yada yada yada ..... Are you forgetting where you mentioned a couple pages ago in surprise that Rey has friends too? Do you not realize this means his nation is just as .... "Immortal" ... As yours?
  21. Rayvon


    You're better off finding just an ankh and doing the work into it, it's what I did .. Might have to search for an high def ankh though if the one I have isn't good enough lol I started here .. I spent enough time doing what I did from that, if you can do something to make her happy from it .............
  22. They can't really suffer if they aren't active, so at least you've got something straight out of this mess ...
  23. I think you might have had to contend with Founder Junkalunka on that one :awesome: My greed lol ... How little you know .. Keep swinging for that fence ... Between NSO, Kashmir, LPH and more - maybe somewhere you'll get your homer ... Or at least a ground rule double ..
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